Although the power of that kick was indeed great, it should not be kicked to death directly.

Half disabled and seriously injured is almost the same!

"Squeeze your uncle!"

As if in response to Yun Che's shout, Tun Xing's angry voice spread instantly:

"Humble human, congratulations, TM's success pissed me off!"

What a shame, what a shame!

After running across the universe for so many years, this is the first time Tun Xing feels so aggrieved!

........ 0

"It's good if you're not dead, come on, let's keep fighting!"

After twisting the muscles and bones of his neck, Yun Che smiled excitedly.

Although he has the confidence and ability to fight against the five creation gods, he still wants to see how many layers he can reach among them!

"Give me a death!"

Tun Xing, who was already furious, became even more furious after hearing Yun Che's provocative words.

It directly turned into a stream of light, rushed towards him, and angrily swung a fist that was powerful enough to shatter stars!

"Want me to die? You are not qualified!"

Smiling excitedly, Yun Che didn't dodge or dodge, and also waved his fist, intending to head-on with Tun Xing Laibo!

Of course, this is definitely not an ordinary boxing, but a blow that contains power gems and strange power punches!

If it's normal boxing...

Ha ha, then don't want this hand!

"Fist with Lao Tzu? I'm afraid I'm courting death!"

Tun Xing gave a disdainful smile, and exerted more force. He wanted to make Yun Che die without a whole body under his punch!

Soon, their fists collided.


Accompanied by a loud noise, in an instant, an invisible wave quickly spread to the surroundings.

But all the planets that are closer to them have suffered indiscriminate disasters and are instantly destroyed by this wave!

On the spaceship on the other side, fortunately, there are two four-generation high-level gods, Kaisha and Morgana.

Otherwise, if there is only Tsunade alone.

The consequence is definitely a shipwreck!Four.

Chapter 226

In this universe-based battlefield.

After Yun Che and Tun Xing punched each other, they each took a few steps back and opened their positions.

"Yes, fighting against an opponent of this level feels different!"

Clenched his fists with endless aftertaste, Yun Che seemed a little unsatisfied.

Unlike him, Tun Xing's face is a bit gloomy:

"This kid obviously looks like a mortal, how can he be so fucking strong!"

"It hurts my hand!"

That's right, it can be seen from the thoughts in the hearts of the two of them that this fist fight, not to mention winning or losing, but Yun Che is definitely superior, and Star Swallowing is inferior!

"Boy, you are very good, I have to admit, you are indeed a strong man!"

Suppressing the shock and discomfort in his heart, Tun Xing pretended to be calm and said.

Well, losing is not losing, even if you can't win [-], you can't be cowardly in your tone!

"I know if it's strong or not, so you don't need to say it."

"However, to be honest, you are not as difficult to deal with as I imagined."

Yun Che waved his hand, and said with an indifferent smile.

And the subconscious meaning of his second sentence is that you are not as strong as I imagined!

This is undoubtedly mocking Tun Xing, tearing off his face directly, throwing it on the ground and stomping on it a few times!

"Boy, you will die quickly if you talk big!"

Sure enough, Tun Xing said with a gloomy face, and the whole person burst into a monstrous and amazing momentum.

Although his hips are pulled, in the final analysis, he is always one of the five creation gods!

"Come on! Do your best! Whoever loves you is your son!"

Regarding Tun Xing's terrifying aura, Yun Che was indifferent. Rather, the stronger the oppressive force Tun Xing erupted, the more excited he was!

"I'm more than enough to be your ancestor!"

Roaring furiously, Tun Xing waved his big hand in the air, directly controlling a distant planet, and slammed it towards Yun Che!

Whether there is life on this planet, whether it is a dead star or a living star, he doesn't care at all!

Of course, Yun Che just doesn't care!

"The person who can be my ancestor has not yet been born!"

With a sneer of disdain, Yun Che put his palms together without dodging or dodging:

"Earth Blast!"

Using countless planetary meteorites floating in the universe to form a larger spherical shape, after devouring the planet pulled by the swallowing star, without the slightest hesitation, it continued to form a complete Susanoo coherently:

"Strengthening the mountain... the power is overwhelming!"

The huge samurai sword wrapped in the properties of the power gem and the reality gem slashed out fiercely.

In an instant, the planet twice as big was broken into countless sharp meteorites, and accompanied by a powerful sword aura, it swept away towards the swallowing star!

Destructive destructive power, wide-ranging impact!

If it were someone else, unable to evade, unable to resist, it would definitely be death without a whole body!

However, for an existence at the level of swallowing stars, it is just a little troublesome!

"Damn it!! Break it for me!!!"

With a roar, Tun Xing exploded with divine power, and fiercely swung a wave fist, smashing the huge sword energy and countless meteorites in an instant!

Then without a pause, he kicked his feet without thinking, and rushed towards Yun Che:

"A humble mortal with great strength, your life... I accept it!"

In fact, Tun Xing's punch contained many factors.

The barrage caused by the two waves of battles will cause visual impairment factors, and continuous two consecutive attacks will also cause factors that cannot keep up with the reaction.

Therefore, his punch can be said to be a scheming plan, or it can be said to be a gamble on luck!

"I'm sorry, I have a big life. With your courage, I can't take it away!"

And obviously, Tun Xing lost the bet!

Yun Che was neither obstructed by bullet screens, nor was his reaction slow.

Directly using the ability to control molecules, his figure turned into nothingness, easily dodging his slam!

"I have to say, Tun Xing, you are easier to deal with than I imagined!"

With a chuckle of disdain, Yun Che turned around and punched the back of Tun Xing's huge head.

After successfully knocking it into the air and entering an uncontrollable suspended state, he followed up and quickly punched out a complete set of combo punches at a phantom speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye!

One more shot at the end, the Thunder Dun Chidori Spear strengthened by the Space Gem directly shot him through the space effect, and his heart was soaring!

Well, Tun Xing was dumbfounded after this sudden move.

He has no idea why the Devourer of Planets, one of the five great creation gods, has come to this point!


I shouldn't have given Yun Che that trick in vain before!

Because it seems that since that move, he has been deflated, and has been in a state of being crazily crushed!

"Hey, hey, what's the matter with Star Swallowing? Is this a trap? I haven't hit enough yet!"

Seeing Tun Xing sluggishly in place, with a face full of doubts about life, Yun Che said with a faint smile...

And his words seemed to be the last straw that crushed Tun Xing.

Directly ignite the blazing small universe in the opponent's heart completely, and detonate it!

"Damn it! You bloody bastard!"

"Today, either you die or I die!"

Waving his fists furiously, Tun Xing's body began to swell to a huge size, and exuded a terrifying aura that destroyed all living beings and slaughtered everything!

He... is mobilizing the power of the multiverse, planning to annihilate Yun Che in one fell swoop, or...

perish together!

Obviously, Tunxing's rationality has been completely swallowed by anger. Now he doesn't care about any consequences. The only thought in his mind is to kill the human being who makes him extremely ashamed!

"Damn, you have such a bad temper?"

"It's only been a while, and the power of the multiverse level is about to explode!"

Looking at Tun Xing's terrifying posture, Yun Che couldn't help but twitched slightly.

Well, as the person involved, he doesn't seem to be conscious at all, and he doesn't know what he did just now.

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