Yun Che shook his head and said calmly.

"Don't you think you think this world is too dark?"

Da Gu tried his best to defend himself, no matter what, he did not want Yun Che to be hostile to human beings.

Because if that's the case, let alone life and death, human beings... may never have a foothold again!

"Don't you think you're thinking too brightly about the world?"

Frowning, Yun Che asked coldly:

"Dagu, you are light and human, but your current level is too low after all, and your vision is too latent!"

"You only know that human beings are weak and powerless in front of monsters, but you don't know that in the vast universe, whether it is monsters or human beings, they are all insignificant dust!"

The more worlds you travel through, the more things you see.

The more things you have seen, the better your vision will naturally be.

The Otsutsuki clan of the Naruto world, the ceiling of the masked world, the top gods of Marvel...

It's ridiculous to say that the self-proclaimed protagonist, who thinks that the human being is the center of everything, is actually just a speck of dust in the vast universe, a pitifully small speck of dust!

"Forget it, it's too early to tell you this now'~."

"After're just a kid."

After waving his hand, Yun Che helplessly shook his head and sighed.


When Dagu heard the words, his eyes became bald, and he subconsciously retorted.

But think about it carefully, forget it, it is easy to refute, but after refuting, it is easier to get beaten!

In fact, Dagu was 23 years old, and Yun Che was in his early 20s.

If you really want to count it, Da Gu is still a few years older than Yun Che.

However, who told him that the things he has experienced now are still few, age is not an issue, compared to the words of experience, Yun Che said that Da Gu is a child, there is really nothing wrong with it.

"Hey, Yun Che, wait for me!"

At this point in the topic, we couldn't continue the conversation. Seeing that Yun Che had lifted Susano, Dako, who seemed to have something else to say, immediately turned into a little bit of fluorescent light, and returned to a human body.

However, when he came to Yun Che's side as a human body, he met a person who he never wanted to see here no matter what...

Captain of the Victory Team, Jujian Hui!

"It's over, it's over! Could it be that I have concealed my identity for so long, and am I going to reveal it here today?"

His brows were twisted into a twist, and Dagu was so nervous that he died.

Seeing that Dagu was so embarrassed, and he looked like he thought he was blown up if he didn't know, the considerate Junjianhui smiled slightly, and had a showdown:

"Da Gu, don't be so nervous, in fact, I already know your identity, Ti Jia."

As soon as this remark came out, Dagu was stunned:

"Team...Captain, do you know my identity?"

What the hell?what's the situation?

When did you expose yourself?

Could it be that at a certain moment in the past, if he didn't pay attention, he showed his feet?

But it's not right, obviously every time I transform, I run far away, and I have repeatedly confirmed that there is no one around!

Dagu fell into deep autism and seriously doubted his life.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up:

"Captain, did Yun Che tell you? But how did you two know each other?"

From Dagu's cognition, Yun Che seemed to be the only person who knew his Dijia's identity, and Ju Jianhui happened to be in Yun Che's team...

So, the result is already obvious!

Well, Dagu, the famous detective pretending to be clever, thinks he has seen everything!

"Yun Che didn't tell me, but I guessed and found out through some details."

"As for how we met Yun Che... Maybe it's because of fate."

After thinking about the wording for a while, Ju Jianhui smiled reasonably.

Especially how she and Yun Che got to know each other, she quickly went through it several times in her mind before finally deciding to say this.

It will neither look unfamiliar nor presumptuous, and it is quite satisfactory, with a little ambiguity.

Mmm, perfect!

".~ I figured it out myself... It's a good thing you're the captain, you're really smart."

Seeing that he had guessed wrong, Dagu touched his head and said with an embarrassed smile.

"By the way, Captain, can you please keep it secret for me? I don't want others to know that I am Ultraman Tiga."

Although he didn't know the specific reason, Dagu had such a premonition in his heart.

If his identity as Ultraman Tiga is exposed, then his future life will undergo drastic changes.

And it's not the kind of upheaval in a good direction, but a negative upheaval in the opposite direction!

"Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut."

Junjian Hui nodded and smiled.

She knew about it a few months ago, and she didn't tell anyone. It's impossible to tell it because of the showdown now.

It's not her character to have a big mouth.

"Huh~ That's good, thank you Captain!"

Dagu breathed a sigh of relief after getting the affirmation from Jujianhui.

"Have you finished chatting (Nuo's Zhao)? After chatting, go to dinner, Dagu, treat yourself."

Seeing that Jujianhui and Dagu had finished chatting, Yun Che waved his hand and said.

Although it was already night, the group of them had just left the pastoral world, so they were not in a hurry to go back.

Besides, it’s been a while since I’ve been in Tiga World, and all three meals are settled in the Pastoral World, and I haven’t experienced the local food yet. If I don’t want to eat a meal, I feel inexplicably in vain.

"Ah? Why am I treating you?"

Dagu asked with a face of reluctance, his salary was not high in the first place, and there were still so many people in this group.

If I really want to treat a guest to a meal, I am afraid that I will be slaughtered so that I can only drink northwest wind in the future.

"Because you drifted away just now, why, why don't we practice and prove ourselves to me?"

Yun Che grinned and clenched his fists.


You are strong, you are reasonable, even if I, Dagu, can't swallow this breath anymore, today...

Also TM swallowed! .

Chapter 274

The bright moon hangs in the sky.

Under the night, Yun Che and his party walked out of the izakaya, holding their bellies in satisfaction.

“The store is small, but the taste is good.”

"Honestly speaking, eating vegetarian food all day long in the pastoral world, the mouth is almost fading out of the bird."

Yun Che hiccupped and said with a satisfied smile.

There are no animals in the pastoral world, except for them, there are only the Jakuma brothers who gnaw on rocks all day long.

Therefore, if you want to eat meat, you are basically hopeless. You can only be self-sufficient, grow some vegetables and fruits, and eat vegetarian stew.

"Why don't we just eat it outside in the future, or buy meat and cook it at home."

Kaguya Otsuki suggested.

Those vegetables and fruits in the pastoral world were originally intended to cultivate field skills and cultivate sentiment.

As a result, the cart turned the cart before the horse, from cultivating one's sentiments at the beginning to eating food, eating vegetarian food for nothing, and people became thinner.

"Okay, okay! I didn't feel anything before, but now when I eat meat, I immediately feel that the previous meal was wasted!"

Guang Xiahai nodded excitedly in agreement.

These days, no one who can eat meat wants to eat dried vegetables.

"My little Qianqian, you died so badly..."

They were happy, but Dagu had a bitter face, holding his shriveled wallet, feeling extremely distressed.

This meal cost him 50 million yen, a few months' wages, and it was just in vain.

Blue skinny mushrooms!

The price of the food is actually moderate, the taste is worth the price, the key is that there are too many people, eight people, each person eats a set meal of about [-] to [-] yen, and then drinks...

Next, it is estimated that I can only drink the northwest wind to survive.

"Dagu, I will apply with the financial manager later, and treat it as a public expense reimbursement."

Patting Dagu on the shoulder, Jujianhui comforted him.

Dagu, an honest man, was brutally slaughtered for no reason. It is really pitiful...

"Really? But captain, this is the bill for our meals. Will the finance department accept it?"

Dagu asked with some concern.

"Don't worry, it's okay, I've already thought about the reasons."

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