Should it be said that Dagu is not a loss?

Although he is very stupid and only wants to protect human beings, but in some things, after calming down, he can still judge right from wrong.


The good person card should be waived, Yun Che couldn't afford it, especially if it was a man's good person card.

"Come on, Dagu, I will watch every battle you have."

"If one day, I feel dissatisfied, your end will be worse than today."

Grinning, Yun Che said in a wicked way.

"Uh... well."

Sighing helplessly, Dagu felt that he, the "devil coach", seemed unable to escape.

"By the way, what's your name?"

It suddenly occurred to him that Yun Che knew his own name, but he didn't know Yun Che's name. This seemed a little unreasonable, so Dagu asked suspiciously.

"Yun Che."

Shrugging, Yun Che said his name.

Anyway, I am not from this world, and I am not afraid of TPC to check information.

Of course, even if it is found out, it doesn't matter. The real strong will not become less powerful just because the other party has their own information.

"Yun Che...I understand."

"The time is almost up, I'll slip away first, see you next time!"

Nodding his head, seeing that the energy indicator light on his chest was gradually weakening, and looked as if it was about to go out, Dagu smiled, and rose directly into the sky, then found a place, and turned back into a human body.

"Well, next, it's you two little guys."

Seeing Di Jia leave, Yun Che turned his head to look at Brother Jakuma who had been shrinking aside since his appearance.

Not to mention, with a tall figure like Susanohu, looking down at the two monsters from above, it's really like the owner looking at pets!

"There are no more stones here for you to eat, come with me, and be my pet, so you don't have to worry about eating and drinking, how about it?"

Although Yun Che's words sounded like he was asking for opinions.

However, the two shining 40-meter samurai swords in his hands all proved that this is a threat!

Agreed, nothing happened.

If you don't agree, cut a few knives first, and then continue to discuss if you can survive.


Shrugging their heads, the Jakuma brothers whimpered aggrieved twice to show their agreement.

To be reasonable, if Dijia dared to say this to them, they would definitely go berserk and bite, but Yun Che in front of him...

Forget it, the gap in strength is too great to provoke!

The two of them just saw Di Jia, who was pressing and beating him, being rubbed by Yun Che on the ground. Such an existence has no courage to resist at all!

Moreover, out of the instinct of the beast.

Brother Jakuma keenly smelled the domineering aura of being a strong man and Susano's coldness from Yun Che!

These two points made them unable to resist at all!


Ju Jianhui's actor Gao Shuling, was really a great beauty when he was young, his face value is against the sky, and he is absolutely stunning at a glance. Interested brothers can help themselves to their mothers! .

Chapter 260

TPC headquarters, Victory team base.

After the incident on Kurara Island, members of the victory team had a discussion on Yun Che.

Specifically, why did you attack Tiga, is he good or bad, and so on.

In this discussion, Dagu also said some information he knew, such as the purple warrior giant named Susano, and he is not a bad person, but just protecting the Jakuma brothers who are victims.

In addition, he also told about the relationship between friends and enemies that Yun Che mentioned when they first met.

"It can be a friend, but I don't mind being an enemy. It's purely up to some high-level executives of TPC to decide."

In response to this sentence, the TPC executives even specially held a meeting, and the final result was that Yun Che was regarded as one of his own and no one was allowed to be hostile.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. After all, the power displayed by Yun Che's two appearances is stronger than that of Di Jia transformed by Dagu.

TPC's high-level hawks may dare to call the attention of Dagu Dijia, but they dare not call the attention of Yun~ Che Susano.

This is the benefit of strength!


Just under the will of the high-level executives, Ju Jianhui, who represented the press conference after attending the press conference, returned to the room exhausted.

She felt uneasy at the thought of the cosmic man who claimed to be Kiriarod controlling what the reporter said at the meeting just now.

"The fire burns everything up, and the earth is reborn..."

"First the monsters, then the cosmic beings. It's really a disaster."

Lying on the armchair with a tired face, Ju Jianhui murmured with a wry smile:

"Susano, I really hope that you can protect human beings together like Tiga..."

"Oh, protect humans? Do you really regard those two giants as patron saints?"

At this moment, a cold male voice sounded from behind, and Ju Jianhui suddenly turned his head in shock: "Who?!"

"Don't be nervous, I'm a prophet, responsible for delivering the message."

Sitting on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, the man who claimed to be a prophet said with a sneer.


Jian Hui frowned when he heard the words, he was puzzled on the surface, but secretly, he had already turned on the wiretapping button under the desk.

In this way, the conversation in the room can be recorded and transmitted to the winning team's base.

"You are from Kirielod, right? As a basic courtesy, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"

Being able to become the captain of the victorious team, of course, Ju Jianhui is not a cover.

Apart from the surprise at the beginning, after she calmed down now, she started to talk and get information.

"As expected of the captain of the winning team, he has a great sense of humor..."

"However, it's fine to introduce yourself, please first express your high respect to the great Kyriaelod people."

The tone of the prophet is not so much a conversation, but an order, an order from above.


Jun Hui asked suspiciously.

"There is no reason. As the captain of the victory team, if you don't represent human beings and pay respects to the Kyriairods, then the next place is the K1 area."

There was a sneer on the corner of the prophet's mouth.

And Ju Jianhui, who has experienced the situation at the press conference, naturally understands what he means by the so-called K1 area.


Flame burns everything!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

"You can't do this! If the K1 area explodes, many people will die!"

Ju Jianhui scolded nervously.

An area has been exploded before, causing countless casualties. This time, no matter what, the same mistakes cannot be repeated.

"Oh, it's not up to you to decide."

"If you don't pay respects to the Kyriairods, just wait to be swallowed by the holy flame!"

As if seeing what Ju Jianhui was thinking, the prophet sneered, the lights flickered, and his figure disappeared from the room in an instant.

"Damn... Kirielods!"

.......... 0 0

Clenching his fists angrily, Ju Jianhui wanted to do something, but couldn't do it.

She is not Tiga, let alone Susano. She is just an ordinary woman without being the captain of the victory team. It is impossible to deal with monsters.

"Susano, please, save mankind..."

With his eyes slightly lost, Ju Jianhui murmured with a wry smile.

It's not that he doesn't trust Tiga, but it can be seen from the previous two battles that Tiga's combat effectiveness is far inferior to Susano.

But this time, the enemy is the Kirielod, which is completely different from the previous two monsters.

After all, the grades of those who can talk and those who can only roar are completely different.

Therefore, Jujianhui felt that if Tiga was the only one fighting this time, Susano must also join the battle in order to defeat the Kirierods!

Of course, Yun Che didn't know what she was thinking.

If I knew it, my stomach would probably hurt from laughing.

A mere Kirielod, he can slap the trash who can be killed casually with a single slap, how can there be so many of them?Four.

Chapter 261

The idyllic world in the soul gem.

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