Hong Kai said after thinking about it.

At this time, he has not revealed that he is Ultraman Orb, so he can only make up nonsense.

You can't tell Nasumi Yumeno that Yun Che turned into some kind of Susanoo when he was beaten before, and helped defeat the acid monster Huo, right?

No matter how you think about it, it is unscientific!

"So they are friends!"

"Come, come, sit down! Shantai, Sen, hurry up and prepare black tea and snacks for the guests!"

When Yumeno Naomi heard the words, she immediately shouted excitedly to the two team members from the 14th family.

In her opinion, it is a great joy for Hong Kai, who has always lived in isolation, to know how to make friends.

Therefore, we must entertain Yun Che and others well, and don't let them run away!

"Hey, Yun Che, why do I feel that they... are a little strange?"

Pulling the arm of his male god, Guang Xiahai said quietly.

"Strange? Hehe."

"Xia Hai, what you said is a bit too subtle."

Yun Che couldn't help shaking his head when he heard that, and said with a smile.

Indeed, what Guang Xiahai said was too subtle, is it strange for the SSP team members?

It's obviously a weird thing, right?

They are one of the very few organizations with funny attributes in the huge Ultra series!

Of course, this is not a bad thing, because it is because of their existence that Uub's whole play seems to have a somewhat comic effect.

Otherwise, if you just talk about the first male Hongkai and the second male Jugglas Juggula.

Then the atmosphere of this drama seems too heavy and sad!

Hongkai's farewell under the setting sun.

No one understands Jugula.

If there is no SSP, then Uub's original drama should not be included in the ranks of sub-suppliers!

"Mori, have you ever heard of Susanoo?"

"Or do you know anything with the word Susan in it?"

Seeing that Yumeno Nasumi was entertaining Yun Che and the others, Hong Kai came to SSP's head, next to Matsudo Mori, and asked curiously.

"Susano? I've never heard of it."

"But Susanoo, I do know."

Matsudo Mori said after thinking about it.

"Susano? What is that, tell me quickly."

Hearing this, Hong Kai said excitedly.

He has always been curious about what exactly Yun Che's Susanoo is.

After all, it's really rare that Otto doesn't look like Otto, and monsters don't look like monsters like him!

"Susano, a god in mythology, also known as Sozhan Naruto, is the heir of Izanaki and Izanami, and his siblings are Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu..."

Picking up a tablet from the table, Matsudo Mori opened the information on the page and read it out word by word.

He told Hong Kai everything about Susanoo's origin and experiences.

"By the way, Susanoo is in a sense the ancestor of Tengu and Tengu."

As he said that, Matsudo Mori found a concept map and enlarged it for Hongkai to see.

"The ancestors of Tiangu and Tianxiegui..."

Looking at the concept map, Hong Kai murmured thoughtfully.

If he remembers correctly, the image of Yun Che Susano seems to be the combination of a Tengu and a Heavenly Evil Ghost, right?

So, guessing from this...

Could it be that Yun Che is the incarnation of Susanoo in the human world in the myth?

Hong Kai, who thought he had guessed the correct answer, was shocked!

Well, if Yun Che knew what he was thinking, he would have punched him so hard that he didn't know his last name, the mythical incarnation of god damn it!

"What's the matter? Kai, why are you suddenly so interested in Susanoo?"

Matsudo Mori asked curiously.

In his impression, Hongkai seemed not interested in anything other than eating and marble soda, playing the harmonica and sleeping.

"Nothing, just a sudden curiosity."

Hong Kai shook his head and smiled.

You can't tell Matsudo Mori that Yun Che who is being entertained by Yumeno Nasumi over there is the mythical incarnation of Susanoo, right?

If you really said it, then you must not scare the four-eyed boy in front of you to death!

"Kai! What are you talking about with Mori?"

"Aren't they your friends? Hurry up and entertain them!"

On the other side, see Hongkai has been whispering to Matsudo Mori, not knowing what they are talking about.

Yumeno Naomi ran over impatiently and dragged him over.

In her opinion, when a friend comes to visit, you don't accompany the guest, but chat with others there, what's the matter.

"Huh? Oh, good!"

Hong Kai was stunned for a moment, then sat down obediently to accompany the guest.

But after sitting down, he didn't know what to say. After all, he just met and was still not familiar with each other, so there was nothing to talk about.

"Kai, when are you going to tell them your identity?"

Seeing that Hong Kai was fidgeting and wanted to talk, but he didn't know what to say.

Yun Che shook his head and smiled, and asked curiously.


As a result, as soon as the words were spoken, Hong Kai nervously made a silence gesture:

"Keep your voice down! I'm not going to tell them at all, okay!"

Judging from the current timeline, Uub's plot is still in its early stages. At this time, Hong Kai has not sincerely regarded the members of SSP as companions.

At most, it's just the landlord who lives in.

So it's normal not to let them know that I'm Uub...


Look at other Ultraman, basically the last two episodes, you will let your companions know that you are Ultraman.

And what about Hongkai?

There are more than 20 episodes in the whole drama, and it has not been revealed until the end of TM. I was stunned to wait until the final theatrical version to let the members of SSP know his true identity!

I cheated a big daddy!

Although Yun Che knows that the reason why the human body does not reveal its identity is to avoid unnecessary troubles, and to worry that it will be studied by human organizations on the earth, after all, people have ulterior motives.

But as an audience, he is still looking forward to when Ultraman exposes the human body.

The shocked looks of his companions!

This shouldn't be considered a special hobby, presumably the vast majority of Ultra fans have the same mentality as Yun Che!

"Aren't you going to hide your identity?"

Hong Kai lowered his voice, trying not to let the members of the SSP hear, and asked quietly.

"Hidden identity? It's completely unnecessary, okay."

"Only weak people who are not confident will worry about here and there. I don't care about these at all!"

"Besides, I... am not a good person!"

Yun Che shook his head and smiled coldly. .

Chapter 248

Ultraman is the warrior of light, the embodiment of justice.

If the human body is exposed and arouses the jealousy of the human organizations on earth, it is impossible for them to do anything.

This is the so-called unnecessary trouble.

And this kind of thing is not without precedent, it happened as early as Ultraman in the Showa period.

But Yun Che is different, he is not a good person, if the human organizations on the earth dare to trouble him, he dares to let them disappear collectively in place!

So whether or not to reveal his identity is not important to Yun Che at all!

In addition, if Yun Che remembers correctly, it was in the late stage of Uub.

Because Hongkai couldn't control Beria's power, he went berserk, lost control and shot down a human fighter jet.

Then he was hated by the Earth Defense Organization, the Witt team and all human beings in this world!

Well, the white-eyed wolf is hammered!

He has protected human beings for so long, but ended up being hostile because of an insincere action. If this kind of thing happened to Yun Che, he would definitely destroy the earth in minutes!

"Team Witt..."

"It's best not to provoke me, otherwise there is no need for you to exist!"

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