When Yun Che stomped on the god of Kirierod.

Dagu on the other side also controlled Tiga, and almost wiped out all the Kiriairods who ran out from the gate of hell.

Although his energy has been severely lacking, who made those Kirielod people just spiritual life forms, so fragile that they didn't hurt much.

Dagu wanted to destroy them, it was a breeze.

As a result, the only remaining enemy now is the second-generation Kiriarods.

Kill him, destroy the gates of hell, and it's all over.

"Damn, hate! Damn Tiga, damn Susanoo!"

The god of Kirialod died, and the fellow Kirialods were destroyed.

The second generation Kirielods were furious, but there was nothing they could do.

After all, even gods and compatriots have been put down, and now he is alone, what can he do?


"Yun Che, I have reached my limit, and I will leave the rest to you."

Panting heavily, Dagu turned his head and said something to Yun Che.

Then no longer soaring into the sky, but directly turned into strands of fluorescent light on the spot, released the Tiga form, and turned back into a human body.

In the case of insufficient energy of 14 and the indicator light kept flashing, it was his limit to eliminate a large number of Kyriairods who were in the state of spiritual life.

If you don't stop and change back to the human body, Dagu has a hunch that both he and Tijia will become stone statues.

"Well, as a novice fighter, it's not bad to be able to do this."

Glancing at the place where Dijia disappeared, Yun Che chuckled, then turned his head to look at the gate of hell in the sky and the second-generation Kyriairods:

"Honestly speaking, you Kirielod people are still very good. Although it's just for fun, today, I really enjoyed myself."

"So, it's almost time, and it's time to end."

Well, I enjoyed the game and had a great time playing.

Although it doesn't have the thrill of an equal opponent, it's not bad.

"Bastard! You bastard, how dare you treat the great Kiriarod as a plaything!"

The second-generation Kirielod spoke very proudly, but he didn't have any thoughts of fighting back in his heart. Instead, he walked very honestly, got into the gate of hell, and planned to run back to his home planet directly.

It's unlucky, and I don't know which stupid dog found the earth 3000 million years ago.

Can TM people occupy this place?

With this devil here, let alone occupying the earth, it would be good if he didn't backhand occupy Kiriarod's home planet!

In their hearts, the second generation of Kirielod scolded the compatriot who found the earth in the first place, to show their anger.

"It's pretty quick to run, but whether you can really run away depends on your speed."

Grinning, Yun Che gripped the 40-meter-long samurai sword tightly, and used the power of the Power Gem and the Reality Gem to cover the blade:

"Present Force, Susanoo!"

The red light and the purple light intersected, and a [-]-meter long and wide knife light cut out, heading straight for the gate of hell.

The sharp edge flickered, and under the slash of the knife, the gate of hell was split into two in an instant, bursting into the sky with flames, and crushed into countless pieces.

"Life and death are destiny, wealth is in the sky."

The corners of Yun Che's mouth raised slightly.

If the second-generation Kyriairods run fast enough, perhaps he can return to his home planet safely and smoothly.

But if it's that slow...

I'm sorry, but the aftermath of Xianli · Susano will cut him up in an instant, and he will die thoroughly.

So life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, whether they can survive, it all depends on the good fortune of the second generation Kiriarod people.

As for why he should be given a chance instead of killing the grass...

That was of course because, even if the second-generation Kirielod survived by chance, Yun Che would not be afraid of his second return.

After all, what happened to the earth has probably become his psychological shadow. As long as he is not out of his mind, it is impossible for him to come back again, let alone face Yun Che again.

Besides, the god of Kirialod is dead, and the parent planet of Kirialod should now be in a state of leaderless dragons.

I haven't dealt with my own affairs, how can I have the time to take care of external affairs?

"It's over, let's go back and rest."

Stretching happily, Yun Che released the enchantment and Susanoo at the same time, and landed on the ground.

"That...thank you for protecting humans."

Seeing Yun Che returning from the battle, Ju Jianhui thanked him a little nervously.

Can you not be nervous, after all, as a mortal, what she is facing now is Susano.

"Protect human beings? You seem to have misunderstood something. My hands are itchy and I just want to find someone to play with."

After waving his hand, Yun Che said indifferently.

The human beings in this world have Tiga, and they don't need him to protect them at all.

Besides, Yun Che himself has no interest in protecting human beings. This is true no matter which world he is in.

"Even so, as the captain of the winning team, on behalf of humanity, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

"This time, if it wasn't for you, Di Jia alone might not be able to solve this crisis!"

Ju Jianhui said seriously.

"Whatever you want, but..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Yun Che looked at Jun Jianhui with a little surprise on his face.

Because I didn't look carefully before, I haven't found it yet. Now I look carefully, it seems...

The image of Jujian Hui is quite different from the original drama!

Although she still exudes a mature femininity all over her body, she is younger than in the original drama, I don't know how many years old!

"But what?"

Raising an eyebrow, Ju Jianhui asked curiously.

"Ahem...well, do you have any children?"

Coughing in embarrassment, Yun Che asked curiously and tentatively.

In the original play, Ju Jianhui is a single mother, and her child is about ten years old, and she can play soy sauce.


Jujian Hui blushed when she heard the words, and shook her head again and again:

"No, as the captain of the victory team, I'm usually very busy. I haven't even had a boyfriend. Where did the child come from?"

Well, Ju Jianhui's answer seemed inexplicably deceptive.

Originally, she only needed to answer honestly, whether she had children or not, but for some reason, she subconsciously emphasized that she didn't even have a boyfriend.


Seriously terrified! .

Chapter 268

"Where you come up, just ask people if they have children..."

Hearing the conversation between Yun Che and Ju Jianhui, Guang Xiahai rolled his eyes in a speechless manner.

This question of my male god is really...


"Xia Hai, I have a hunch that she may become our sister soon."

Otsuki Kaguya said thoughtfully, then shrugged indifferently:

"Well, there are already enough sisters anyway, one more is not too many, one less is quite a lot."

Regarding Yun Che's choice, the women of the Crystal Palace would hardly interfere too much, as long as he liked it, they would like it too.

"May I ask, how old are you...?"

After hearing Ju Jianhui say that she had no children, and hadn't even had a boyfriend, Yun Che's expression changed from a little surprised to extremely surprised.

"Huh? I... I was a B when I measured it a while ago, but now, it seems to have become a C..."

Hearing the words, Jujian Hui first exclaimed, and then whispered with a blushing face.

Touching the face that was so hot that it was about to smoke, Ju Jianhui felt very strange.

She couldn't figure out why she would subconsciously tell the other party this kind of private information, even though it was the first time they met.

"Cough cough!"

Hearing Ju Jianhui's answer, Yun Che couldn't help coughing.

Fortunately, he didn't drink water now, otherwise he would have sprayed it out of his mouth.

"Well, you misunderstood... What I asked is not your so-and-so, but your age."

Scratching his face, Yun Che smiled awkwardly.

"Ah? Are you asking about age?!"

If there is a crack in the ground at this moment, Ju Jianhui really wants to get in directly.

Throw me to death...

"In terms of age, I'm 24..."

Regarding age, Ju Jianhui is not as taboo as conventional women, on the contrary, she is very proud.

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