Ever since he successfully activated the Susanoo's power given by Yun Che, deep down in his heart, he no longer longed for the power of the Giant of Light.

Instead, he wants to prove his strength by defeating all Giants of Light!

Well, to put it bluntly, that pathologically competitive heart has never changed.

In other words, if it changed, he wouldn't be Jugula.


"I am an evolved human being. The stupid old human beings must follow my instructions to survive. Come on, let's meet the new gods!"

At this moment, a roar, accompanied by arrogant words, came from not far away, attracting the attention of Yun Che and others.

"It seems... the sound source of the giant is playing outside?"

Hong Kai frowned and said.

"Oh, it seems that this world is not peaceful. From what that guy said, it's not difficult to hear that he is the dark side, and he is really more arrogant than me!"

Juggler sneered morbidly.

Isn't that right? Although he released the sealed monster and hurt humans, his purpose is still very simple, after all, to defeat Hongkai.

But the owner of this sound source claims to be a god and let humans kowtow to him, which is really arrogant.

"This voice... Xie Di appeared?"

Touching his chin thoughtfully, Yun Che raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The power of the space gem was activated, and a blue light flashed, instantly bringing everyone to the top of a building near the source of the sound.

Standing here, they can clearly see that a giant is destroying wantonly in the center of the city.

"Sure enough, it's Xie Di, but the difference in time between the two worlds is really huge..."

Yun Che couldn't help but click his tongue. It took a few months in Tiga's world and half a year in Uub's world.

A few hours in the world of Uub, and a few months in the world of Tiga.

Good guy, there is no pattern in this whole thing, it makes people feel inexplicably living in a dream, chaotic feeling!

"This bastard has exactly the same shape as Di Jiasang, but the color is different, and the aura is also very dark!"

Hong Kai frowned tightly, his tone full of displeasure.

When you think about it, it's normal to be upset when you see someone putting on the face of an idol you admire and doing something that an idol would never do.

"Well, the essence of this Ultraman is not bad, what is bad is his human body."

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

Xiedi is a righteous giant in the ultra-ancient period 3000 million years ago, and is a partner who guards mankind with Tiga.

He himself belongs to the Warrior of Light, but because Masaki Keigo's heart is evil, he finally became Dark Ultraman.

This can be seen from the radiant brilliance all over his body when he first fused and transformed.

"No matter what, if you dare to use Di Jiasang's appearance to do bad things, I will never forgive him!"

Hong Kai said angrily, took out the ring directly, turned into Uub, and didn't care about 21, Mang was done.

It was obvious that he was really angry.

"Tch, Kai..."

Jugula curled his lips unhappily, and there was an inexplicable sour taste in his tone.

Well, maybe he is jealous because Hong Kai is so interested in Di Jia...

"Well, let's not just stand here and watch."

"Since you want to play, you have to make the scene bigger!"

Yun Che smiled with great interest, and a picture had already appeared in his mind.

Just imagine, four giants surround one giant, and five giants fight in the city, what a magnificent scene it would be!

"So what, what should I do?"

Men Yashi scratched his head in embarrassment.

Although I got Tiga's light source card, but in Tiga's home field, it feels a little inappropriate to transform into Tiga.

And the gigantic Kamen Rider J card is in the hands of Kaito Taiki, without his help, Kamen Yashi could not complete the gigantic single-handedly.

"It's okay, you just need to transform, I can make you huge."

Yun Che waved his hand and said.

"Okay." Menyashi nodded upon hearing this.

Take out the Decade drive, pull out the card and insert it, and push it in the middle:

"KamenRide! Decade!"

After the transformation is complete, Monyashi's figure disappears, replaced by a magenta Kamen Rider!

"Reality Gem·Giant Enlargement!"

Seeing that Katoyashi had completed his transformation, Yun Che waved his hand, activated the power of the Reality Gem, modified the rules, and directly made it gigantic, with a body shape similar to that of a regular Ultraman.

"Jagula, it's your turn."

After Men Yashi's problem was solved, Yun Che turned his head to look at Jugula.


Nodding his head, Jugula's eyes flashed blue, and he instantly transformed into the form of Susan Demon.

He said that he would become the sharp blade in Yun Che's hands, beheading all enemies for him.

So now, since Yun Che has spoken, there is no reason for him to stand aside and watch.

"It's really a magnificent picture. There's no one left for this ostentation!"

Looking at the center of the city, where three giants surrounded Xiedi who was the incarnation of Masaki Keigo, Yun Che couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth:

"So now, it's my turn!"

Stimulating the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope, purple flame-like energy soared into the sky, forming a huge complete body Susano.

In this way, a four-on-one situation is formed!

Oh, no, it should be six against one.

Because of regaining the Divine Light Rod, Dagu became Tiga again, and the ultra-ancient Koma dog monster Gedi who absorbed the life energy of the puppy and was reborn and revived......

Long overdue! .

Chapter 282

"That... Yun Che, what's going on?"

Seeing that besides himself and Gedi, there are actually four giants surrounding the Xiedi transformed by Masaki Keigo.

Dagu scratched his head and asked in a daze.

Of the four giants in front of him, one is a giant of light like himself, one is a humanoid monster like Obik, and the other looks like a robot wearing a leather jacket.

Only Yun Che's Susanoo was well known by Da Gu.


At this time and this scene, there is an inexplicable sense of intimacy when meeting family guests alone in a foreign land!

"What else is going on, can't you see it, we surrounded Xiedi."

Yun Che shrugged and said.

"It's obvious, but... who are they?"

Dagu nodded dully, then pointed to Hongkai and the others, and asked suspiciously.

Good guy, after disappearing for a while after eating last time, this time he reappeared with three strange giants...

Expendables, this is it?

Is the rear so fierce?

All the top ones are giants?

This shit, let no one play, six against one, Xie Di will cry!

14 "They are the companions I brought from other worlds, let's say they are all good people."

Yun Che chuckled softly, needless to say, Hong Kai is 100% pure and good, purer than pure milk.

As for Jugula and Monyashi, although their personalities are rather awkward, one likes to release monsters, and the other likes to call himself a destroyer.

But in fact, they are not bad in nature, and there is nothing wrong with saying they are good people.


Dagu scratched his head, although he didn't quite understand it, he probably understood it.

Anyway, they are not bad people, but good people who come to help them beat bad people, that's right.

"Damn it! You lowly bastards!"

"Facing the newly promoted gods, you dare to chat casually as if nothing happened, it is an unforgivable crime!"

At this time, Xie Di, who had been ignored as a background board from the beginning, was upset.

Roaring angrily, he took the lead in attacking before Yun Che and the others carried out the brutal beating.

And the first target to bear the brunt is Uub, who is also the Giant of Light like Tiga!

"Tch! What a big bird, there are all kinds of forests, just a guy like you dares to call himself a god, you eat shit!"

With a cold snort, Hong Kai brandished the Holy Sword of Orb, and first stood upright, resisting Xie Di's Ping A attack.

Then with a horizontal chop and a swipe, a burst of crackling sparks and lightning were cut on the opponent's body.

"Damn it! You're so despicable, you even use a weapon!"

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