Mobilizing the power of the heart of the universe, it is easy to scatter the laser queen of the life court.

Yun Che's feet exploded, and his whole body flew out instantly, hitting him with a fist the size of a sandbag.

"Dare to get close, court death!"

Seeing that Yun Che seemed to be planning to fight me in hand-to-hand combat, the Life Tribunal gave a disdainful smile, and similarly raised its fist.

Bang bang bang!

Accompanied by echoes, the two were fierce and hearty, punching to the flesh!

It seems that there is no distinction between top and bottom, but Yun Che knows in his heart that he is faintly at the disadvantage!

"Tsk! It seems that the heart of the universe alone is not enough!"

"The power gem and Tsunade's strange power must also be continued together!"

Although I am very displeased with the muscular body of the life court, I have to admit that this TM is really not a display!

Aside from being as tough as a tank, the key is the explosive power of a warrior, so much so that Yun Che, who relies on the heart of the universe alone, is a bit difficult to parry!

"Why? Is this not working?"

"Take the initiative to play hand-to-hand combat with me, making me think how powerful you are!"

Seeing Yun Che somewhat deflated, the Life Tribunal immediately showed a smile of revenge. .

Chapter 242

"Laugh? Are you laughing at NM?"

"You're proud of that. I think you're looking for bean buns in the ditches. You're useless!"

Flicking his sore fist, Yun Che cursed with a displeased face.

It's not that he can't win the life court, but that he is very aggrieved!

He hated the clumps of muscles on the opponent's body that were enough to blind the eyes, but the opponent relied on those muscles to suppress him.

Just imagine, how aggrieved it is to be suppressed by something you despise!

"You... you bastard, court death!"

Not long after he was complacent, Yun Che scolded him.

The smile of the Life Tribunal paused for a moment, then disappeared instantly, turning into anger.

To be reasonable, he has been created by his master TOAA for so long, and he has never been humiliated by others like this.

Except for the group of Transcendents who are BT to indescribable.

Others, no matter who saw him, had to obey the judgment respectfully!

"Tch! It's just that you have some advantages in hand-to-hand combat, you're proud of a hammer!"

"There are so many people who want me to die, who the hell are you!"

Yun Che pursed his lips and scolded in disdain. Thinking about it carefully, the Life Tribunal seemed to be the person he scolded the most in this Marvel world!

Others are at most scolded a few words and it's over.

Only the Life Tribunal, from its appearance to the present, has never stopped being scolded!

As for the reason...

Well, it's because his image is too dazzling!

Although he cannot be blamed for this, after all, TOAA set it up like this, but there is a good saying.

It's okay to be ugly, but it's your fault for running out to scare people!

"Heh, an advantage is an advantage, it's real!"

"What? Are you afraid, you dare not fight me close?"

Raising his eyebrows, the Life Tribunal said with a very unbeatable smile.

"Afraid? I'm sorry, the person who can scare me hasn't been born yet!"

Squinting his eyes, Yun Che clenched his fists, planning to educate the Life Tribunal and let him know why flowers are so popular!

Although I know this is the lowest level of aggressive method.

But Yun Che still fucking loves this one!

Besides, I was suppressed just now and couldn't take advantage because I didn't use the power gem and Tsunade's strange power.

Now, the two are going at the same time, whoever loses and who wins is not certain!

"Oh, arrogant fellow!"

With a sneer, the Life Tribunal directly waved its fist full of destructive power, and smashed it towards Yun Che's face.

He was very afraid of Yun Che, or rather the heart of the universe that Yun Che held.

Therefore, hand-to-hand combat is the highest priority and the most ideal choice for the life court.

Because in close combat, the power of the heart of the universe is greatly reduced, and its burst is almost zero.

In this way, as long as Yun Che realizes that something is wrong, he will reject the inside, department/group: 9.8/0'2,? 0"5:8'5,6 Beat him to the ground before hand-to-hand combat, then all the rhythms will return to your own hands!

It has to be said that the life tribunal's calculations are quite good.


He really underestimated Yun Che's own combat power, as well as his other superpowers!


No longer keeping his hand, Yun Che immediately opened his full body Susanoo, which was on the same size as the Life Tribunal.

"Immortal Law · Power · Painful Foot!"

Then, with the blessings of Immortal Art, Power Gem, and Tsunade's strange power, he jumped up high and kicked hard.

This time, he was not suppressed by the life court again.

Instead, he kicked the door opener and kicked him flying out fiercely!

"how is this possible?!"

"The strength has increased so much!"

Feeling the slight tingling pain from his arm, the Life Tribunal was immediately circled in place.

He really couldn't imagine Yun Che, whose strength was weaker than his own in the last second, and who was being suppressed and beaten by all kinds of people.

In the next second, a pure force stronger than his own erupted unexpectedly!

It's not scientific!

"What? Scared?"

"However, it's not over yet!"

With a sneer of disdain, Yun Che's huge right fist, which was completely covered by the susano, flashed an arc of lightning:

"Immortal Law · Reality · Lightning Escape · Tongtian Fist!"

Throwing a punch at the front door, Life Tribunal, who had already suffered a loss, subconsciously raised his arms in an attempt to resist.

However, what is Lei Dun used for?


No, no, it's for controlling effect!

"How is it possible?! I was... paralyzed!"

My whole body is numb and I can't move!

That's right, the Life Tribunal was paralyzed by the Thunder Tunnel blessed by Immortal Magic and Reality Gem, and the control effect was full!

After being unable to resist, the result was obvious, and he was directly hit in the face with a punch, and then his huge body turned 360 degrees into the air countless times!

"Take one set away!"

After squinting his eyes, Yun Che's expression froze, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body:

"Giant Power Rush!"

"Bliss...Pure Land!"

First, using the arm as the fulcrum, gather all the strength of the whole body, and slam into the life court fiercely.

Then a punch that seemed ordinary, but was infused with endless power, hit the door of his heart with an explosive force!



With the shocking roar resounding through the universe, the strong body of the Life Tribunal exploded directly!

Of course, he is not dead!

If it was someone else who exploded like this, it must be completely cold.

But the life court is different. Don't forget, his master is TOAA, and as a dog's leg, he will definitely not be bad.

So, at this moment, he was only seriously injured!

"last step!"

With a grin, Yun Che clasped his hands together fiercely:

"Six Paths Earth Blast Star!"

Countless fragments of meteorites gathered together, instantly sealing the embers after the explosion of the Life Tribunal, forming a huge ashes planet!

"Everything, it's over..."

Whispering softly, Yun Che raised his hand, and the golden light that belonged to the heart of the universe burst out from the palm.

Its power instantly destroyed the Six Paths Earthburst Star that sealed the embers of the Life Tribunal, and turned it into dust in the universe!

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