Just when it thought that Explosive Umbrella had died in the fire.

A figure rushed out quickly...

It was Explosive Umbrella, and it was Explosive Umbrella who had used his ult!

"Sterbeam explodes!"

Accompanied by the roar, Explosive Orb Bear hugged King Black.

Immediately afterwards, a red light shone, and amidst the huge fire and explosion, King Black was instantly reduced to ashes!


After defeating Queen Black, Explosive Orb was panting heavily.

Afterwards, it lost its strength and turned into a little bit of fluorescence, and changed back to the human body Hongkai.

Although he finally agreed, it was a difficult uphill battle for him.

And on a certain mountain top on the other side, Yun Che and his party watched the battle from beginning to end.

It would be better to say that they had already started to watch Hongkai when he fought with Jugula.

"I don't know if it's my illusion, I always feel the relationship between the two of them..."

"It seems unusual!"

Rubbing his shoulders, Lianfeng said inexplicably with goosebumps.

"Well, it seems...beyond friendship?"

Yuqin nodded in agreement.

"In them, I seem to see the shadow of Haidong Heshi."

Guang Xiahai touched his chin and said thoughtfully.


Hearing what the three women said, Yun Che couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Unusual feelings?Beyond fun?The shadows of Haidong Dashu and Men Yashi?

Depend on!Why are you so euphemistic!

I can't just say it bluntly, I'm so angry!

That's what all friends look like!

"However, to be honest, Hongkai's performance really surprised me."

Yun Che murmured with great interest.

In the original play, Hong Kai was beaten up by the Black King from the beginning to the end. In the end, it was because he saw his good friend Jugula.

Was attacked by the Nakor star, assassinated by the cosmic people.

He thought the other party was dead, so he was filled with grief and indignation, and a terrifying force erupted, instantly killing King Black.

As a result, without the influence of Jugula's suspended animation, he still eliminated King Black.

It seems...

Yun Che influenced Juggula, and Juggula influenced Hongkai.

A series of chain reactions have led to the fact that the entire plot of Uub has gradually changed beyond recognition!

"Interesting, it seems that the days to come will not be boring!"

Of course, Yun Che didn't care about this at all.

Although knowing the direction of the plot is a great weapon as a time traveler.

But this is only for the traversers who have no strength!

At Yun Che's current stage, the plot is still useless, no one is invincible at all, no one is invincible, right? .

Chapter 253

After experiencing the incident of King Black last time, the plot completely changed beyond recognition.

For a long period of time, no monster appeared.

It directly broke the traditional setting of special shooting, one episode and one monster.

Yun Che guessed that it might be that Jugula has been secretly trying to gain the approval of the Seed of Power recently, and has no time to make trouble.

As for Hongkai, it was to prevent his good friend from causing trouble.

So I was also concentrating on cultivation, and I never showed up.

Although I don't know what Ultraman is practicing, it's just whether he can gain strength through cultivation.

But all in all, this period of time passed very peacefully, so peaceful that Yun Che began to wonder if he had traveled to a fake Ultra world.

"No, if this goes on like this, you'll still be swimming with an egg, and it's almost as good as fishing!"

Yun Che couldn't sit still anymore.

Although it was quite messy in the masked world back then, it was far from the level it is now!

Raising his hand tentatively, Yun Che planned to see if he could use the dimensional wall of the Masked World in the Ultra World.

If possible, he might be able to pass through the dimension wall and go to other Ultraman worlds.

"It can be used, but the power has been suppressed a lot..."

Seeing the chaotic and unstable dimensional wall floating in front of him, Yun Che muttered thoughtfully.

Although they are both special effects, Ultra and Mask are two different worlds after all.

Judging from the current situation, the dimensional wall can be used, but it is very unstable. If you travel rashly, you may be torn apart alive by the dimensional storm!

"Since that's the case, plus the power of the Space Gem and the Heart of the Universe, it should be fine."

Squinting his eyes, Yun Che first strengthened the ability of the space gem with the heart of the universe.

Then inject the energy of the space gem into the dimensional wall to achieve strong stability.


Originally trembling, a dimensional wall that could be broken at any time.

After injecting the energy of the space gem strengthened by the heart of the universe, the form immediately stabilized.

Although because there are no specific coordinates, it is impossible to specify to enter the world of Ultra.

But at least during the shuttle, there will be no risk!

"Yun Che, are you going out~?"

At this time, Guang Xiahai, who saw his male god had been tinkering with the Dimensional Wall, walked over curiously.

"Well, this world is too boring, I plan to visit other Ultraman worlds first."

Yun Che nodded and smiled.

"Other worlds of Ultraman?"

Guang Xiahai was a little puzzled when he heard this.

What is the world of other Ultraman?Aren't I and others in Ultraman's world now?

"There are Kamen Riders in the parallel world in the masked world, and there are Ultraman in the parallel world in the Ultra world."

Yun Che explained in an easy-to-understand manner.

"I see...then take me with you!"

"Although this idyllic world is beautiful, staying here all the time makes me almost bored to death!"

Nodding thoughtfully, Guang Xiahai hugged Yun Che's arm excitedly.

Back then, she was used to traveling in the world of knights with Monyashi, but now she suddenly had to stay in the same place, it was really uncomfortable.

"Okay, let's go together!"

Yun Che shrugged with a smile.

"Then I'll call sister Huiye and the others."

Nodding happily, Guang Xiahai turned and ran back to the house to inform the other three.

After a while, Datsuki Huiye, Lianfeng and Yuqin all came out.

"I heard from Xia Hai that you plan to go to other parallel worlds?"

Lianfeng asked curiously.

"Well, under my previous influence, there are no storms in this world for the time being, it's too boring."

"So I plan to visit other parallel worlds first."

Yun Che nodded.

"How about the technology of other parallel worlds? Is this world developed?"

Lianfeng's eyes were shining brightly.

Although the technology of the Uub world is not comparable to that of the super god world, but as a modern world, it is barely considered good.

So during this period of time, Lianfeng has been studying some random gadgets, and he is quite happy.

"Well... probably not."

After thinking for a while, Yun Che shook his head with some uncertainty.

Uub is already very low in the new generation of Ultraman.

Therefore, without the coordinates, it is impossible to specify to go to the world of Ultra.

Yun Che is really not sure whether the technological development of the world behind the Dimensional Wall is as advanced as that of Uub World.

Leaving aside the early Heisei world, even traveling to the Showa period is still possible.

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