Not that he has any prejudice against the power of technology.

But in the blogger's biography, it is said that there is really the power of science and technology, that is, the Naoshizi scientific ninja tool.

A small nine-two-three scroll worn on the wrist, with the flick of a finger, various B-level or even A-level ninjutsu can be issued.

It sounds pretty awesome, but Yun Che feels that it's actually just that.

Especially Fangsuke Tono from the scientific ninja class, he doesn't look like a good person!

"No, the power of technology or something, absolutely not!"

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke shook their heads, resolutely vetoing.

"Why?" He Xi couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this.

The two of them have clearly seen the power of technology, and even the current development of the ninja world is moving in the direction of technology.


"To tell you the truth, Mr. Hexi, in fact, there is a scientific ninja class under us."

Naruto Uzumaki said.

"Oh? Isn't that great?"

He Xi asked with some doubts.

"That's very good. According to the technological power you showed me and Sasuke at the beginning, the current ninja world is indeed developing in the direction of technology."

"However, technology can develop life, yes, technology can develop power, no!"

Uzumaki Naruto said seriously.

"In the scientific ninja class, there is a person named Fangsuke Tono."

"He has been applying for funds to research and develop scientific ninja equipment for combat, but Naruto and I rejected them all. Department/Group: 9.8/0'2,? 0"5:8'5,6 rejected. "

Uchiha Sasuke added seriously:

"Science is good, after all it improves life in the ninja world."

"However, the science of combat leads to war and force, leading to disaster!"

Scientific ninja tools do not require the wearer to have any ninja basic training.

Just by wearing it, you can easily have the level of a zhongnin, or even the fighting power of a jonin.

If, once it prevails, it is armed in large numbers by unarmed civilians and instigated by those who want to riot, then the peace will eventually end.

The Fifth Ninja World War is about to start!

"In addition, most of the orthodox ninjas can't beat people armed with scientific ninjas."

"After all, Chakra is limited, and as long as a scientific ninja has a scroll, it can be released at will."

Seeing that what Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha had said reached this point, Yun Che shrugged and made a final summary.


After hearing what the three said, He Xi, who advocates science, gritted his teeth.

Want to refute, but do not know how to refute.

After all, what they said was very reasonable, so reasonable that they couldn't find even a single gap.

The science of combat will lead to war, which can be seen no matter which world the earth is from.

Human beings are living examples!

"Well, don't think too much about it, we're not targeting science or anything."

"It's just that every world has its own characteristics, and the ninja world is really not suitable for scientific force."

Seeing that Hexi seemed aggrieved, Yun Che sighed, patted her head and comforted her.

Every world has its own characteristics, no matter who it is, it cannot be forcibly changed.

Just like the world of super gods, science is really powerful, and the main technology tree is the combat power system.

But in some fantasy worlds and fairy worlds, the main purpose is to cultivate with the aura of heaven and earth, and science is useless there.



Suddenly, a scream sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Looking back, it turned out that it was Uchiha Sarana who was sent into Tsukiyomi's illusion by Yun Che, and she was liberated.

"Sarana, are you alright?"

Seeing this, Uchiha Sasuke immediately came to his daughter and asked with concern.

"Dad? Are you... still alive?"

He was panting heavily, sweating profusely, and there were two lines of blood and tears hanging from his eyes.

Uchiha Sarana collapsed to the ground, looking at Uchiha Sasuke with a dull expression.

And the moment she raised her head, the originally unpretentious Shan Gouyu Sharingan quickly spun, forming a hexagonal rhombus kaleidoscope like Sasuke Uchiha!

"Sarana, your eyes..."

Seeing the scarlet light shining in his daughter's eyes, Uchiha Sasuke was stunned for a moment.....

Really opened a kaleidoscope?

Kung Fu opened a kaleidoscope after a month of reading?

Such nonsense?

"My eyes? My eyes... so powerful!"

Uchiha Sarana heard the words, subconsciously touched her eye sockets.

She could clearly feel an endless power emanating from her eyes.

"Teacher Yun Che, what's going on here?"

Sasuke Uchiha turned his head to look at Yun Che, and asked with a confused face.

Isn't it nonsense to open a kaleidoscope once you read your dreams on a monthly basis?

If it was really that easy, he was abused by Uchiha Itachi with Tsukiyomi a thousand and eight hundred times, and he never saw the kaleidoscope turned on.

"Do you still remember what Zuo Liangna asked you just now?"

The corners of Yun Che's mouth curled slightly, and he asked with great interest.

"She asked me... am I still alive?"

Uchiha Sasuke raised his eyebrows. Could it be that Yun Che let Uchiha Sasuke witness his own death in the monthly reading?

But that's not right either.

At the beginning, Uchiha Itachi used Tsukuyomi countless times, allowing himself to witness the Uchiha being wiped out again and again, and he didn't see himself opening a kaleidoscope?

"Sarana did witness your death in the monthly reading."

"However, it's not as simple as a simple death."

The corners of Yun Che's mouth turned up, revealing an evil smile.

Before time travel, as an otaku, he can be said to have read [-] to [-]% of the dramas in the Dimensional World.

Among them, there are countless cures, or depressions.

Therefore, Yun Che compiled a super-large plot for Uchiha Sarana that integrated many key rhythms of Yu Zhifan.

For example, Mamono Shoju Madoka, Black Bullet, When the Chilling Cicadas Cry, The Fairy's Melody...

And many other magical changes to set the plot.

And the sensitivity is as high as one thousand percent.

In other words, it is absolutely real, and it is impossible to distinguish reality from dreams!

And experienced a lot of beatings of super-large plots with key rhythms that caused depression.

As Yun Che expected, Uchiha Sarana really opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan! .

Chapter 306

"I see?"

Sasuke Uchiha scratched his head, although he couldn't understand what Yun Che was saying.

But it must be awesome.

After all, even the kaleidoscope was opened directly. If this is not awesome, what else is awesome?

"Teacher Yun Che, those just now were all dreams you arranged for me, or in other words, illusions?"

Uchiha Sarana, whose brain gradually regained consciousness, also realized what happened just now.

"Well, how about it, isn't the plot exciting?"

Yun Che nodded and said with a grin.

To be honest, the reason why he arranged such a Tsukuyomi Mirage for Uchiha Sarana was not only to help her directly open the kaleidoscope, but also to some extent, there was a bit of evil interest in it.

After all, before crossing, he experienced a lot of beatings by Yu Fan.

Now that you have the opportunity, how can you not let others experience it?

"Hehe, Teacher Yun Che, you are really a devil!"

Uchiha Sarana sneered expressionlessly.

God knows how desperate she was in the Yuedu illusion created by Yun Che before.

Called every day should not be called, called 14 days to be ineffective, I can only witness my dearest family members being wiped out one by one by various cruel and disgusting methods again and again!

It was biting the head and beheading again, and it was heart and lungs.

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