Although the ways are different and they don't conspire with each other, to be reasonable, he personally doesn't mind reconciling with Jugula.

But the question is, Jugula, are you willing to reconcile with yourself.

After all, that guy's personality is very arrogant, awkward, and even sick. It is basically impossible for him to take the initiative to show his favor.

"Well, it wasn't necessarily true before, but now, it's hard to say..."

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, then turned his head and shouted towards a small building behind him:

"Jagula, come out, it's no fun to be sneaky~"

That's right, Juggler, the central character of the topic, is hiding behind that small building at this moment-!

The seed containing the power of Susanoo that Yun Che gave him before has already blossomed and bore fruit, so it is only natural that he can sense the other party's existence!


Seeing that his whereabouts were discovered, Jugula stopped being obsessed.

He walked out straight and aboveboard, first looked at Hong Kai with a complicated face, and then turned his head to look at Yun Che:

"Yun Che, thank you for giving me strength. I said before that if I succeed, I will definitely repay you."

"So... from now on, I will be the sharp blade in your hands, and all those who are your enemies will be my targets!"

Subdued, or in other words, surrendered!

Jugula's respectful gesture and words immediately stunned Hong Kai!

This guy is definitely not the deep well ice Jugula I know well!

"Become a sharp blade in my hand..."

When Yun Che heard this, he raised his eyebrows with great interest.

Yun Che was not surprised by Jugula's changed attitude.

You know, ever since Uub's Light chose Hongkai and abandoned Jugula on the top of the warriors on planet O-50, what he has always wanted to do is to defeat the opponent!

This is Juggler's goal, even, his obsession!

In order to defeat Hongkai and prove that he is not weaker than him, Jugula even suppressed the longing for light deep in his heart, and fell into the darkness with his body!

Just to get enough power to defeat Hongkai and Uub!

But now, Yun Che gave him this power, and he even successfully defeated Hong Kai and Uub.

In this way, the goal is accomplished and the obsession dissipates.

It is natural that the attitude will undergo such a 360-degree change!

After all, although Jugula is arrogant, awkward, and sick, but people, as long as the things he has been holding on to disappear, then he will definitely find new things to hold on to!

Yun Che is Jugula's new target after Hongkai!

"Well, that being said, I'm sorry, but I don't need you to be the sharp knife in my hand."

With Yun Che's strength, as long as he wants to, he can push everywhere.

There is no need for wage earners at all.

"No matter what, I will kill all the enemies for you!"

Juggler looked firm, and said in an unquestionable tone.

Good guy, surrender is surrender, but pride is still pride.

In his words, it means that I want to be a sharp blade in your hands. This is my business. It has nothing to do with whether you agree or not. Anyway, if there is an enemy, I will cut it off and finish the job!

Well, it's very arrogant and domineering, but it fits Juggler's pissing nature.

"Fine, up to you." Yun Che spread his hands helplessly.

The power was handed over to Jugula by himself. To describe it in terms of causality, the cause he sows must be reaped by himself.

Moreover, with Jugula's character, persuasion is definitely not enough, so it's better to let him.


Hong Kai, who is a melon eater, is still in a daze until now.

With the capacity of his brain, it is really impossible to understand what happened during this period.

Why did the arrogant, awkward, crazy, and sick Jugula that I used to know become what he is now?

how to say?

Inexplicably a bit like licking a dog...

"Speaking of which, Jugula, since you have successfully defeated Kai, can you consider reconciling with him?"

Yun Che asked with great interest.

"How about making peace with Kai..."

Hearing this, Jugula looked at Hong Kai with a complicated expression.

The two of them used to be close friends, companions, brothers, and to some extent mentors and apprentices.

However, ever since they experienced the peak of warriors on planet 0-50, the two have gradually moved further and further apart, until after the incident on Wang Li's planet Ganon, they completely parted ways...

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

What was it that changed their relationship?

Is it strength?Is it Yuyan?Or the opposition of light and dark?


Hong Kai looked forward to it, if possible, he didn't want to continue to confront Jugula, and reconcile in a down-to-earth manner, isn't it good?

"Hmph, let's talk about reconciliation!"

After struggling for a long time, and after struggling with his thoughts in his heart for a while, Jugula finally snorted coldly and curled his lips.


But in fact, in the eyes of Yun Che and Hong Kai who knew Jugula's character very well, he had already agreed.

......... 0

It's just that because of his arrogant personality and not being frank, he didn't show it directly.

"Great! Yun Che, today is really a good day, let's go to Digasang's world to play now!"

Hong Kai, who was calm and calm in the past, jumped up on the spot now, and said with an excited smile.


When Yun Che heard this, he immediately had a black question mark on his face.


Hong Kai and Jugula reconciled, happy, and understandable.

But does this have anything to do with going to Tiga World to play?

And today is a good day, why does it sound so joyful, people can't help but want to hum it?

"Well, good things come and go!"

As if seeing Yun Che's bewilderment, Hong Kai scratched his head and said with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

In his opinion, reconciling with his former good friend Jugula is a great joy.

It is also a happy event to go to the world of Digasan, whom I have always admired very much.

Putting the two together, isn't today a good day!

"Well, I really convinced you..."

Helplessly, he smiled bitterly, but Yun Che did not deny Hong Kai's words.

To be honest, the world of Uub is really boring, there is almost nothing to play except Hongkai and Jugula, who are more interesting.

Even, there is no sister paper who can make a fool of TM!

Therefore, Yun Che personally wants to play in the Tiga world more than the Uub world.

Well, it's definitely not because you can soak in Jianhui, really!Four.

Chapter 281

After confirming that there was nothing to do in Orb World, Yun Che opened the Dimensional Wall again and returned to Tiga World.

Compared with the previous time, there were two more people this time.

That's right, it's Hongkai and Jugula, good friends who just got back together.

"This is Digasan's world, it looks very different!"

Walking out of the Dimensional Wall, Hong Kai looked excitedly at the familiar but unfamiliar high-rise buildings around him.


Yun Che rolled his eyes speechlessly, could it be different?

Tiga was 96 years old, Uub was 16 years old, and there was a gap of 20 years between the two.

Whether it is long or short, 20 years is absolutely constant. At least urban development and the like have changed by more than 01:30.

"However, having said that, the flow of time in the Uub and Tiga worlds is really different..."

Looking up at the clear blue sky and white clouds, Yun Che murmured thoughtfully.

When going to Orb World, Tiga World is at night.

After staying in the world of Uub for a few hours, after returning, it was dawn in the world of Tiga.

Even, what is known so far is only the dawn. It is still unknown whether a day, or even two or three days have passed since the night!

"Super ancient giant, Tiga...he has a big name, but he doesn't know his strength?"

Jugula smiled with great interest, with a morbid arc on the corner of his mouth.

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