Yun Che shrugged, then walked to the long table surrounded by the Avengers, raised his hand, and used the ability to control molecules he had obtained from Ava earlier.

In an instant, there was a burst of phantom flickering.

The long table cracked open, revealing the hidden bomb that had been destroyed by the influence of molecules!

"This is?!"

Seeing this, Tony, Steve and the others immediately jumped up from their chairs, stunned.


A bomb hidden under their desk!

Such a short distance, once it explodes, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Except for Thor, who is a god, and Banner, who owns the Hulk, I am afraid that everyone else will die or be injured!

"You think this is over?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and smiled, then picked up the scrapped bomb and took it apart, revealing the red liquid flowing inside!

"This is......"

"Pym particles that control the size of matter!"

The sharp-eyed Tony frowned, and instantly recognized what the red liquid flowing inside the bomb was.

"That's right, Pym particles that can control the size of matter!"

"Deadpool's plan is to use Pym particles to amplify and activate the bomb hidden under the table, so as to kill everyone except Thor and Banner!"

The corner of Yun Che's mouth curled up slightly, revealing Deadpool's actions.

As for why he would know this?

Hehe, isn't that how it is drawn in the comics!

"In other words, we just escaped from the scythe of death!"

Steve was covered in cold sweat, and murmured with some fear.

You must know that, except for Thor and Banner, the rest of them are still in the category of ordinary people, and they simply cannot bear the consequences of the explosion with their bodies alone.

Moreover, the distance of the bomb is close, if it is magnified by Pym particles...

I'm afraid it's a direct boom, the building will fall, and everyone will be wiped out!

".~Insidious...too insidious!"

Tony was so angry that he blew his beard and stared. He could accept a glorious death in battle, but being killed by someone's slander, this f*cking pain!

"For the first time, I feel that the image of Hulk is so heroic and great..."

Banner patted his chest, took a breath and smiled.

If the bomb is really amplified and activated by Deadpool using Pym particles, Hulk will jump out of the body in an instant, take the damage for him, and save his life.

This is also the reason why he can not be killed except Thor, the god of thunder!

"How about Thor, do you still have to go to Deadpool to fight one-on-one now?"

Looking at the terrified Avengers, Yun Che raised his eyebrows, and smiled at Thor with great interest.

"Uh...he's only going to play tricks like this!"

"If you fight head-on, Deadpool will definitely not be my opponent, um, that's it!"

Swallowing (Qian Zhao Zhao) subconsciously, Thor said forcefully.

To be reasonable, he was actually scared to death just now.

Although the bomb could not pose any real threat to him even if it was magnified by Pym particles, other Avengers would die because of it, which was not what he wanted to see.

after all......

In front of Thor, he killed all his comrades-in-arms, where is the face going?

It's embarrassing, okay?

"Okay, here, Deadpool is right across the street, you can go find him now."

Yun Che shrugged his shoulders with a faint smile, then pouted towards the roof of the opposite building.

It is impossible for Deadpool not to come to the scene and watch the "feat" of killing the Avengers in person.

And in this vicinity, the only place with a clear view and suitable for observing Stark Tower is the rooftop of the building opposite!

What's more, Yun Che still sensed a special aura there.

So, to sum it up...

At this very moment, Deadpool is definitely enjoying the show there! .

Chapter 219


"Are you sure he's on the opposite side?"

Thor, who was still aggressive at first, suddenly felt like wilting when he heard the words.

Conscience of heaven and earth, he was really just bragging just now, why don't he get slapped in the face so soon!

Although I still feel that in the case of heads-up, Deadpool cannot be his opponent.

But after going through the episode just now, Thor was still a little timid.

At the very least, you can know that Deadpool is not such a waste as you think, if you have the courage to understand!

"What, cowardly?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Count? Damn! I'm God of Thunder! I'm the king of Asgard!"

"In my dictionary, the word counseling has never existed!"

Thor yelled with an unhappy face, then raised his storm axe, smashed the floor-to-ceiling windows, and rushed out towards the opposite building.

It has to be said that as the god of thunder, the god of hammer, and the god of axe, he is indeed very powerful.

However, it is also very reckless!

Just such a sentence, even a small aggressive method, he couldn't stand it.

Well, it's really Marvel's fun to go everywhere, and Asgard accounts for half of it!

"Uncle Yun Che, is this really all right?"

Tony frowned and asked with some concern.

It's not that he doesn't trust Thor's strength, but after the bomb crisis just now, he has already listed Deadpool as a first-class dangerous person in his heart.

Although the specific strength is not clear, but in terms of conspiracy and tricks, the opponent is not ordinary.

Therefore, Tony is mainly afraid that Thor, a brainless reckless man, will be killed by Deadpool!

"What are you afraid of? They are on the opposite side, and we are here."

"The distance between the two sides is not far. If something really happens, there will be time."

Yun Che shrugged indifferently.

In the comics, Deadpool takes advantage of the setting that the weapon will automatically return to his hand, uses Pym particles to enlarge the hammer, crushes Thor alive, and finally pinches his nose and suffocates to death.

Although the method of death is a bit sloppy, the process will take a certain amount of time.

With such a small distance, it is still very easy to rescue them.

It's just that Thor's weapon has been changed from a hammer to an ax now, so when the time comes, I don't know if it will change from crushing to hacking directly...

"Then what do we do now? Just look at it like this?"

Steve scratched his head and asked with some doubts.

"This way you can see the ball! Of course you have to sit down and watch!"

Yun Che waved his hand, then snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, a huge virtual projection screen appeared in front of everyone.

And the picture played on the screen is Thor in the opposite building, looking for Deadpool to fight one-on-one!

"This guy in the red tights is Deadpool? Why does he somehow look a bit like Little Peter!"

Looking at the cheap Deadpool in the picture, Tony raised his eyebrows and said.


Yun Che smiled and said nothing, more than a resemblance?

In the comics, Little Cheap and Little Spider are TM's good friends!

The kind that can't be more basic!

Moreover, in the comics, the first hero killed by Deadpool after launching the massacre plan was Spider-Man!

It can be seen from this that the depth of love is the depth of hatred!

"He confronted Thor head-on, why doesn't he seem to be afraid at all?"

"Since he wants to deal with us, he must know that the Thor he is facing at this moment is a god, right?"

Steve said with some surprise.

Judging from his seasoned experience and vicious eyes, the fighting power displayed by Deadpool on the screen should be similar to his own.

Can Mao...

Not afraid of Thor at all?

You know, the gap between mortals and gods is as huge as a gutter!

"The existence that can make Deadpool fear, probably hasn't been born yet."

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