However, even in his full state, he couldn't pose any threat to Yun Che.

What's more, now, what about the situation where he was injured, his hand was broken, and his knife was useless?

Yun Che just stood still and let him slash, even the useless knife that Liangui Honglian was riding could not pierce Susanoo's defensive skin!

Well, to put it simply, it is scraping.

The ultimate scraping!

"Well, it's better not to play, how can I put it, you were also a pair of hard-working mandarin ducks when you were alive."

Liangui is the prince of the Warring States Period and the princess of his enemy country. Because he cannot rest in peace, he turned into a ghost.

They were originally a pair of lovers who fell in love with each other, but because of their different forces, they were forced to separate and even died.

"So, ashes to ashes, dust to dust..."

The 40-meter-long samurai blade burst into orange light, Yun Che held the blade in both hands, aimed at the Ghost Lover Red Lotus Knight, and chopped off from head to toe!

Under the blessing of the power of the soul gem, Lian Gui's soul was split into two and completely liberated.

"After staying in this world for so long, go to reincarnation obediently."

"I hope you will meet again in the next life..."

Watching Lian Gui's figure disappear and turn into two strands of fluorescent light, Yun Che smiled slightly.

The previous Obike was pitiful, and the current ghost lover is equally pitiful. Maybe their experiences are different, but their pain is the same.

Regarding this, Yun Che is willing to help them subjectively.

To be honest, compared to humans, Yun Che seems to have more sympathy for miserable monsters.

Perhaps... this is the ulterior motive, right?

Sometimes, compared to monsters, human beings are more terrifying, not because of strength, but because of the heart, which is so dark that it is impossible to figure it out! .

Chapter 278

"Yun Che, did you purify them just now?"

Seeing the two strands of fluorescent light representing the soul dissipate into the sky, Hong Kai asked curiously.

"Well, it's not so much about purification as it is about letting this pair of fateful mandarin ducks enter reincarnation."

Yun Che shook his head and smiled lightly.

Speaking of purification, Hong Kai did the same in the original play.

After the Ghost Lover Red Lotus Knight gave up resistance, he switched the Orb holy sword to the water attribute, turning it into the clear water holy sword, and purified the opponent with the power of water flow.

Well, in general, the ending is pretty much the same.

"Speaking of Yun Che, where have you been for the past six months?"

Hong Kai asked suspiciously.

During the time when Yun Che disappeared, it was not that he had not looked for the other party, but no matter what method he used, there was no news in the end.

It's as if the whole person has evaporated directly in place, which is puzzling.

"Well, I just went to another world."

Yun Che shrugged and smiled.

"Another world? Could it be...another universe, a different dimension?"

Hearing this, Hong Kai was stunned for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

In fact, it's not surprising that he would know about the existence of other universes and dimensions.

After all, among the many Ultramans, Hongkai is a special one, not to say that his strength is so special, but that his origin and background are very special.

First of all, he is not a human being, to be precise, he is not a human being on Earth.

Born in a distant galaxy on the planet O-50, Hong Kai, whose real name is Kai, was chosen by the Light of Uub at the Warrior Peak and became Uub's human body.

Even if he does not become Ultraman, his physical fitness is far superior to that of humans on Earth, referred to as Superman.

Secondly, unlike most Ultraman, they are novice fighters when they appear on the stage, and they don't even know how to transform into monsters.

Long before coming to Earth, Hongkai had already traveled in the universe, experienced many battles, and became a qualified and mature Ultra warrior.

Therefore, if someone else appeared in Novice Village, he would be at full level if he appeared.


It seems a little imprecise to say that it is a full level, but whatever, that's what it means.

"Other universes, different dimensions... Well, if you understand it this way, there's nothing wrong with it~."

"There were no monsters in this world for a long time before, it was too boring, so I went to other Ultra worlds for a stroll."

Yun Che shrugged and said with a light smile.

"Isn't it a good thing that no monsters appear..."

Hong Kai complained silently, but didn't dwell too much on this topic:

"Then which universe, which different dimension did you visit? Are there any warriors of light there? How is your strength? Are you my senior or my junior? Overall, is it interesting?"

As a wanderer, wandering around without a fixed place is Hongkai's daily life.

Therefore, he was very curious about what kind of world Yun Che went to.

If it's interesting, he also plans to go there to have fun after dealing with the affairs on this earth.

"You ask so many questions at once, how can I answer them..."

"However, it's quite interesting to be interesting, and there are also Warriors of Light, who can be regarded as your old predecessors."

Yun Che smiled with great interest.

"Old man? Who is it? The first generation-san or Tai Luo-san? Or Zuofei-san?"

Hearing this, Hong Kai scratched his head and asked curiously.

Regarding this, Yun Che rolled his eyes speechlessly:

"It's not that old. What you said are all from your ancestors."

"The old man I'm talking about is Ultraman from the same department as you."

As far as the real age is concerned, Tiga is the first Ultraman in Heisei, so for Uub, he is considered an old man, after all, both belong to the Heisei system.

Those ultra-veteran fighters of the Showa Department are considered ancestors.

Of course, this is only the real age. If it is calculated according to the setting, then it is Di Jia, the ancestor of the Showa family.

After all, in terms of setting, Tiga is Ultraman who appeared 3000 million years ago, and no one knows where he was born.

The father of Ultra is 16 years old, and the king of Ultra is only over 30 years old. Compared with 3000 million years, they are still too immature.

"The Ultraman from the same department as me?"

Hong Kai frowned, and after thinking for a while, guessed again:

"Is that Mebius-san? Or Ginga-san and Victory-san?"

Well, although Hong Kai looks on the surface, he is a very serious person.

But in fact, his essence is funny, deeply rooted, and unchangeable.

If he hadn't known that he was such a pee, Yun Che would have even wondered if he was deliberately avoiding the correct answer...

"Tiga! It's Tiga, OK?"

"One of your most commonly used heavy-light forms, Ultraman Tiga!"

Yun Che was quite speechless, so he simply stopped playing charades with Hong Kai and told him the answer directly.

If he continues to guess, his head will be big!

"Eh? It turned out to be Di Jiasang!"

Hong Kai was surprised when he heard this, and then asked excitedly:

"Yun Che, I didn't expect to go to Di Jiasang's world!"

"Have you seen him? How is his strength? Isn't he very strong?"

Before finding himself, changing back to his original appearance, and regaining his original form, Hongkai has always used the heavy light form.

Therefore, he has inexplicable feelings for the two borrowers of the heavy light form, Di Jia and the first generation.

"...What? Haven't you seen him?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"No." Hong Kai shook his head as a matter of course.

"Then where did your tiga card come from?"

I haven't seen Tiga, but I have Tiga's light source card, isn't that nonsense!

No, think about it...

Hong Kai doesn't seem to have seen a lot of Ultraman, but he still has the opponent's card. What's going on?

"Who said that you must have seen the deity before you can get the light source card?"

"Most of the cards I have on hand are obtained by destroying monsters."

Hong Kai scratched his head and said it as a matter of course.


Yun Che couldn't help but fell silent when he heard that.

It seems that in Uub's world, there is indeed such a setting.

Destroy the monster, and you can get the light source card of Ultraman who sealed the monster in the first place!


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