This is definitely breaking the reality and breaking the balance, there is no reason why the Life Tribunal can't appear!

"It's coming... finally here!"

The expression couldn't stop the ecstasy, after doing so much, An Mie finally saw the figure he had been looking forward to for a long time.

That's right, it seemed to respond to his determination, accompanied by a flash of golden light.

Life Tribunal...

It really showed up!

Huge body with bursting muscles, golden all over, blue light shining on the chest and both eyes, and a blue cloth covering the head


To be honest, it is really hard to imagine the life court that judges everything in the Marvel universe.

It turned out to be such a wonderful appearance of TM!


It can only be said that the aesthetics of TOAA is so unique!

"You have broken the balance of reality, and the multiverse has been affected by something that cannot be seen directly!"

After appearing on the stage, the Life Tribunal first looked at Yun Che, and then at Mimi.

Finally, with an old and hollow voice, he said majesticly.

"Life Tribunal, he, Yun Che! Possessing two treasures, the Infinity Gem and the Heart of the Universe, has already seriously affected the balance of cosmic power!"

"Please judge him!"

Mimi angrily complained to the Life Tribunal.

And his words, his actions, in Yun Che's eyes...

It's like TM being bullied outside, and then finding the owner's dog leg crying!Four.

Chapter 241

"Infinity gems and the heart of the universe?"

Hearing Mimi's words, the Life Tribunal couldn't help but frowned and looked at Yun Che.

He doesn't care about Infinity Gems, because although they are powerful, they are nothing to him.

But the heart of the universe...

This is unusual!

You know, in the comics, although the Tribunal of Life is great, it has also suffered a lot of defeats, or death incidents!

Such as TheEnd, defeated by the Protoss, Ultimate Team v3, Thanos Personal Magazine, Venom: Final Chapter, Adam's Court, Infinite Dispute, Infinite Ending.

After careful calculation, there are quite a few!

Among them, in the event of The End, the Life Tribunal summoned the gods of the universe to jointly fight against Thanos who has the heart of the universe.

As a result, it was wiped out by the ruthless regiment.

It can be seen from this that even he, who judges everything, cannot resist the power of the Eight Nine Zero Universe Heart!

"Is what Annihilation said true?"

Looking at Yun Che, the Life Tribunal said with a solemn expression.

There is no way, it is related to the heart of the universe, so he can't help but be dignified!

"Every sentence is true!"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Although the sudden appearance of the Life Tribunal surprised him a bit, he was not afraid at all.

Moreover, let alone the life court, even if his master TOAA came, Yun Che would not be afraid!

It's just people behind the fourth wall, making it look like no one is there!

"In that case, you deserve to be judged!"

After being confirmed, the Life Tribunal narrowed its eyes and announced the verdict.


"I'm sorry, the person who can judge me has not yet been born!"

With a grin, Yun Che immediately leaped high, caught off guard with an uppercut, and ruthlessly hit the Life Tribunal on the jaw.

So what about being tall?

What about the trial?

Yun Che said, I will hit you right!

" dare to attack the Life Tribunal?!"

Seeing Yun Che who would strike at the slightest disagreement, Min Mie was shocked.

O'Mal Reddy Quack, that's the court of life, judging all existence!

Most importantly, his master is the author behind the fourth wall!

Yun Che actually beat this kind of awesome, tall and tall existence, it's just... sad (dry) (sick) sick (beautiful) crazy (beautiful)!

" actually?!"

Clutching his chin, the Life Tribunal pointed at Yun Che with a look of astonishment.

He never expected that he was just announcing the trial verdict fairly and openly.

The result was beaten!

This unscientific!Not scientific at all!

"What are you? You are NM tall!"

Yun Che curled his lips in disdain, jumped up high again, and slapped the Life Tribunal's face with a slap.

To be reasonable, he was actually quite unhappy with the life court.

It's not aimed at him, but that muscular body... It's so fucking dazzling, people can't help but feel that this guy is here to show off his figure!

"So what if the master is the author? What about muscular development? Can these be eaten? Can they improve your combat power?"

"It's nothing, He~Tui!"

While cursing and swearing, Yun Che waved his palms, frantically slapping the face of the Life Tribunal.

This scene, not only the Annihilation on the side, was dumbfounded.

Even Keisha and Morgana, as well as Death and Infinity, who were fighting not far away, were all stunned.

Keisha and Morgana are okay, they don't know what the life court represents.

So I just simply think that my male god is awesome.

But death and infinity are different!

Seeing Yun Che scolding and beating the Life Tribunal, the corners of their mouths could not stop twitching.

Dare to treat TOAA's dog legs like this, through the ages, Yun Che is probably the only one, right?

Inexplicably, the two of them felt sorry for the court of life, and began to feel that it was a wrong choice to lure him out!


At the beginning of the beating, the life court was a little confused.

But gradually, after regaining consciousness, what followed was endless anger and humiliation!

"Enough? Let's go!"

Hearing this, Yun Che nodded seriously, and stopped slapping the Court of Life...

Instead, he directly kicked his legs on his well-developed stomach, causing him to fly backwards fiercely!

"Cut! Xiao Mian, you dare to rely on the author and the master to pretend to be aggressive here, I can't beat you to death!"

Rubbing his nose, Yun Che sneered with disdain.

Why is TOAA awesome?Because he is the author, as long as he is willing, he can modify everything in this world by simply moving his pen!


This is useless to Yun Che and others!

Because they are not from this world at all!

Even if TOAA wants to do something to Kaisha and Tsunade, they have to find the authors of Chaoshen and Hokage!

As for Yun Che?

Hehe, it's useless to find anyone, even the Heavenly King and I can't do anything to him!

You know, after a person who was originally outside the fourth wall ran inside the fourth wall and gained terrifying power, he would be invincible both inside and outside!

Yun Che can play well in the dimensional world.....

Naturally, it can also be swept away in the real world!

"You bastard...judgment! Must be judged!"

Stabilizing his figure, the Life Tribunal yelled furiously, and the blue light cluster in the center of his chest directly fired a laser beam, forcing Yun Che away!

Don't look at how he was oppressed by Yun Che just now.

But in fact, his strength is still very strong, with a single blow, he is at the level of the multiverse!

after all......

This guy is the judge appointed by TOAA!

"Judge me? I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet!"

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