Waving the huge purple wings behind him, the whole person soared up and galloped towards the gate of hell in the night sky.

He wants to forcibly break open the gate of hell, so that the great god of Kiriarod will descend to the earth ahead of time, and destroy Yun Che!

"Yun Che, hurry...stop him!"

"He must not be allowed to open the gate of hell, otherwise... the earth will be in danger!"

At this time, Dagu, who had been lying dead on the ground beside him for a long time and finally regained some strength, said with a painful expression on his face.

The ghost knows what he was beaten up by the second generation Kirielod just now.

Almost stopped cooking!

"Why stop it? I am very interested in the existence behind the gate of hell."

Shaking his head, Yun Che smiled with great interest.

For him, the second generation Kiriarods are just appetizers, and the existence behind the gate of hell, the so-called God of Kiriarod, is the real feast!

"However, in order to prevent the earth from being destroyed, to be on the safe side, let's set up a few barriers first."

With a violent slap of both hands towards the ground, Yun Che instantly set up several major enchantment techniques of the Naruto World:

"Ninja Four Purple Flame Formation!"

"Ninja Uchiha Fire Formation!"

"Ninja Four Red Sun Formation!"

"Ninja Six Scarlet Sun Formation!"

Originally, for a thing like enchantment, only one setting is enough.

However, the combat power level of Naruto World seems to be somewhat lower than that of Ultra World, so to be on the safe side, Yun Che directly set up four top-level enchantment techniques at once.

In this way, let alone the so-called mysterious god of Kyrierod.

Even if Noah came, I'm afraid it would take a lot of effort to break the barrier!

"Heh, if you don't come to stop me, you're really suicidal!"

In front of the gate of hell, looking at Susano and Tiga who have no action at all, the second-generation Kiriarods couldn't help but sneer.

In his opinion, if the two of them came to stop him, there might be a chance of a comeback.

If you don't stop it, all hope will eventually turn into despair when the god of Kirierod descends!

"Haha! Susanoo, Tiga, human..."

"Be prepared to pay a devastating price for what you have done!"

Laughing wantonly, the second-generation Kyrierod grabbed the handle of the door with both hands, tried his best to pull it away.

Accompanied by a heavy creaking sound.

The ominous purple light flickered, and the endless black mist filled the air...

The gate of hell, which symbolizes destruction, has opened! .

Chapter 265

The gate of hell opened, and countless ghostly blue spirits flew out of it.

These are all Kyriairods in the state of spiritual life forms!

"There are a lot of Kyriairods... this kind of number can completely conquer the earth in an instant!"

Looking at the ghostly blue spirit bodies flying all over the sky, Da Gu~ murmured with a shocked face.

"What are you panicking about? I set up a barrier, they can only move in this area, they can't get out."

Yun Che smiled with great interest.

He doesn't care about these large-scale Kyriairods, because at most they have changed from ants to ant colonies-that's all.

What Yun Che is really interested in is the Queen Ant, that is, the so-called God of Kirialod!

I hope he can play a little longer, don't let yourself be too disappointed!

"Hahaha! Feel the despair!"

"My compatriots have descended, the earth, to be ruled by the holy Kyriairods!"

In front of the gate of hell, the second-generation Kyriairods spread their hands and laughed wildly.

Regarding this, Yun Che curled his lips:

"Stop talking so much nonsense, what about the god of Kyriairod, why hasn't he come out yet?"

"Hmph! Susano, you can be arrogant for a while, the great god of Kiriarod... is here!"

Following the words of the second generation of Kyriairods, an extremely powerful dark aura surged out from the gate of hell.

Under the wrapping of the black mist, although he couldn't see the appearance of the god of Kyriairod clearly.

But in terms of size, he is much bigger than the second-generation Kyrierod, at least eight or ninety meters!

"Is this the earth...it looks pretty good."

After looking at the surrounding environment, the god of Kyriairod said in a dull tone.

"Great God of Kirierod, please look at the following, those two guys are Susanoo and Tiga, they came later than us, but they claim to be patron saints!"

The second generation of Kirialod came to the god of Kirialod and said respectfully.

"Susano and Tiga? Heck, they're just two inconspicuous bastards."

Glancing at Susanoo and Tiga below, the god of Kirierod sneered disdainfully.

With his body height of 90 meters, the 60-meter Susanoo and the 50-meter Tiga are indeed a bit unremarkable.

"The great god of Kyriaelod, if we want to rule the earth, we must first get rid of the two of them."

"I'm ashamed. Although my subordinates can beat Tiga, they can't defeat Susano. His strength is very strong, and my subordinates are not opponents."

Well, after scoring twice, he hit the young one, and then came the old one.

The second-generation Kiriarod who had been bullied by Yun Che wanted his master, the god of Kiriarod, to shoot Yun Che back.

"Trash! You can't even dispose of this kind of garbage!"

He scolded the second-generation Kyrierod in displeasure, and the god of Kyrierode slowly descended from the air and landed on the ground.

The black mist covering the body dissipated, revealing the appearance of the deity:

"It's the two of you who dare to stop the Kiriarods from ruling the earth, right?"

The overall image is basically the same as that of the second-generation Kyriairods who have evolved into a strange force combat type and an air combat type.

The difference is that his body is larger, the edges and corners are sharper, the muscles are more explosive, and the lines are more distinct, and the luminous bodies on his chest and forehead have changed from yellow to red!

Well, I always feel that the Kirielods seem to judge their strength according to their size...

"That's right, it's us! No matter what, the earth will not let you Kyriairods rule!"

Take a step forward and express your attitude, Dagu in Dijia said righteously.

"Hmph, if that's the case, then I'll kill you all."

With a sneer, the god of Kyriairod raised the blade on his wrist, ready to tear the blade in front of him into pieces.

Well, don't talk nonsense, just start a fight if there is a disagreement.

Obviously, this is a qualified villain!


"I hate...looking up to other people!"

Sweeping the god of Kirierod with an icy expression, Yun Che no longer suppressed Susanoo's figure with a thought.

In an instant, the cold purple flame-like energy exploded, soaring into the sky, forming a complete body with a height of more than one hundred and tens of meters!

"Well, it's much more comfortable that way."

After lowering his head and glancing at the god of Kirierod, Yun Che nodded in satisfaction.

"Bastard...how dare you despise me!"

Seeing Yun Che's blatant mocking behavior, the god of Kirierod was furious immediately.

Wielding the sharp blade on his wrist, he rushed towards Yun Che with a puffing sound.

"I seem to be... redundant?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Seeing Susano and Kirierod who were already fighting together, Dagu in Tiga's body scratched his head in embarrassment.

Look at them, one is 90 meters, and the other is [-] meters.

With my height of just over 50 meters, in front of the two of them, I feel like a f*cking chick, somehow I feel so ashamed...

"Forget it, don't think so much!"

"I also want to protect the earth, and I cannot let Yun Che fight alone!"

I'm not tall enough, so I can make it up by flying.

Switching to the air form, Dagu controlled Di Jia to soar into the sky and join the battle.

However, the god of Kirialod used the double wrist swords, and Yun Che used the 40-meter-long samurai sword. He was the only one with bare hands and a club!

......... 0 ...

Within a few minutes of joining the battlefield, he was knocked down and laid down.

Well, be confident, remove the appearance, you are superfluous!

"Hmph, I have to admit that you are quite strong. With this kind of drag bottle, you can actually prevent us Kyriaelods from ruling the earth."

Glancing at Tiga who fell to the ground, the god of Kirierod sneered disdainfully.

Well, after a short fight, the god of Kirielod has defined Tiga as a drag bottle.

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