Although it would not be enough to crush and blow up the Ghost Lover Red Lotus Knight, at least it would not be hanged and beaten like it is now.

"Well... I don't think that's necessary."

Touching his head, Hong Kai said with some embarrassment.

"Are you afraid that you will run away?"

Yun Che smiled lightly, and saw Hong Kai's true thoughts at a glance.

Although he has fully mastered the power of the dark form once, he blew up the Maga serpent.

But not afraid of [-], just in case, deep in Hong Kai's heart, he was still worried that he would be swallowed by darkness and behave violently.

After all, the last time he went berserk, he accidentally hurt Nasumi, which made him feel guilty for a long time.


He bowed his head and said nothing, Hong Kai acquiesced.

Yu Yiji's help and a full battle still didn't give him enough confidence to master the dark form.

Hong Kai doesn't want to experience the atrocities of going berserk, attacking wildly, and destroying everything in front of him regardless of whether it's enemy or friend.

"Well, it doesn't matter, let's deal with the ghost lover first."

Seeing Hongkai bowed his head and said nothing, Yun Che shook his head, then turned to look at Honglianqi, the ghost lover.

Although the strength of the two sides is not equal to each other, in terms of image, this is a battle between warriors.

The Korenki, who can freely switch between the real body and the spiritual body, Vs the perfect body Susanoo, which is materialized by flame-like energy.


Exuding black air and red mist all over his body, Ghost Lover Red Lotus Knight groaned, gripped his samurai sword tightly, and rushed towards Yun Che.


Halfway through the run, a dark purple streamer flashed, and his figure accelerated abruptly. He jumped high and flew in front of Yun Che in an instant, and the samurai sword in his hand slashed straight down.

"Ping pong!"

Yun Che squinted his eyes after confronting him head-on with his saber:

"Interesting, short-lived super-speed...".

Chapter 277

Ultra-high speed, a very BUG fighting method.

Masked World, such as Faiz's accelerated form, Kabuto's Clockup, and Drive's TypeSpeed ​​form.

Ultraworld such as Saiga's super acceleration, Max's comet sprint, and Galaxy's galactic acceleration.

These are all ultra-high-speed capabilities.

There are also monsters, such as Hypageton, but the number is very rare.

"Well, although super-high speed is a bug, your distance is too short and your speed is too slow."

With a soft laugh, Yun Che twisted his wrist tightly holding the 40-meter samurai sword, swung it hard, and directly repelled the ghost-loving red lotus rider.

Afterwards, it was also super-high-speed, and instantly came to the front of the ghost lover Honglianqi, and slashed down with a knife.


Ghost Lover Honglian rode backwards in pain, a large gash appeared on his chest.

But in a blink of an eye, black and red smoke was sizzling again, and healed as before.

"Look! Look! I said this guy is hard to deal with!"

"Even if everything else is left aside, the recovery ability alone is quite tricky!"

Seeing this, Hong Kai immediately stepped forward and spoke righteously. 14

What he wanted to express was obvious, not that he was too weak, but that his opponent was too strong.

It has strong attack power, high sensitivity, and can freely switch between spirit body and entity, but this guy is a combination of resentment and can't cause any substantial damage to it at all.

What's the matter?

I'm afraid I'm playing with a hammer!

"Well, monsters and ghosts are indeed more difficult to deal with than ordinary monsters."

Yun Che shrugged irresolutely.

You know, the Ultra world is not all monsters, monsters and ghosts, and even monsters created by scientific means, but there are only a few of them.

And most of these few monsters are much more difficult to deal with than ordinary monsters.

Simply put, because there are few of them, they are special!

"Yun Che, otherwise, let's join forces and kill him together. Otherwise, with this guy's recovery power, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to destroy him alone!"

Hong Kai suggested.

He who didn't want to use the dark form could only rely on Yun Che's help.

"Join together? No need!"

With a disdainful sneer, Yun Che shook his head:

"It was just a trial run, not even a warm-up."

"Although there are indeed some bugs in his various abilities, do you really think I have nothing to do with him?"

From crossing to the world of Ultra until now, every time he played with monsters, Yun Che only used Susanoo's power.

The only time I used infinite gems was when I was playing with the god of Kyriairod in Tiga World.

And now, if you want to play with Love Ghost Red Lotus, I'm afraid you have to use Infinity Gems for the second time.

"A combination of resentment and resentment, a spirit body, right?"

"In that case..."

Yun Che squinted his eyes, and with a thought, the 40-meter-long warrior blade was instantly covered with a layer of orange radiance.

This is the power of the soul gem!

The samurai sword that has been boosted by the soul gem can easily cause substantial damage to the ghost lover red lotus rider, even if he is a spirit body, it is useless, because this is specifically for the soul!


Seemingly feeling the threat from the orange light, Love Ghost Red Lotus Knight whimpered and launched an attack.

Cut horizontally, cut straight, pick up, and cut obliquely.

In addition to actively attacking, the Ghost Lover Red Lotus Knight also moved his body intentionally or unintentionally, as if he was trying his best to avoid being touched by the 40-meter samurai sword that amplified the power of the soul gem.

Apparently, although he can't speak, he can only blah blah.

But he's still smart, at least somewhat sane, not an idiot.

"Hehe, it's pretty slippery to move around!"

"However, do you really think that if you twist fast enough, you can avoid the flat A?"

With a sneer, Yun Che raised his hands horizontally, and the samurai sword stood horizontally in the center.

Introverted, quiet, steady, breathing...

After about two breaths, his feet suddenly exploded:

"Suzuo Blink!"

At super high speed, Yun Che's figure turned into a phantom, and instantly moved behind the Ghost Lover Red Lotus Rider.

On the surface, nothing seemed to happen.

But in the next second, the samurai sword in the rider's hand shattered, and a smooth blade appeared on the armor on his chest, and his left arm was severed and fell off the ground.

One knife, serious injury!

Can't see it, can't resist it, let alone recover it!


Holding the cracked samurai sword with his only remaining right hand, Korenki Korenki was a little dazed.

He didn't seem to understand how in the blink of an eye, the knife was split, the armor was shattered, and even his left hand was broken.

Moreover, it can't be recovered at all!

"Don't be serious, you can't play, be serious, you can't afford it."

"Hey, in this world, why is it so difficult to find an interesting opponent?"

After wiping the blade of the samurai sword, Yun Che shook his head helplessly and sighed.

Don't use infinite gems, the ability of ghost lover red lotus rider is really buggy and can't be cut.

Infinity gems were used, but Ghost Lover Red Lotus Knight is as brittle as a piece of paper, and it will be useless if it is cut.

How is this good?

How to play?

I can't afford it!


Hong Kai in Uub's body squatted quietly, silent.

Although Yun Che's words sounded quite ordinary, it seemed that he was lamenting the injustice in the world.

However, he always felt that the other party was pretending... Well, he was pretending, right?

It's definitely pretending!


Seemingly seeing that Yun Che was pretending to be coercive, and still using himself to pretend to be coercive, Ghost Lover Honglian whimpered unhappily, raised the broken knife, and charged at Yun Che again.

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