Anyone who has watched the Fantastic Four series knows that Tun Xing was killed by his own messenger in the end!

It's bullshit, right?

But this is the hard truth!

Therefore, to sum up, it is really no exaggeration to say that he is the most stretched among the five creation gods!

"That guy is one of the five creation gods?"

"What is he doing now?"

Morgana raised her eyebrows and asked curiously.

"A man lives up to his name, devouring the planet! The planet is his source of food!"

Yun Che shrugged, and said with a light smile indifferently.

Obviously, he doesn't take such a horrible thing as devouring the planet as a serious matter.

"Devouring planets for food..."

"This kind of guy, can we really win?"

Shaking his body, Tsunade asked a little timidly.

As the weakest person present and the only person who can be regarded as a human being, it is normal to feel a little scared in the face of such a terrifying existence.

"Not us, but me."

"I'm the one fighting him, you just have to watch from behind and Lue Luen will do."

After touching Tsunade's head, Yun Che comforted him with a smile.

To be reasonable, although Tun Xing is very stretched, it is also among the five creation gods.

Regardless of the sequence of the five creation gods, this guy is actually quite vigorous. After all, he is still a god!

If it was the past, Yun Che would never have thought of fighting with a god of this level.

Because that's tantamount to lighting up a lamp in the latrine, looking for shit!

But now, after devouring the six infinite gems of this world, he evolves himself.

And after absorbing many superpowers from various worlds.

He is confident that he can fight against the gods of Marvel, and has a high probability of winning!

This is the powerful strength, the self-confidence it brings, unparalleled self-confidence! .

Chapter 225

Let Kaisha and the others stay in the spaceship, Yun Che got out of the cabin alone, and quickly flew towards Tun Xing in the distance.

However, the ultra-fast flight speed did not seem to attract the attention of swallowing stars who were eyeing a planet.



Yun Che directly chose to throw an energy bomb, causing pain, ~ attracting Tun Xing's gaze!

"Damn! Who the fuck is so bold? - How dare you attack me!"

Touching his back in pain, Tun Xing turned his head unhappily.

He said that if he dared to disturb himself when he was preparing to eat, he would die!


Seeing Tun Xing looking at him, Yun Che waved his hand and greeted with a light smile.

However, what he got in return was Tun Xing's mocking and surprised eyes:

"Humans? No, it seems that humans cannot survive in the universe without equipment!"

"But... no matter how you look at it, this guy is a human from Earth!"

"Forget it, forget it, disturb me to eat, no matter if it's human or not, eat it first and then talk about it!"

After mumbling a few words to himself, Tun Xing didn't beep too much, and directly opened his bloody mouth, making a gesture to swallow Yun Che.

"You guy, you don't take me and yourself seriously..."

The corners of his speechless mouth twitched slightly, Yun Che raised his hand, used the power gem, and slapped it out fiercely.


Accompanied by a crisp sound resounding for hundreds of miles, Swallowing Stars......


who I am?where am iWhat am I going to do?

These three soul tortures kept wandering in his huge mind.

Holding his slightly bloated cheeks, he really couldn't believe that he, the mighty Galactus, one of the five creation gods, was actually slapped by someone now? !

What a disgrace!

"Fuck! Fuck you!"

After being stunned on the spot for more than ten seconds, Tun Xing flew into a rage.

"Don't fuck your uncle and my uncle!"

"I'm here to fight with you!"

Yun Che waved his hands impatiently, and said calmly.

Unexpectedly, after Tun Xing heard the words, he was so angry that he laughed back:

"You? A mere little human? Want to fight with me?"


Obviously, he forgot how he was slapped just now!

"Hey, why are some people, who are obviously not very strong, but so stupid?"

Yun Che held his forehead helplessly and smiled wryly.

The villain will not only die from talking too much, but obviously, he will also die from arrogance!

"Ahem, how about this, I, a god, don't bully you, a mortal, I just stand like this and don't fight back, let you hit me for nothing, how about it?"

It seemed that he felt that laughing like this all the time was detrimental to the majesty of God.

Tun Xing coughed twice, and said confidently and proudly.


When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Originally, facing Tun Xing, who was the hippest among the five creation gods, he was fully confident that he could defeat him.

As a result, now, the other party can still make a free move?

Isn't this dozing off to send a pillow!

The ultimate move is also a move, not to mention killing him directly, but if he is half disabled and seriously injured, there is absolutely no problem!

Well, anyway, it’s free, don’t give it for nothing!

"Of course! I'm one of the five creation gods, so I'm right!"

Nodding his head, Tun Xing said with a determined face.

"Well, if that's the case... then don't go back on your word!"

"Susano is almost sure to kill!"

Yun Che chuckled, Susanoo opened it instantly, and then threw a flying kick at Tun Xing without hesitation.

You know, this is not an ordinary flying kick, but a flying kick he engraved from the King of Time in the Knight World before. The power contained in it is not covered!


His eyes were about to burst, and Tun Xing instinctively felt the terrifying danger in this flying kick.

He wanted to fight back, to escape.

However, he himself said before that he would stand still!

Under the threat of life and the majesty of the gods, Tun Xing's mind was changing rapidly.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and chose the latter!

"MD! Isn't it just a flying kick, I'm going all out!"

With a roar, Tun Xing directly opened his chest, and his physical body resisted the flying kick!

And the result of doing so is obvious!

Accompanied by a burst of fire and lightning, he flew upside down quickly, and the huge impact force directly smashed and pierced a wandering Death Star!

"Huh ~ cool!"

After kicking and releasing Susano, Yun Che exhaled with a refreshed face.

Sure enough, in a battle, it doesn't matter which move you use, but who you hit is the most important thing!

No, although he is the hippest among the five creation gods, the feeling of kicking him away is really different!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

how to say?

just like......

Susano's almost must-kill level has been sublimated to a whole level!

"Hey! Tun Xing, are you dead? Didn't die!"

After taking a breath, Yun Che yelled loudly in the direction where Tun Xing flew backwards.

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