Looking at Keisha and Tsunade, Morgana hesitated for a while, then let go of her heart and accepted the reality.

Her character was originally pure, and she couldn't accept it at first, just because of the arrogance in her heart.

Now, seeing that her two good sisters have accepted it, if she doesn't accept it, she will be out of shape!

"It's good that you can think about it, and I didn't say that you are not real."

Yun Che nodded and said with a satisfied smile.

The women in his family did not collapse because of this news, which was the warm situation he wanted to see the most.

"That... Yun Che, why do you know this?"

Wanda raised her little hand curiously, and asked nonchalantly.

And her question also attracted the attention of other women.

That's right, why did Yun Che know these things that should have been unknown?

They are curious, very curious!

"Because I come from the same world as the one who created you."

Although he was a little sensitive, Yun Che didn't shrug it off and said directly with a shrug.

Anyway, they are all their own women, so it doesn't matter if they tell them that they are time travelers.

Besides, haven't they been time-traveling all the time now, and it's all kinds of time-traveling with people!

"I see... Let me tell you, when I first met you, how did you know so many secrets that no one else knew? I dare you to know all of them!"

Morgana smiled suddenly.

When she first met Yun Che in the super god world, she felt it was very strange.

There are obviously many things that few people know about, but Yun Che, a little-known person, knows them all!

So that's what happened!

"Well... seeing you guys chatting so vigorously, I really don't want to disturb you."

"But, if you don't help, Tony and the captain will be beaten to death by Deadpool..."

Suddenly, Banner, who had been salting fish in the corner, interjected weakly.

Everyone heard the words and turned their heads to look at the battlefield.

I saw that although Deadpool was covered in blood and his clothes were in tatters, he didn't have any scars on his body. Presumably, he was restored instantly by the super healing ability.

On the other hand, Tony, Steve, and Rhodes.

The former's tattered steel suit flashed with short-circuit lightning, as if it might be scrapped at any time.

The latter's clothes and shield were somewhat incomplete, and he looked very embarrassed.

Rhodes overall is not much different.

Obviously, they were all disgusted by Deadpool's super healing ability and those two carbon steel knives!

"Why don't you help? Call Hulk out, won't you be able to hang Deadpool with a hammer?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

What's the matter with my teammates, if I don't help them myself, but tell them to go?

"Uh... Hulk drank too much last night, and he still can't wake up..."

Scratching his cheek, Banner smiled awkwardly.

Conscience of heaven and earth, when he was drinking last night, he really didn't intend to call Hulk, he ran out by himself, forcibly held a few boxes of beer, and poured it into his mouth.

As a result, it's better now, I'm drunk, when I need him.

You can't wake up even if you call TM! .

Chapter 223


Although Banner's reason is very speechless, you can't just watch Tony and the others being played to death by Deadpool, can you?


Yun Che directly used the space gem to open a portal and sent Deadpool away from Stark Tower.

Then, without saying hello to everyone, he used the space gem again and left with his three female companions in an instant.

And left Wanda and Carol behind.

The main reason is that it's useless to carry them, and secondly, Yun Che doesn't know how to get along with them.

"Uh... Where's the person?"

Taking off the mask of the steel suit, Tony asked with a rough face and a confused face.

One second he was tortured to death by Deadpool, but in the next second he disappeared, who would not be confused by this.

"It seems... was taken away by Yun Che and the others."

Sitting on the ground, Steve said weakly.

He suddenly felt that compared to facing an opponent who was stronger than himself, fighting against an opponent who was similar in combat power to him but had a super healing ability seemed more tiring!

Because the two not only fought back and forth, but the key is that the other party will not be injured!

This TM is very uncomfortable!

"Take it away? Just take it away."

"Let's leave that kind of freak to Uncle Yun Che to deal with."

Hearing this, Tony breathed a sigh of relief, and then he lay down on the ground exhausted, not wanting to move.

On the other side, Deadpool, Yun Che and his party passed through the space gem and came to a vast and uninhabited suburb.

Well, that's right, it's the suburbs again.

Yun Che seems to have a soft spot for the suburbs.

"Tch! Can't you just be a spectator honestly?"

"Why do you have to run out to make trouble every time it's critical?"

Inserting the two carbon-sodium steel knives back into the scabbard on his back, Deadpool pointed at Yun Che and said with a displeased expression.

He was really angry, obviously several times, he was able to "save" individual Avengers by just a little bit, but in the end they were all messed up at critical moments!

If it weren't for the scruples about Yun Che's status as a "viewer ~ audience".

I'm afraid Deadpool has already drawn his sword and slashed people!

"Well... Those Avengers can barely be regarded as my friends, so I can't just watch you and kill my friends."

Yun Che shrugged his shoulders, said with a faint smile, completely not taking Deadpool's anger seriously.

"Friend? You? An audience? Friends with the Avengers?"


Hearing the words, Deadpool seemed to have heard some big joke, and directly covered his belly laughing and fell to the ground.

In his opinion, the fact that Yun Che and the Avenger became friends was not only stupid, but also idiotic.

This is like the audience in the circus and the animals performing on the stage become friends.

To put it bluntly, it is ridiculous!

"I don't know if it's my illusion, I always feel that he is not laughing at the Avengers, but at me."

Scratching his head, Yun Che said to his wife in a daze.

"It's not an illusion, but he is indeed mocking you."

Rolling her eyes, Morgana said speechlessly.

"Yun Che, stop talking nonsense with him, just deal with it directly, this laughter sounds creepy!"

Tsunade shook her body and said with goosebumps.

"Well, I don't want to continue chatting with him."

Nodding his head, Yun Che planned to understand the matter.

Of course, understanding does not mean killing Deadpool, but to erase his dark personality and let the main personality return!

Yun Che still had a good impression of Xiao Jianjian, and he couldn't bear to kill him.

"What? It started from Stark Tower, after watching for so long, do you finally want to do something to me?"

Hearing the conversation between Yun Che and the others, Deadpool said calmly.

"You don't seem afraid?"

Seeing this, Yun Che couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid? The main character is also me, and I also know the truth of this world!"

"Even if you erase me, I believe that he will complete the unfinished salvation for me!"

Deadpool smiled indifferently.


"In that case, you can go with peace of mind."

When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

Then, instead of chatting with him, she directly used the power of the Soul Gem to completely erase this dark personality in an instant!

I have to say that the dark personality seems to be a bit self-aware.

Is it true that Deadpool is a BT killer just like him?

The main character of the family is a real harmless little bitch who only loves to talk about people and animals, okay!

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