"Speaking of which, it's getting late, Dagu and I will go back first."

Junjian Hui said with a smile.

From a certain point of view, the victorious team can also be regarded as a kind of army.

Therefore, except for the execution of tasks and special circumstances, under normal circumstances, the rules of work and rest are naturally very strict.

"Go back, be careful on your own way."

After waving his hands, the residences of the victory team members are basically in the TPC base.

On the way, accompanied by Da Gu, Yun Che was not worried about the safety of Ju Jian Hui.

"Yun Che, shall we go back too?"

After Dagu and Jujianhui left, Guang Xiahai asked curiously.

"According to our time difference, we have only been out of the pastoral world for a few hours. To be honest, I don't really want to go back now."

Kaguya Otsutsuki said.

"I think so too. Going back is nothing more than sleeping. It's really boring."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Yun Che nodded in agreement, going back would be boring, but if he didn't go back, he wouldn't be able to find anything to do in this world.

After all, today's monsters have been solved, at least until tomorrow, new monsters will appear, this is Tokusho's tradition.

"Otherwise... let's go back to the world of Uub first?"

After pondering for a while, Lianfeng suggested.

"Uub World..." Yun Che touched his chin thoughtfully upon hearing this.

I don't know if there is any deviation in the time flow between the Uub world and the Tiga world.

But my group has been in Tiga World for a while, and so is Uub World, that's for sure.

So, after such a long time, after such a long time, it is guaranteed that the plot of Uub World will start to go on the right track again, and the monsters will appear again?

......... 0 ......

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go back to the world of Uub!"

After making a decision, Yun Che nodded, and immediately raised his hand to summon a dimensional wall.

"Uub World? Is it another Ultraman's world?"

Hearing this, Menyashi seemed to have guessed something, and asked with bright eyes.

"Well, there are countless parallel small worlds in the masked world, and there are also countless parallel small worlds in the Ultra world. The concepts are similar."

Yun Che nodded.

Between the two special shots, some setting systems are almost exactly the same.


Seeing that his guess was correct, Monyashi was so happy that he jumped up on the spot.

Although he is still in the Diga world, he seems to have seen a new Ultra card dancing in front of him.

"You bastard, if you want Uub's card to be handled by yourself, don't bother Yun Che all the time!"

Guang Xiahai cursed unhappily.

"Uh...hehe, then I'll try it by myself then."

Mon Yashi patted his head, smiled, and did not refute.

Although he is a straight man, he is not a fool. Even though he knows that Yun Che doesn't care about these things, he can't keep his cheeks and trouble others.

Once or twice is okay, but if this time is too many, the relationship will change accordingly.Four.

Chapter 276

Go through the Dimensional Wall and return to the world of Uub.

The moment Yun Che and his party stepped on the ground, they felt a violent wave.

"Fuck! An earthquake?"

Stabilizing his figure, Men Yashi looked surprised.

Just now, there was an earthquake, what a good start?

"Idiot, where is the earthquake, look up!"

Guang Xiahai rolled his eyes speechlessly, and when Men Yashi heard the words, he looked up, his expression suddenly turned from surprise to joy:

"Ouch! It's such a coincidence, I just ran into it when I came here!"

I saw that two giants holding swords were engaged in a fierce battle in the open space beside them.

They are Orb in the original form holding Uub's holy sword, and the ghost lover Crimson Knight holding an ancient samurai sword.

"The plot of Uub World has progressed to this point..."

Seeing Uub in black, red and white, Yun Che murmured as if he was thinking about it.

The appearance of Uub in its original form means that the plot of Uub has entered the late stage.

It won't be long before it's over.

"It seems that the time flow speed of Tiga world and Uub world is really different."

The world of Tiga stayed for several months on the surface, but it was only a few days in reality, while more than half a year had passed in the world of Uub.

However, the two cannot be generalized.

After all, Tiga has more than 50 episodes in the whole drama, while Uub has only half of it, more than 20 episodes. The gap is not usually big.

"In other words, it was also sealed by Jintian Jinglong. I don't know which one is stronger, Dijia's two-faced ghost, or Uub's red lotus riding version of the ghost."

Yun Che smiled with great interest.

This question is a topic among Ultra fans, although it is a small one, but it is a relatively hot topic.

Although it is only the corresponding person in the parallel world, in the final analysis, it is also sealed by Jin Tian Jinglong.

It is also a humanoid monster, and it also uses a knife as a weapon.

A ghost, a combination of resentment and resentment, if they fight, it's really hard to say which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

"Yun Che, I always feel that Uub hasn't made much progress."

"When I first came here, I saw him being hanged and beaten by monsters. Now after leaving for a while and returning, he is still being hanged and beaten by monsters."

Looking at the native Uub who was being hacked by Korenki Korenki, Otsuki Kaguya said speechlessly.

"Well, eating deflated is a special custom, just get used to it."

Yun Che said with a light smile.

Whether it's a mask or Ott, no one has never been deflated from the beginning to the end.

"Speaking of which, don't we help him? I think he was beaten badly..."

Mon Yashi scratched his head and said, he still wants to get the opponent's card, it seems a bit inappropriate to just watch him being beaten like this.

"It's true that we should help. It would be bad if we watched him being beaten to death."

Yun Che nodded. In the original play, Ghost Lover Red Lotus Knight is extremely powerful.

Not only did it blow away Uub's dart spear in the form of the blast, and the holy sword of Uub in its original form, it even crushed almost the entire process, severely injuring Uub.

If it wasn't for the end, Nasumi recognized her jealousy and used this to influence the ghost lover Honglianqi to put down the demon sword, and finally wiped out by the sword of Orb water.

So, who wins and who loses is really a bit of a mystery!

Of course, Uub doesn't necessarily lose if he returns to the game.

After all, he still has an extremely powerful dark form, but if it is not necessary, he will never make a move!

You know, the dark power from Beria is not so easy to master!

"Complete body Susanoo!"

The eternal kaleidoscope opened its eyes, the power of the pupils grew, and purple flame-like energy soared into the sky.

In an instant, the huge complete body Susano stood between the sky and the earth.

"Yun Che?!"

Seeing the familiar Susano appear, Hong Kai in Uub's body suddenly looked pleasantly surprised.

Due to the different speed of time in the two worlds, in Hong Kai's knowledge, since the last time they parted, he has not seen Yun Che for more than half a year!

"Kai, I haven't seen you for so long, you don't seem to have made much progress."

Pulling out a 40-meter-long samurai sword from his waist, Yun Che teased with great interest.

"Uh... It's not that I haven't grown up, but this guy is too difficult to deal with!"

Unconvinced, Hong Kai pointed at the Ghost Lover Hong Lianqi:

"His power is very strong and his sensitivity is very high. That's fine. The key is that he can freely switch between the physical body and the spiritual body. It's troublesome and tricky to fight!"

Ghost Lover Red Lotus Knight is a combination of resentment, he is not so much a monster, it is better to say that he is a ghost.

It is both a ghost and a monster.

Therefore, he can freely switch between the physical body and the spiritual body, which is barely a buggy ability.

"Then why don't you use the dark form?"

"If I remember correctly, you should have mastered the power of the dark form by now, right?"

Yun Che asked curiously...

According to the development rhythm of the current plot.

Uub should have overcome the pain of the past when he dealt with the strongest monster, Magga Orochi, in the previous episodes, regained his true self, and mastered the power of the dark form.

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