Hong Kai said indifferently, and then also turned into a phantom, facing Jugula.

Bang! ! !

Accompanied by a loud noise, the fists of the two collided instantly, and the powerful force created a strong storm, which directly shattered the surrounding grass.

If other people saw this scene, they would definitely be shocked on the spot.

Because this kind of speed, this kind of power is completely beyond what humans can do.

Of course, Hongkai and Jugula are not humans on Earth.

"You guy, you can't let go of your hands and feet, are you worried about hurting humans?"

"Heh, being bound by a woman who has been dead for many years, you are really getting better and better!"

The two of you punch me and kick me, and I will follow you if you move in an instant.

After fighting fiercely for several rounds, Hong Kai was caught by Jugula because he couldn't concentrate all his energy, and he kicked him backwards.


Hearing Jugula's ridicule, Hong Kai didn't say anything to refute, but knelt on the spot in a daze.

At this moment, his thoughts returned to Lusaka a few years ago.

On that day, he lost the one he loved, completely lost himself, and even lost his original strength and appearance.

"Is it necessary to be afraid of this? It's just that I didn't protect a little girl!"

"The obsession with human beings makes you lose your original strength and appearance, and you don't hesitate to use the power of other Ultraman to transform and fight. After all, you are only so capable."

"You like this, what ability do you have to fight against the darkness? You are so stupid!"

Seeing Hongkai's dejected look, Jugula intended to comfort him.

But it may be because of his personality. The good words that were originally consoling turned into heart-pounding ridicule after he uttered them.

Even as he was talking, he couldn't help but fight again!

"Are you finished?"

After catching Jugula's punch, Hong Kai's expression remained calm:

"No matter what tricks you are secretly planning, I will swear to protect mankind and the earth!"

Saying that, Hong Kai squatted down, and directly punched Jugula's abdomen fiercely, causing him to take a few steps back in pain, and fell to one knee on the ground...

"Heh, the power of this punch...not bad!"

After spitting, Jugula stood up, straightened his fashionable suit, and smiled lightly.

Obviously, the punch just now was painful, but it didn't cause any substantial damage to him.

"Hmph, no matter how many Demon King Beasts you resurrect, it won't help, I will knock them all down!"

"Besides, I've already figured it out. What you've been doing all this time is actually to revive the Great Demon King Beast, Moge Orochi, right?"

Hong Kai said seriously, as if he had seen through the truth.


Hearing this, Jugula sneered, but did not respond.

And his posture made Hong Kai even more convinced that his speculation was correct!

"Give up, your plan will not succeed!"

"I will definitely... defeat you!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became. In the end, Hong Kai even yelled loudly.


Covering his face and laughing wildly, Jugula's complexion was a little distorted:

"If it was before, it was indeed my plan to resurrect the Great Demon King Beast, Moge Orochi."

"But now, no need!"

After witnessing the cold and powerful power of Yun Che Susano, now, Jugula's target is no longer on the Moge Serpent.

Originally, the reason why he wanted to revive Moge Orochi was because he wanted to defeat Hongkai.

But now, Yun Che gave himself a chance, gave himself a chance to become extremely powerful.

That being the case, what's the use of the magic snake?

What do you want it for?

Isn't it good to become stronger and defeat Hongkai with your own hands?

Fragrant!It's so fragrant!

Therefore, Jugula's current target is no longer on the Demon King Beast or the Mog Serpent.

Now, he just wants to quickly gain the approval of the power seed in his body, and quickly obtain the power of Susanoo bestowed upon him by Yun Che.


Defeat Hong Kai in one fell swoop! .

Chapter 252

"No need? Could it be that I guessed wrong?"

"Or, is this guy Juggler changing his target again?"

Hearing this, Hong Kai couldn't help frowning.

For the first time in so many years, he didn't understand what his good friend was thinking.

"Forget it, no matter what, I will stop you!"

I can't think clearly, so I just don't think about it, Hong Kai said seriously.

"Oh, stop me? How dare you say that!"

"Well, it's not time for us to confront each other yet, let's let it play with you first today!"

Jugula smiled softly, then took out the dark ring, inserted King Black's monster card, and instantly materialized it.

"Hope you're not weak enough to be knocked down by it."

"Otherwise, I would lose a lot of fun, hahaha!"

Covering his face and laughing wildly, Jugula's figure suddenly turned into a phantom and disappeared.

He still needs to find a way to quickly get the recognition of the 14 kinds of power in his body, so as to gain the power of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, so he doesn't have time to chat with Hong Kai here.

"You bastard, Juggler..."

After gritting his teeth and cursing, Hong Kai turned his head and looked at King Black who was standing on the mountain and roaring.

Without hesitation, he took out the Orb Ring.

Then he turned into the debt king, and with the cards of Ultraman Jack and Ultraman Zero, he transformed into Uub in the form of a blast.

"I will cross the light and cut through the darkness!"

After habitually saying the opening remarks, Hale Uub threw a coherent combo punch directly at King Black.

Cooperating with the gust of wind, it looks gorgeous and powerful.

However, it did not cause any substantial damage to King Black.

You know, this guy is an existence that integrates offense and defense. After proper training, he can even physically resist the attacks of Jack Altman's Spyium light and Ultraman's bracelet!

In layman's terms, it is Gale Uub, who focuses on speed.

He can't beat King Black who is a tank at all!

"Uub Dart Spear!"

After discovering that fists and kicks could not cause any substantial damage to King Black.

Hale Uub took off the dart and turned it into a spear, intending to see if he could find any breakthrough in weapons.


However, the ideal is full, and the reality is the backbone.

Not even Uub's dart spear could cut through King Black's hard skin.

"Damn it... this guy is really fucking tough!"

Hong Kai in Galewind Uub's body looked a little dignified.

How to fight this TM?

If you hit it, it won't hurt, it won't move at all.

And when it hits you, it hurts a lot, it's the kind that punches down, killing people!

"I don't believe it anymore!"

Gritting his teeth, Hong Kai planned to switch strategies.

He thought very clearly, since the speed-based Gale form is not dominant, then the power-based Explosive Form is the head office, right?

"Tarosan, Mebius-san, please lend me your power!"

Inserting the card and switching the form, Uub instantly changed from a slow gust of wind to a fiery red explosion.

"Burn it up!"

With a loud roar, Explosive Umb waved his hands to disperse the flames on his body, then raised his sandbag-sized fist and rushed towards King Black violently.

This time, he was finally stronger than the opponent in terms of strength.

He directly hugged the bear with one hand and fell over the shoulder, throwing King Black to pieces!


The beaten King Black roared unhappily, aimed at Blast Flame Uub, and sprayed a [-]-degree red hot ray from his mouth, hitting the bull's-eye directly, and the fire boiled.

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