Even if she also knows the truth of the world, Xiao Jianjian will only talk cheaply and occasionally interact with the audience, instead of trying to kill them all in the name of saving them!

"Is this really good? Will it leave a scourge?"

Looking at the dead waiter who entered a coma out of self-protection because of the return of the main personality, the body had difficulty adapting for a while.

Keisha said with some concern.

There is no way, Deadpool's ability to know the truth of everything is too buggy.

Without Yun Che and their help, no one in this world would be able to handle him!

"...Don't worry, it's fine."

"The master personality is different from the dark personality. I believe he will not do anything out of line."

Shrugging his shoulders indifferently, Yun Che said with a light smile:

"Then it's none of our business, just leave it to Nick Fury's black stewed egg."

In a sense, the current Nick Fury can be regarded as his own butler, or a spokesperson.

Anything I do on Earth, just leave it to him to deal with the aftermath.

Well, to put it bluntly, it is to help wipe your ass!

"Then where are we going now?"

Holding Yun Che's wrist, Keisha asked curiously.

"Of course it's out of the earth, let's go to the universe to see!"

"The Marvel world is far more interesting than we imagined!"

Raising his five fingers to the sky, Yun Che smiled expectantly.

The incident of Deadpool massacring the Marvel universe made him realize that maybe this world is not just as simple as the movie world.

(Qian Qian's) Maybe... There are some comic world interspersed in it!

In this way, this trip may be more interesting than expected!

"Hey, after hearing what you said, I suddenly want to sell the idea of ​​demons in this universe!"

Morgana smiled expectantly.

"The universe..."

"It feels much bigger than the ninja world! But it doesn't matter, anyway, I'll just follow you!"

Tsunade shrugged and smiled.

Now, her only destination is Yun Che and these sisters, wherever they are, she will be there!

"In that case..."

"Let's go! Our goal is the sea of ​​stars!"

It seems that he wants to hold this world firmly in his hands.

Yun Che clenched his fists tightly, and an incomparable aura erupted from his whole body.

He is manifesting existence.

A message to the gods of the Marvel Universe:

I, Yun Che, have come to conquer you! .

Chapter 224

On the spaceship, Yun Che and his party sat there doing nothing, drifting aimlessly in the vast universe.

They are on the way to conquer this sea of ​​stars.

As for this spaceship...

Yun Che snatched it from Thor, and Thor snatched it from Star Lord.

So it's not clear who it belongs to, anyway, it's right that it belongs to Yun Che now.

"so boring……"

"I was so domineering as I said before, and I want to conquer this sea of ​​stars, but now I'm sitting in the spaceship bored, I don't know what to do!"

Lying on the soft chair, Morgana yelled with a depressed face.

"No way, the technology in this world is a bit behind, we can only drift slowly."

Keisha comforted a little helplessly.

Reasonably speaking, the mysterious measurement power of the Marvel world is indeed stronger than that of the super god world, but if the technology is measured...

Still a lot worse!

You know, space travel is a matter of minutes in the super god world, and there is no need to drift slowly like now!

"Actually, what I'm worried about now is not the slow speed of the float, but the question of how long we will float!"

Tsunade said thoughtfully.

And heard this sentence.Including her, Keisha and Morgana also turned their heads to look at their male gods.

This problem is very important, but they can't solve it, so they can only leave it to Yun Che, because the destination of the route is set by him!


"To be honest, can I say that I don't know?"

Being stared at by his own woman made his scalp tingle, Yun Che couldn't help but scratched his head and laughed awkwardly.

"What? You don't know?"

"Then why have we wandered in the universe for so long?"

Morgana, who was already bored at first, became furious when she heard the words, and she jumped up from the soft chair.

"For the sake of the five creation gods!"

Yun Che shrugged, and said it as a matter of course.

That's right, he didn't intend to go to any civilization, but he wanted to directly find the five famous creation gods and fight them!

You know, so what if you lay down more civilizations?

Only by overthrowing the five creation gods can it be regarded as the real conquest of this sea of ​​stars!

"What about the five creation gods? Where are they?"

Morgana asked feebly, eyes full of resentment.

"I do not know either."

"Their whereabouts are unpredictable, not to mention that we are not familiar with this universe, so... we can only try our luck!"

Yun Che chuckled lightly, and said something that almost made the three girls die of anger.

Don't know the destination, can only keep wandering in the vast universe by chance?

Listen, is this TM speaking human language?

If you are unlucky, they will float in the universe for more than ten or twenty years, or even hundreds of thousands of years!

"I suddenly feel that the future is dark..."

Clutching her forehead, Keisha sighed helplessly.

And since she is so considerate, let alone the grumpy Morgana and Tsunade.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that the man in front of her was her own male god.

The two of them would really explode and strangle him to death!

"It's actually not that bad!"

"I have a hunch that it won't be long before we meet one of the five creation gods!"

Yun Che waved his hand and said with a confident smile.

So far, his premonition has never been wrong!

"All right……"

Seeing that their male gods are so swearing, what can the three of them do?

I can only obey!

Anyway, people who want to spend a lifetime together, no matter how tricked they are, they can't go anywhere!

And it seems that in order to fulfill Yun Che's premonition, they drifted for a few days after the conversation, and then...

Finally met one of the five creation gods!

It's just that he is the most outstanding one among the five gods - Swallowing Stars!

"See that guy?"

"He is the swallowing star among the five creation gods!"

Through the glass porthole of the spaceship, Yun Che pointed to the steel ugly man not far away, who was staring at a planet, and said excitedly.

Star Devourer, the full name is Galactus, or Planet Destroyer, whose real name is Garland.

Why is it said that he is the most stretched among the five creation gods?

Because he was originally born as an ordinary person, his abilities in all aspects are much weaker than other gods.

Moreover, because of the need to devour the planet all year round, it often conflicts with various superheroes in the Marvel world.

The point is, as a god, most of the time, he still can't handle it!

In addition, Tun Xing has a bad habit, that is, he likes to devour planets with life and a lot of life, so the number of times he stares at the earth can be said to be very large!

In the ancient times in the comics, he went to the earth, but was defeated by ordinary people.

Also, not only in the world of comics, Tun Xing is the weakest god, but also in the world of movies, this setting is still valid.

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