Ju Jianhui smiled confidently, as smart as she is, she has already conceived a reasonable reason in her mind.

At that time, it will be said that when they were performing missions outside, they met Susano by chance, and then in order to get closer and establish contact, they paid out of their own pockets and invited him to have a meal.

This reason is perfect!

It is related to Susano's good relationship, TPC will not only reimburse the bills, but may even issue bonuses as a reward!

There was no way, it was because Yun Che's strength was too strong, so they had to care about it.

"Dagu, are we friends?"

At this time, Men Shishi came to Dagu's side, and asked very intimately with his shoulders crossed.

"Uh... huh?"

Dagu heard the words, scratched his head, and said with some uncertainty.

Have a meal together, are we friends?Yeah?no?probably......

"In that case, can you lend me your strength?"

Men Yashi narrowed his eyes, revealing his fox tail.

That's right, the reason why he got close to Dagu was to borrow Dagu's power, or in other words, to get Dijia's card!

Although he didn't know if he, who came from the world of masks, could get a card from the world of Ultra, Monyashi wanted to give it a try. After all, didn't Yun Che already say that the two worlds have similar approaches but the same results!

And this joint work is very likely to be the opportunity for him to get the card!

"My power? Lend it to you?"

Dagu's face was neatly written with the word ignorant.

My own strength should refer to Tiga, but lend Tiga to Menyashi?

What the hell, I can't understand it at all!

"It's like this. As for me, I can turn someone else's power into a card, and then use that person's power through the card."

Men Yashi roughly explained.

Although Haidong Dashu has a card that can make him gigantic, it is only a giantized Decade after all, and he still needs his help, and he cannot do it alone.

So what Menyashi wants now is a simple Tiga that can become huge by itself!

If you can get it, then when you return to the world of masks, not only can Haidong Dashu show off, but you can also see who is upset, who is crushed, wouldn't it be great?

"Oh... what about my power? Will it disappear after I lend it to you?"

Dagu nodded thoughtfully, and then asked worriedly.


But if the power to transform into Tiga will disappear after lending it to Menyashi, then no matter what, you must never borrow it!

"Don't worry, it's a loan!"

"After I get the card of your power, your power will not disappear, and it will not even have any effect!"

Men Yashi patted his chest and said with a confident smile.

"Okay, I agree, how can I lend it to you?"

Upon hearing this, Dagu nodded reassuringly, and then asked curiously.

Apart from being honest, I don’t know how to reject insiders, Department/Group: 9.8/0'2,? 0"5:8'5,6 Except for others, he is still giving Yun Che face. After all, Yun Che brought the door warriors. If this is rejected, department/group: 9.8/0'2,? 0"5:8'5,6 Absolutely, not too good.

"Uh... well..."

Men Yashi scratched his head, for a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

In the original world, as long as he has a bond with the Kamen Rider's transformation person, he can get its card.

But in Ultra World, he really didn't know what to do.

Create fetters?What happened?

"Yun Che..."

In desperation, Men Yashi could only turn his gaze to Yun Che, hoping that he could help him think of a solution.


Seeing this, Yun Che rolled his eyes speechlessly.

It's a shame that this guy, Monyashi, can figure it out. He even wants to use the setting system of the masked world to extract the power of the Ultra world. Why don't you go to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?

However, if it is really impossible, it is still possible.

After all, Otto and Mask are world-famous and the most famous two special effects.

In a sense, they are born from the same root.

"Take out a white card, let me try."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yun Che asked Men Yashi for a powerless white card, held it in his hand, and planned to try it.

As for Dijia's light source power, there is no need to ask Dagu at all.

Yun Che had already copied it when he first met him.

For so long, the reason why it has been useless is mainly because there is no need to use it.

After all, why use Tiga for something that Susano can almost solve, why is it unnecessary? .

Chapter 275

Holding the Decade white card given by Men Yashi, Yun Che injected Dijia's power into it with a thought.

For about tens of seconds, it lit up with bursts of golden fluorescence.

The originally empty card gradually showed the image of Di Jia.

"Fuck! Did it really work?"

Looking at the Dcd card that contained Dijia's power shining brightly in his hand~, Yun Che was surprised.

I just tried it casually, and the result turned out to be that I really used the setting system of the masked world to capture the power of the Ultra world!

It should be said that it is indeed the same as the two special photos?

"Haha! Yun Che, you are really my good brother! Thank you so much!"

Seeing Yun Che's success, Menyashi was immediately overjoyed.

"You're lucky, I just tried it."

Speechlessly rolling his eyes, Yun Che threw the card to Menyashi.

This time, let's take it as a favor for him. After all, Men Yashi is one of the very few male friends that he recognizes in the vast heavens and worlds.

Well, it's really a very small number, counting on your fingers, it seems that there are only Men Yashi, Haidong Dashu, and...

No more.

Fuck!there is none left?

After careful calculation, it seems that these two guys are the only male friends that Yun Che approves of!

And it's all TM from the world of Masks!

Oh, by the way, now we have to add Dagu from the Tiga world, Hongkai from the Uub world, and Juggler.

Of course, Yun Che only reluctantly recognized the three of them, not friends.

As for the world of Naruto and Marvel that he traveled through before, the Naruto Uzumaki and Tony Stark he met were not considered friends.

Because, in Yun Che's eyes, they are juniors.

Tony Stark and others, because of the influence of time paradox, Yun Che is the same generation as their fathers.

Not to mention Naruto Uzumaki and the others, they are all a group of children, how could they be friends!


Although friends don't care about the number of friends, as long as they have quality, Yun Che's friends are actually too few, so few that he can count them on one hand.

Of course, he himself doesn't care about these things.

"I seem to be... redundant?"

On the other side, Dagu scratched his head with a dull and bewildered expression.

What about borrowing your own strength?

Why did you just finish the job without doing anything?

Moreover, Tiga's transfiguration is himself, right?Is it right?

Why can Mao Yunche inject his own Tijia power into the card of Men Yashi?

Too many questions were circling in his mind, and Dagu couldn't figure it out.

"Scholar, you are a man after all, don't always rely on Yun Che when you encounter troubles!"

Guang Xiahai said with an unhappy face.

The last time it was the Magic Time King card, this time it was the Dijia Light Source card, which is more dependent than myself, and I don’t even say you hugged like this!

Are you Yun Che's woman, or am I Yun Che's woman?

Guang Xiahai said it was very sour!


Touching his head, Monyashi smiled awkwardly.

"Well, it doesn't matter, don't worry so much."

After waving his hand, Yun Che said with a light smile.

He doesn't have many friends, but all of them are of good quality. It is no exaggeration to say that if he is in danger, Men Yashi, a sullen man, will definitely be the first to stand in front of him.

It was also because of this that Yun Che treated them sincerely.

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