After bringing the Jakuma brothers back from Kurara Island yesterday, they were settled here.

Although they were somewhat rebellious at first, they didn't need Yun Che to teach them a lesson. After seeing the mountains in the pastoral world, they consciously became obedient.

After all, who has trouble with food?

There are no stones in the world outside, and I am so poor that I can only eat dirt.

In this world now, people can eat whatever they like, ten meals a day, and they can't finish it to death.

The gap between the two, even the Jakuma brothers with low IQs, know how to choose.

"That's right. After raising two Jakumas, the whole pastoral world has become much more lively."

Looking at the Jakumar brothers who were lying on the mountain not far away and gnawing rocks, Guang Xiahai smiled softly.

"This is just the beginning. After [-], more monsters will move in."

Yun Che said with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

He suddenly had an idea, if he continued to follow this momentum, whether he would encounter enemies in the future, he would not need to take action himself.

As long as you snap your fingers and open the passage to the pastoral world, countless monsters will swarm over and trample down all obstacles!


Thinking about it this way, it seems that they are not raising monster pets, but raising a group of monster legions!

"By the way, where are Lianfeng and Yuqin?"

Suddenly remembering why he didn't see Lianfeng and Yuqin, Yun Che asked curiously.

"Still sleeping."

"Lianfeng became very interested when we saw the monster brought back as a pet yesterday, and spent the whole night studying it with the lute."

Otsutsuki Kaguya shrugged and said helplessly.

"Research? What's there to study about monsters?"

When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Scientific research madmen really can't be provoked. It's okay to study technology. Even life forms like monsters can be studied for a night. How does the brain grow...

"God knows, I only vaguely heard what they said about habits, organs, physical characteristics, etc. I guess they were all talking about the Jakuma brothers."

Otsutsuki Kaguya said that she does not understand the world of scientific researchers.

"Well, if that's the case, let them sleep."

"Let's go out for a stroll. If I remember correctly, the monsters that appeared today are quite interesting!"

The first episode is Gorzan and Merba, the second episode is Jakuma a and Jakuma b, and the third episode, if Yun Che remembers correctly, is Kiri who said the most ruthless words and received the most vicious beatings. Elodes.

Although it is only the first generation, the combat power is far less than that of the second generation, but it is not bad.

At least he was much better than Gorzan, Merba, and the Jakuma brothers.


Night falls.

Because Ju Jianhui found out the identity of the prophet, she quietly went to other people's homes to see if she could get any beneficial clues.

However, as an ordinary human being, how could she be an opponent of the Kiriarods.

After being discovered, he was hit with a backhand laser and pinned to the wall, leaving no room for resistance.

"You said before that you want me to represent the human race and pay respects to the Kyriaelods, right?"

"Why choose me? I am just one of hundreds of millions of human beings."

Being pinned to the wall, since he couldn't run away, Ju Jianhui simply started talking.

"Because you admitted the existence of those two guys in front of the public."

Sitting on the sofa, the prophet said lightly.

"Those two guys?"

Jujian Hui raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, not knowing who he was referring to.

"The giants of light and purple warriors are Tiga and Susanoo, right?"

"We Kirielods have come to Earth long before them. They arrived later than us, but they are still so rampant. We cannot tolerate it!"

Well, it's sour, the Kirielods are sour.

In their view, they who came to Earth first should enjoy the glory of Tiga and Susanoo, and they should be gods aloof.

Tiga and Susanoo, as latecomers, should abide by the rule of first come, first served.

Emmm... I somehow feel that Kirielod people seem to be quite disciplined?

"Later, I will destroy Tiga and Susanoo, and then, the sacred flame will usher in a new life for the earth!"

"We Kirielod people are the masters, the great gods!"

Sneering to himself, the prophet spread out his hands, exuding a faint blue spiritual fire...

"Let's experience the power of the Kiriarods, and feel the anger of the Kiriarods!"

The ground was cracked, the flames were surging, and the figure of the prophet turned into a ray of light, soaring into the sky, and turned back into the original body.

Black and silver leather armor alternates, messy lines protrude, inexplicably muscular, and the overall shape looks like a different kind of bat.

"Tiga, Susanoo, don't you want to be the patron saints of human beings?"

"Come out! Let's have a showdown! I want you to take a good look at the power of the great Kyriairods!"

Standing in the middle of the tall buildings in the city, the Kyriairods shouted loudly while destroying the buildings.

Obviously, he is declaring war.

Declare war on Tiga and Susano.

If you lose, you will die in hell; if you win, you will dominate the earth!

"Tiga, Susanoo, I beg of you, please save mankind..."

The wounded escaped from the house, looking at the Kyriaelod people who were domineering in the urban area, Ju Jianhui said with a wry smile on his face.

In front of monsters, human beings are too weak.

The weak want to survive, they can only rely on it.

And now, Tiga and Susanoo are the only patron saints they can rely on!

"Well, I heard your request."

At this moment, a strange male voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Ju Jianhui looked back subconsciously, only to see, at some point, a man and two women suddenly stood behind her.

And both appearance and temperament are very extraordinary, one can tell at a glance that the other party is definitely not an ordinary person!

"You said... my request, did you hear me?"

Dazed for a moment, as if he had guessed something, Jujian Hui asked thoughtfully.

"Hmm." Yun Che shrugged:

"The mere Kyriairods are also worthy of declaring war on me. It's really boring."

The eyes switched to a scarlet eternal kaleidoscope, and the cold breath suddenly spread:

"Xia Hai, Kaguya, you are here to protect her, I'll go and play with that generation of Kirielods."

With a grin, the purple flame-like energy shot up into the sky, forming a huge purple warrior giant, which is the perfect body Susanoo! .

Chapter 262

"It turns out that Susano has become a human?!"

"In this case, what about Tiga, is he also a human?!"

Witnessing Yun Che's transformation from a human form into a gigantic Susano with his own eyes, Ju Jianhui was completely stunned.

For a long time, they believed that Susanoo and Tiga were patron saints, gods in the true sense.

But I never thought that the patron saint is also transformed by human beings!

To be honest, her world view is slightly broken...

On the urban battlefield, Yun Che, who had turned into a complete Susanoo, looked down at a generation of Kiriarods.

That's right, look down!

A generation of Kiri Airod people, only between 52 meters and 55 meters.

And under Yun Che's control, it was completely susano, reaching a height of over 60 meters!

"Damn bastard, what kind of eyes are you looking in!"

As if sensing Yun Che's contempt when he looked down, a generation of Kiriarods roared angrily.

"Didn't you see it? This is a look of contempt for you."

Shrugging his shoulders, Yun Che smiled disdainfully.

To be honest, Yun Che is actually quite interested in the Kiria 14 Lords. Of course, they are only the second-generation Kiria Lords known as the Balrog Warriors.

As for the present generation...

He really looked down on him from the bottom of his heart.

Look at the second generation of the family, who is one generation taller than him, but his strength has increased several times. In the original drama, he beat Di Jia violently.

Dijia switched forms, he also switched forms, after the switch, he still beat up violently, it was like shrimp and pig's heart!

In addition to the second-generation Kyrierods, there is also the Gate of Hell, which Yun Che is also very interested in.

It is said that opening it can plunge the world into darkness, but in the end it was closed by Tiga, who obtained the harbinger of the shining form.

To be reasonable, Yun Che was very curious about what was behind the door.

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