Since then, the life court has come to an end!

Now, in the eight defeats he has suffered:

TheEnd, defeated by the Protoss, Ultimate Team v3, Thanos' personal magazine, Venom: Final Chapter, Adam's Court, Infinite Dispute, Infinite Ending.

One more addition:

Death beyond the world!

"I lost... Did you even lose in the court of life..."

Seeing the end of the court of life, Mi Mie, who had been watching the battle from the sidelines, smiled helplessly.

Originally, the life court was his only reliance on infinity and death.

However, now even he is cold, so...they are not far away!

"It seems that the universe... is going to be reshuffled!"

Death murmured, and after looking at Infinity, they distanced themselves from Kaisha and Morgana, and returned to Annihilation's side.

"Anything to say?"

Looking at the three people who seemed to be planning to give up resistance and accept their fate obediently, Yun Che raised his eyebrows and asked.

Since they don't have the will to fight, they naturally won't make trouble for nothing.

after all......

A fierce battle has just ended! .

Chapter 243

"So far, there is nothing more to say.

"You win, we lose."

Shaking his head, Annihilation said indifferently.

From the very beginning, he was betting on whether the Life Tribunal could deal with Yun Che.

And the bet is the fate of oneself and infinity, as well as death.

As a result, it now seems that he lost. Since he lost, there is nothing to say. Anyway, he can't resist, so he might as well accept his fate obediently.

"You really are unexpectedly free and easy!"

Raising his eyebrows, Yun Che smiled in surprise.

In some ways, it may be because of his attitude.

That's why he can become the strongest among the five creation gods of the universe.

"The universe is about to reshuffle..."

"However, I do have a doubt, I wonder if you can answer it?"

Shaking his head, Annihilation asked curiously.

"What doubts, let's listen."

Yun Che still had a good impression of Mimi who knew so much about water, so before he was about to die, Yun Che didn't mind answering his questions.

"Who are you?"

After getting Yun Che's affirmation, An Mie didn't hesitate and asked directly.

"Me? Yun Che, don't you know?"

Yun Che couldn't help being stunned when he heard that, and then said with a surprised face.

He suddenly had some doubts, whether he had struck too hard before, accidentally smashing Mi Mie's head.

Otherwise, how could the other party ask such a mindless and useless question.

"No, you didn't understand me."

"What I'm asking is your real identity! Are you human? Where did you come from? Let alone the earth. As far as I know, although the earth has strong people, they are definitely not as BT as you!"

Shaking his head, An Mie said seriously.

Although Yun Che looked on the surface, he was undoubtedly a human being.

But he really doesn't believe that it's okay for a human being to be extremely powerful, but the key is to be favored by infinite gems and the heart of the universe. This is unscientific!

Moreover, before he killed Tun Xing, he had no reputation.

It's as if it appeared out of nowhere!

In this way, Mie Mie is very curious about Yun Che's origin!

"Oh, so you wanted to ask this~!"

Yun Che suddenly realized and nodded. He thought that Mi Mie would ask himself why he had infinite gemstones and the heart of the universe.

Unexpectedly, compared to the two treasures, he paid more attention to his own origin!

Well, it can only be said that the vision is different, and Annihilation seems to stand higher and see farther!

"To be precise, I am indeed a human being, and I am indeed from Earth."

"It's just... not the humans and the earth in this world. To put it vaguely, you can understand that I am another TOAA."

TOAA, author behind the fourth wall.

He is an ordinary person in reality, but in the Marvel world he created, he is indeed an omnipotent god.

Yun Che originally came from the real world, and now he still has invincible strength.

Therefore, it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that it is another TOAA.

"Another it is!"

Annihilation heard the words, his expression was dull for a while, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

He knows the terror of TOAA.

And since Yun Che is similar to TOAA, then it is not surprising that he is so powerful.

"Okay, the question has been answered, and it's time for you to get ready to go."

After waving his hands, Yun Che said calmly.

As long as he dies and dies, and dies infinitely, then his achievement of hunting the five creation gods of the universe will be achieved.

Not only that, but there is also an achievement for hunting the court of life.

Well, that's nice!

As for the death of the life court and the five creation gods of the universe, will it have any impact on the Marvel world?

I'm sorry, Yun Che doesn't care about this at all.

Because TOAA, that is, the author, must know what he is doing.

The reason why he hasn't shot all the time is whether he is an opponent.

And after Yun Che left, he would definitely restart the universe and bring everything back to the original point!

In other words, Yun Che's achievements have been achieved, and the world of Marvel has not had the slightest influence. The only ones who are suffering are the five creation gods of the universe and the court of life.

After all, they all died once!


Closing his eyes calmly, the three of Mi Mie greeted death quietly.

What Yun Che could think of, the three of them could naturally think of, so death was only temporary.

Anyway, TOAA will revive them when the time comes, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Achievement... Accomplished!"

Grinning, Yun Che's hands flickered with a golden light symbolizing the heart of the universe.

Then it burst out, devouring the three of them in an instant!

So far, the Tribunal of Life and the five creation gods of the universe have been wiped out!

After dealing with them, Yun Che didn't stay for long.

Bring Kesha, Morgana, and Tsunade back to Earth, take Wanda and Carol, and after greeting the Avengers, open the space-time rift and return to the super god world.

".~The accompanying personnel for the next crossing, you can decide for yourself."

In the familiar villa, the old rules still followed, Yun Che sat and rested.

The women in the Crystal Palace went upstairs to discuss the entourage of the next trip through the world.

So far, Hexi, Reina, Qilin, Morgana, Keisha, Tsunade.

They have already traveled together, so they are naturally excluded.

That is to say, the accompanying personnel this time will be selected from among the women who have not crossed over yet!

"Lianfeng, Yuqin, Huiye, Xiahai, are you four this time?"

About half an hour later, Yun Che (Qian Nuo's) nodded his head as he looked at the girls who had reached the conclusion of the discussion.

Indeed, judging from the order of Chaoshen, Hokage, Mask, and finally Marvel, such a choice is indeed no problem.

After all, first come, first served!

Angel Yan and Angel Zhixin are busy with affairs in Angel Nebula and cannot get away from them.

Besides the two of them, only Lianfeng and Yuqin have not crossed over together in the super god world.

In the case of Naruto World, it is Kaguya Otsutsuki, and the world of Mask is even simpler, because only one woman, Guang Natsumi, was brought back.

So the four of them are the accompanying personnel for this crossing, which is very normal!

"Okay, take a good rest for a day!"

"Tomorrow, let's set off to a new world!"

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