Although comparing his strength with Dijia's current strength, there is really nothing wrong with such a definition.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, if he exploded, you would probably be torn apart by him on the spot."

Shaking his head, Yun Che smiled with great interest.

According to his speculation, there is a high probability that the god of Kirierod is not the opponent of the evil god Gatanjae.

If Tiga can burst into a shining form at this time, then it shouldn't be a big problem to tear the god of Kirialod with his hands.

You know, in the ending of the original play, after Tiga was defeated by Gatanjae, in a mysterious space, the Kyriaelods appeared and made a series of ridicules against Dagu.

It is said that if he hadn't hindered it, the god of Kirierod would have taken away the human beings long before the dark monster, that is, Gatanjae, woke up.

From this sentence, it is not difficult to infer.

Since the god of Kiriarod wants to take humans from the earth, not to destroy Gatanjae.

So, does it mean that he can't beat Gatanjae?Four.

Chapter 266

"Tear me up on the spot? Hahaha!"

"Interesting, this is really the funniest joke I've ever heard!"

Regarding Yun Che's words, the god Kirielod did not believe at all.

In his opinion, if the B-like Tiga can tear himself apart, then wouldn't the second generation Kiriarod be able to tear himself into pieces?

is it possible?impossible!

This is not TM pure nonsense!

"Believe it or not, it's up to you, anyway, you have no chance to see Dijia explode."

Yun Che shrugged indifferently.

This is only the third episode, it is impossible for Dijia to explode into a shining form now, and today, the god of Kirielod must die.

So... no chance!

"Hmph, of course there is no chance! Because today, you both have to die here!"

With a sneer, the god of Kyriairod brandished the double blades on his wrists, and the ferocious [-] attacked Yun Che.

Every move, every blow contains deadly power.

"As expected of the god of Kirialod, you are indeed much more interesting than the second generation of Kirialods!"

Wielding a 40-meter-long samurai sword to fight against it, Yun Che became excited.

Even, in order to make this hard-won battle last longer, he didn't use any ability, but fought with it with pure Susanoo!

In other words, this is a pure hand-to-hand combat!

Every time the two collide, there will be violent aftermath spreading around.

If it wasn't for the barrier of enchantment, the city, and even the island, would have been sunk!

Of course, having said that, the buildings within the barrier were inevitably destroyed.

"Damn it... I can't get involved in a battle of this level!"

On the ground, seeing Yun Che and the god of Kyriaelode who were fighting vigorously, Dagu gritted his teeth unwillingly.

He has always been an honest person, and he has never had such a moment, such a desire for power.

"No, I can't do nothing."

"Since Yun Che is dealing with the god of Kiriarod, then I will deal with other Kiriarods!"

Turning his head to look at the ghostly blue spirit body flying all over the sky, Dagu switched to the compound Tijia and started the unparalleled mowing mode.

However, although mowing the grass was simple, the energy indicator light on his chest began to flicker shortly after mowing, reminding him that the energy was insufficient and the time was up.

Well, Dagu has never won or lost on the road of being deflated!

"Hey, do you have other means of attack? Or, can you still explode seeds?"

After hacking each other with the god of Kyriairod for a while, Yun Che asked a little out of interest.

He's had his fill of it, and then he's tired of it. It's so boring to keep fighting with A's.

"You guy..."

At this moment, no matter how slow the god of Kirierod was, he had already realized something.

The two sides fought each other to tie A. After fighting for a long time, they were still evenly matched. Neither of them had the slightest advantage. Is this possible?

In theory, it's unlikely.


This situation was caused by Yun Che alone, he was controlling his strength, and forcibly tied with his own!

Thinking about this clearly, the god of Kirierod suddenly became furious:

"Bastard! I am the great god of Kyriairod! How dare you tease me like this!"

The body was filled with black mist, and the size of the god of Kirierod grew rapidly to the extent visible to the naked eye.

In a short while, it changed from a height of 90 meters to over 150 meters, which is a head taller than Yun Che's Susanoo!

Moreover, the luminous spots on the forehead and chest split, from one to two, and two to four, forming a neat pair.

The double blades on the wrist protruded backwards, turning into two-handed knives like the sharp blades of a praying mantis.

"Hmph! Feel honored!"

"You are the first person to see me in this state, and you will be the last!"

Susanoo, who looked down at Yun Che, the god of Kyriairod laughed wantonly.

Well, the way of heaven is reincarnation, who will the heaven spare.

Just now you were a head taller than me, now I am a head taller than you, Feng Shui takes turns, come to my house next year!

"That's it? That's it?"

"That's it, you're floating out of shape?"

Yun Che couldn't help laughing at this.

It's really lack of vision that kills people. Although the height doesn't mean anything, but only in the early 150s, the god of Kirierod is already in a bad shape.

It can be seen from this that he is a shriveled kid who has never seen a big scene!

"Forget it, look at you like this, and you can't expect that you will be able to grow a lot of bulls."

"Since that's the case, don't play anymore, just kill you in your favorite aspect..."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yun Che frantically activated the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Susano, who was originally a full body in his early 120 meters, has grown in size, and in the blink of an eye, he has become a towering giant in his early 300 meters!

The entire upper body is directly covered by the clouds and mist of the night, even if you look up, you can't see the top!

This is a giant, a real giant!

He is so tall that he can't see the side!

"Then, goodbye, God of Kyriairod."

Raising his foot in a simple and rough manner, Yun Che aimed at the god of Kyrierod, and stepped on it.

Doesn't he think he is tall, awesome, and proud?

That being the case, then Yun Che became taller, and then he didn't use any fancy abilities, and directly trampled him to death with a simple and rude kick!

Mmm, pork heart with shrimps!


Seeing Susano's huge right foot, like the palm of the Buddha, covering himself head-on.

At this moment, the god of Kyrierod, who has been invincible since his appearance until now, finally panicked and frightened.

He finally knew why the second-generation Kirielods were defeated by Yun Che, because the other party was a devil at all!

First 60 meters, then eight 90 meters, then 120 meters, and finally 150 meters...

These are all good, the span between the latter and the former is not too big.

But your TN soared directly from 150 meters to 300 meters, what the hell is that?

Is it open?

Can't afford it, can't you?

Talk about TN's eggs!

"Don't want to die...I don't want to die...NO!!!"

The god of Kyriairod wanted to hide and run away, but his legs were as heavy as lead, and he couldn't move at all.

In the end, he could only watch Susanoku's big feet of nearly a hundred yards stepping on him under the miserable wailing.



With a crackling sound, the god of Kyriairod directly turned into a piece of meatloaf, and then...


Explode in place and complete a single kill!

The process is as simple as a human walking on the road and accidentally trampled an ant to death! .

Chapter 267

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