And in this case, the fault lies with humans, and the Jakuma brothers are the victims.

So naturally, Guang Xiahai felt sympathy.

"Don't worry, Xia Hai, even if you don't tell me, I will save them. The two brothers will be the first batch of monster pets in the pastoral world."

After touching Xia Hai's head, Yun Che smiled with great interest.

To be honest, the strength of the Jakuma brothers is not very strong, and the appearance is not very high. The only thing that can be used is the petrified light similar to Medusa.

However, in terms of character, they are among the many monsters, very few that are barely gentle.

That's why Yun Che temporarily decided to keep them as pets, otherwise, they were not on the list originally.

As for the monster pets in the original list, there are not many.

They are the super ancient Koma dog monster Gedi, the sea beast Samey Whale, Sandrias, King Aire, Gomorrah...

The Sea Beast Samey Whale and Sandrias, as well as King Aire, are best kept as juveniles, because they look cute at that time.

These are the tentative monster pets. As for the others, Yun Che will think about them slowly when he has time.

"Speaking of which, if this momentum continues, the pastoral world should not be long before it will become a monster paradise."

"No, it's also possible to become a zoo."

Touching his chin, Yun Che murmured with great interest.

"Yun Che, Di Jia has appeared! He fought with the two-headed Jakuma!"

Suddenly, Guang Xiahai shook his arm anxiously.

Looking back, it turned out that when he was thinking just now, Jakuma a and Jakuma b had already drilled out of the ground.

When Dagu saw the monster appearing at the scene, he quietly turned into Tijia to fight against it.

Although in terms of numbers, Gakumar has an advantage in two-on-one.

But in terms of strength, the two of them really have no edge...

Even Dagu, who was a novice fighter and hadn't fully mastered the fighting skills, was able to control Tiga to one against two.

"To be honest, I'm a little skeptical now, whether I can support these two idiots after they are tied back."

Otsutsuki Kaguya complained a little speechlessly.

Two-on-one and still being beaten, how stupid is this.

"Well, that's pretty good too. After all, pets are not good if they are too combative."

Shrugging his shoulders indifferently, Yun Che stared, and instantly changed from pitch-black pupils to scarlet blood pupils.

"Let's save them first, otherwise, they will be beaten to death by Di Jia!"

The Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan was activated, and the energy of purple flames soared into the sky, instantly forming a huge complete body Susanoo.

".~Look! That purple warrior giant has appeared again!"

"Although looking at the battle situation, Dijia has already won, but the appearance of the warrior giant is another layer of solid insurance!"

"Phew, there's nothing to worry about!"

Apparently, after yesterday's Golzan and Melba incident, the Victory Team already regarded Yun Che as a savior just like Dijia.

However, today's results may disappoint them.

Looking at Di Jia who was beating the Jakuma brothers, Yun Che drew out the 40-meter machete from his waist, and slashed neatly on Di Jia's back.


The sparks exploded, and Di Jia knelt on the ground with one knee in pain.

"It's you? Why are you attacking me!"

Looking back, he found that the one attacking him was the warrior giant who "fighted side by side" yesterday. Dagu in Tiga's body asked in surprise.

"They are my pets, you can't kill them."

After wiping the blade, Yun Che said with a light smile.

"Pets? They are obviously monsters that attacked (Nuo's) humans!"

Dagu is an honest man, he may not beat everyone to death with a stick, thinking that all monsters are bad.

However, his standard is to attack humans.

In his opinion, as long as it attacks humans, it must be a bad monster.

"Attacking humans? Heh, do you think you humans are innocent?"

"If it wasn't for your over-exploitation that caused the Jakuma brothers to have no food, would they go berserk?"

Shaking his head and sneering, it is said that food is the most important thing for people, and monsters are also living beings, so they naturally need food.

If you cut off all their food, if they don’t beat you, who will they beat?

"Although I am also of human origin, my current level has already surpassed that of human beings. I stand at a higher height and see from a higher angle than any of you."

"For me, it's fair and equal, whether it's a human being or a monster..."

"You are all mere creatures, inconspicuous dust in the vast universe!"

Sighing indifferently, Yun Che swung the samurai sword again, and slashed at Di Jia fiercely. .

Chapter 259

Regarding Yun Che's attack, Dagu who controlled Tijia couldn't resist at all.

With his bare hands, he can only dodge, dodge, and dodge again, so as not to be directly snapped into two halves.

"Stop it, I don't want to fight with you!"

While avoiding the sharpness of the samurai sword, Di Jia persuaded solemnly.

Of course, in order to prevent his identity from being exposed, Dagu used consciousness sound transmission, so only the two of them could hear his voice.

"Tch, make it sound like you can beat me."

"Dagu, if you want to protect human beings, this fighting power alone is not enough. Let me see where your current limit is!"

With a sneer, lightning flashed around his waist, and another 40-meter-long samurai sword appeared.

One sword and two swords, double the pressure, cut directly to the point where Di Jia couldn't even speak, and could only blindly defend in embarrassment.

"What's going on? Why is the warrior giant attacking Tiga?"

"Isn't he a good guy? He obviously fought monsters together yesterday!"

"The warrior giant's attack is too fierce, Dijia can't stop it at all!"

The victory team members on the scene were confused. They couldn't figure out why yesterday's "comrades" became today's opponents.

"Purple warrior giant, are you good or bad..."

"You only appeared when the Jakuma brothers were about to be wiped out by Tiga. Could it you want to protect them?"

900TPC headquarters, inside the victory team base.

Looking at the battle scene broadcast on the screen, Ju Jianhui frowned and murmured thoughtfully.

If Yun Che was here, he would definitely be amazed.

Because the current Jujianhui is not like in the original drama, his appearance is in the middle age of old and half Xu, but in the youthful period in his heyday!

The charm still exists?

No, it's youth!

The high appearance, in the same three-dimensional painting style, not only is not inferior to Guang Xiahai, but even surpasses it!

"Don't hit, don't hit! It's okay if I'm wrong!"

"They are your pets, right? Then you take them away, I won't destroy them!"

At the scene of Kurara Island, after suffering numerous slashes, the energy light on Di Jia's chest was already flickering violently.

This means that the energy is about to run out.

Dagu had a hunch that if Yun Che was allowed to continue chopping down like this, he would probably die, and Dijia would probably turn back into a stone statue again!

"Tsk! Dagu, this is not enough? I haven't played enough yet!"

Clicking his tongue, Yun Che withdrew the 40-meter-long Samurai Twin Swords.

Dagu, an honest man, begged for mercy. If he cut it down again, it would be unkind.

"Brother, haven't you played enough of this?"

"Then if you've had enough fun, wouldn't the grass on my grave be three meters high?"

Dagu cried with a mournful face, feeling that he was really wronged.

Who did he provoke?

Isn't it just seeing monsters appearing and wanting to protect human beings, why did they get beaten up just because they didn't agree with each other?

Director, I want a refund, this is not the right way to start a superhero at all!

"Dagu, you should practice more after you go back. Ultraman's strength is linked to the human body to a certain extent. The stronger you are, the stronger Ultraman will be."

"Conversely, if you continue to be a weak chicken, you will still be a weak chicken after transforming into Tiga."

Shaking his head, Yun Che enlightened Da Gu with a few words.

In any case, he was also the hero in my childhood, so it's fine if I was beaten violently by myself.

It would be too embarrassing if every time I encountered a monster, I would be deflated every time.

"Is Ultraman's strength linked to the human body..."

Nodding thoughtfully, obviously, Dagu had listened to Yun Che's words in his head and put them in his heart.

"To be honest, although you attacked me this time, I still think you are a good person."

"You're right. Humans made a mistake this time. The two Gakuma brothers are the victims."

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