Back on the ground, the gentle Yuqin asked with concern.

"No, that guy was instantly killed, and he didn't even touch me, how could he be injured."

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

"I thought the monster was so strong, it turns out that such a big body is just a decoration..."

Lianfeng pouted a little disappointed.

For monsters, a species that she had never seen before, she was looking forward to it. She wanted to see if the monsters were strong and whether they were worth studying.

In the end, he was given away by his male god every minute, it was too exhausting...

"To Yun Che, the monster's size may be just a display."

"But for you, someone might step down and you will be gone."

Rolling his eyes, Otsutsuki Kaguya complained speechlessly.

Well, with her arrogant personality, her mouth is still quite poisonous. Although it has improved a lot now, it is still poisonous.

"Speak as if you could stand a kick from a monster!"

Seeing Otsutsuki Kaguya's body shape being similar to his own, Lianfeng curled her lips unhappily.

Otsutsuki Kaguya is arrogant, she is arrogant, neither of them is used to the other.

"Sorry, I really can't resist!"

"And not only can I resist, I can also fight monsters!"

Otsutsuki Huiye couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing when he heard the words.

Her current body shape was only for the convenience of moving with Yun Che, so she became like this.

As long as she is willing, let alone become five or sixty meters like a monster, even if she becomes bigger than the earth, there is no problem at all!


The corner of Lianfeng's mouth twitched violently, good guy, after living together for a long time, I almost forgot that this is also a ruthless man with explosive fighting power!

Because Otsutsuki Kaguya has never used other abilities, she doesn't know.

But just the white eyes and reincarnation sharingan on the bright side, they are not so powerful!

At least Lianfeng doesn't have the strength to deal with it by himself, and he can't think of any technology to deal with it!

"Okay, okay, it's okay to make small noises, but it should be done in moderation."

After patting Datongmu Huiye and Lianfeng's heads, Yun Che smiled and comforted them.

Although so far, there has not been any fire incident in his own Crystal Palace, but small quarrels are definitely indispensable.

After all, there are many people, and there are all kinds of personalities.

Just like now, Otsutsuki Kaguya and Lianfeng, one is arrogant and the other is arrogant, neither of them obeys the other.

This situation often happens in the Crystal Palace.

And it's not just the two of them, but Tsunade and Morgana are also like this. They both have hot tempers. When they are happy, they don't like each other, and they love each other like sisters.

When you are upset, good guy, two hot guys beat and scolded, almost tearing down the house!

Fortunately, they are very sensible and know how to measure. Every time they quarrel casually, it's over, and no one really falls out.

"That... did I come at the wrong time?"

Suddenly, a handsome man walked out of the corner, scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment.

"Oh? Hongkai? Why are you here?"

When Yun Che heard this, he turned his head and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

That's right, that handsome man walking out of the corner is Uub's human body, Hongkai!

"Well, I'm here to thank you for helping to defeat Huo just now."

Hong Kai smiled awkwardly, it was a bit embarrassing to be honest when he bumped into his parents.

"There is nothing to thank, I just want to try the feeling of fighting monsters."

After waving his hand, Yun Che said indifferently.

"Then how do you feel?"

Hearing this, Hong Kai immediately asked with some expectation.

He was thinking, if Yun Che feels good, then can he pull him into the camp, and then fight monsters and protect the earth together in the future?

If that's the case, then I will be much more relaxed in the future!

Fighting together with a companion with explosive combat power, at least you can save yourself from being beaten by monsters!

"To be honest, it feels average, and it's very average."

"It's okay to be weak in combat power, the key is that you haven't been beaten, it's meaningless!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Yun Che said in a slightly uninterested manner.

Of course, to be precise, it's not that the monster is unbeatable, but that he is too strong!

Ordinary monsters are no match for them at all!

Only monsters of the level of Hypageton and Ambella Starman can let Yun Che have a little bit of fun!


After hearing Yun Che's words, the corners of Hong Kai's mouth twitched slightly, not knowing what to say.

monster?Weak combat power?Without a fight?

Listen, is this TM speaking human language?

Dare he and the other Ultraman deserve to be beaten by monsters because of their weak strength?

"Ahem, you shouldn't be an Ultraman, right? As far as I know, no Ultraman looks like you before."

Knowing that he couldn't continue discussing monsters with Yun Che, or Hong Kai would be pissed off sooner or later...

Decisively changed the subject.

"Of course not Ultraman, my name is Susanoo."

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and said.

It may be because Otsutsuki Kaguya described Ultraman as Susano before, which caused him a little inexplicable psychological shadow.

So now, as soon as I hear someone linking Ultraman and Susanoo.

Yun Che couldn't help feeling a chill welling up in his heart.

"Susano? Susan... I always feel like I heard it somewhere?"

Hong Kai couldn't help frowning when he heard this, but no matter what he thought, he couldn't remember where he had heard this name.

After thinking to no avail, he simply shook his head:

"Forget it, I don't want these anymore."

"Looking at you, you should have just come to Earth, right? If you don't have a place to live, would you like to go to my place?"

Well, Hong Kai, who is a little nervous and thick-skinned, completely ignores the fact that he is also living in someone else's house, in the SSP office.

As for why he said that Yun Che and the others just came to Earth...

Because he himself is not a native of Earth.

Secondly, before the sulfuric acid monster Huo, many monsters had already appeared, but Yun Che only made a move this time.

Therefore, based on this inference, there is no other reasonable explanation except that he just came to the earth.

"It is true that we have just arrived, but we don't need a place to live, we have our own."

After waving his hand, Yun Che's soul gem itself contained a beautiful pastoral world.

Can't live in the pastoral world, and go to live with Hongkai in the SSP office?

I'm afraid it's a brain show!

" that case, go to my place for a cup of tea and some snacks!"

Scratching his head and thinking for a while, Hong Kai said so.

Obviously, he hasn't given up on hugging Yun Che's thigh, or the idea of ​​pulling Yun Che onto the boat.

In his opinion, as long as Yun Che is willing to fight side by side with him, then the earth will be extremely safe, and no monster can destroy it!

"Tea and snacks?"

"Okay, let's go and sit down."

Upon hearing this, Yun Che thought for a while, then nodded and said.

Anyway, the plot of Uub World revolves around the SSP protagonist and his party.

Being idle now is also idle, it would be good to go to their place to have a look! .

Chapter 247

"Kay, who are they?"

Kitagawa Town, SSP Office.

Looking at Yun Che and his party brought back by Hong Kai.

Naomi Yumeno, the captain of the SSP and the heroine in the play, asked curiously.

As far as she knew, Hong Kai didn't seem to have any other friends except members of their SSP and that mysterious Juggulus Juggula.

Then, who are the five members of Yun Che's party?

"They're...well, friends I just met."

"To promote friendship, so invite them here for a cup of tea and some snacks."

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