The worse ones are even shredded into minced meat without any mosaic.

To be honest, although it has returned to reality now, and knows that those are fiction.

But Uchiha Sarana still felt that she would never have a good night's sleep in the next period of time.

I'm afraid as long as I close my eyes, I can recall those bloody and brutal nightmares in the Yuedu illusion...

"It's really too much. The teacher opened the kaleidoscope for you, but you call the teacher a devil."

Yun Che sighed with a sad face.

"Hehe, Teacher Yun Che, you who can come up with that kind of plot and make up that kind of illusion, you are called a devil, but you actually underestimate you!"

Seeing Yun Che's pretentious crying, Uchiha Sarana's eyes twitched slightly, and she still sneered.

She said that after experiencing those beatings caused by the magic transformation, she has completely recognized Yun Che's true face.

This is a teacher who is not only black-bellied, but also very vicious, with bad water in his stomach!

Of course, the ability is still there. After all, the process was a bit cruel and inhumane.

But as far as the result is concerned, Yun Che did help Uchiha Sarana to successfully open the kaleidoscope.

"What what? What are you talking about?"

Tsunade, who was full of curiosity, was itchy to hear:

"Yun Che, what did you do to Zuo Liangna in the Yuedu illusion? Not only did you directly activate the kaleidoscope, but your whole temperament changed!"

Hearing Tsunade's words, the corners of Yun Che's mouth couldn't help twitching.

What do you mean, what did you do to Uchiha Sarana in Tsukiyomi Mirage?

Tsunade, Tsunade, what you said is very ambiguous, do you know that?


"The temperament has really changed..."

After taking a look at Uchiha Sarana, Yun Che murmured thoughtfully.

In fact, it's normal to think about it. After all, he is a normal person.

After experiencing those severe beatings caused by the magic reform and the plot of Yu Fan, it is impossible not to change the mentality.

If the former Uchiha Sarana was a proud and strong little girl, then the current Uchiha Sarana has undoubtedly become a vicissitudes and indifferent girl...

Well, it feels a bit weird to describe a girl with vicissitudes and indifference.

After all, she is still just a little girl of eleven or twelve years old.

But the change in temperament is so great that it is completely enough to make people subconsciously ignore age.

"Yun Che, don't be dazed!"

"Tell me, tell me, what did you do to Zorana in the monthly reading?"

Tsunade asked reluctantly, as if she couldn't get an answer, she felt uncomfortable all over.

"Tsunade, sometimes, too much curiosity can kill not only cats, but people too."

Yun Che narrowed his eyes and said with a smile:

"Since you want to know so much, why don't you go in and try?"

With Tsunade's stickiness, if you don't tell her, she will probably keep pestering her all the time, which is very troublesome.

So, it's better to just let her go in and experience it.


Hearing this, Tsunade nodded excitedly.

"Yun Che, let me go in and try."

"I'm also very curious about the illusion that can open directly from the single hook jade to the kaleidoscope."

He Xi and Otsutsuki Kaguya also spoke at this time.

Obviously, the two of them are also very interested in the illusion that Uchiha Sarana called the devil.

"Teacher Yun Che, I want Bo Ren and Sunflower to go in and experience it."

Uzumaki Naruto, who has always liked to fight with Uchiha Sasuke, saw that Uchiha Sarana had opened the kaleidoscope, and immediately said unwillingly.


Uzumaki Boruto and Uzumaki Sunflower still know the character of Uchiha Sarana very well.

After all, the two are family friends and have a very good relationship.

Even Uchiha Sarana, who is so arrogant and strong, felt that Yuedu Mirage was a devil.

Uzumaki Boren and Uzumaki Sunflower, especially no matter what, don’t want to go in and experience it.

However, my father has already made a decision to say it to death, and my two children seem to have no room to resist...

"so many people?"

Yun Che couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. These guys, maybe they all trembled, right?

It's really the first time I've seen so many people like to take the initiative to seek abuse.

"Well, it doesn't matter, since you all want to experience it, let's all go in."

Shrugging his shoulders indifferently, Yun Che's eyes widened, and the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope was activated, instantly sending all the people who signed up to participate into the illusion of Yuedu.

The plot setting of Yuedu Mirage is basically the same.

But the characters everyone sees in Yuedu Mirage have changed.

To put it bluntly, what they see is the dearest person in their hearts.

"Uncle Naruto, you will regret it."

Seeing Uzumaki Naruto asked Yun Che to send the two children Uzumaki Boruto and Uzumaki Sunflower into the Moon Reading Illusion.

Uchiha Sarana turned her head to look at Uzumaki Naruto, and sighed lightly.

"It's okay, I believe that Bo Ren and Sunflower will be able to complete the trial!"

Naruto Uzumaki shook his head, smiling firmly.


Seeing Naruto Uzumaki's nonchalant idiot Xianger, Uchiha Sarana shook her head helplessly.

From her point of view, Uzumaki Boren's fun-loving urination is okay, but at most he is incontinent and mentally disturbed for a period of time.

But the words of the swirling sunflower...

Before entering, she was purely silly and sweet.

After it comes out, I'm afraid it will become a cloudy black bitterness.

After all, as a person who has experienced it, Uchiha Sarana knows exactly how terrifying Yun Che's Tsukuyomi is.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is mental pollution! .

Chapter 307

Tsunade, Hexi, and Kaguya Otsuki.

Not long after entering the Yuedu illusion, he forcibly solidified his spiritual will and retreated voluntarily.


Panting heavily, the three of them had cold sweat on their foreheads, and their expressions were extremely frightened.

This made Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto look confused and even more curious.

What exactly is Tsukuyomi Mirage, not only can Uchiha Sarana open directly from Dangoyu to Kaleidoscope.

Could it even make Tsunade, Tsurugi, and Otsutsuki Kaguya, the three top powerhouses, be terrified and show such a embarrassed posture?

"How about it, is the senses very real, is the plot perfect?"

"If you are satisfied, please give a five-star praise!"

The corner of Yun Che's mouth curled up slightly, and he said with a smirk with great interest.

"I give you a five-star praise! You are a fucking devil!"

The violent Tsunade heard the words and immediately reprimanded him.

If it wasn't for being frightened by the Yuedu illusion just now, he was powerless.

I'm afraid she can't help but want to rush up and give Yun Che a small punch to beat your chest, the kind that will kill you!

"Yun Che, are you serious?"

After calming down her frightened emotions, He Xi stood up and looked at Yun Che solemnly.

"Although I don't know what you think, but if you arrange this kind of illusion for these children, aren't you afraid that they will go crazy?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya answered seriously.

As soon as she said this, before Yun Che could reply, Uzumaki Naruto spoke anxiously first:

"What? Go crazy? Is it true?"

Although I don't know what the Yueyue illusion created by Yun Che is.

However, even Tsunade, Tsurugi, and Otsutsuki Kaguya's level of powerhouses were terrified.

So, it doesn't seem strange that the two Uzumaki Boruto and Uzumaki Sunflower will go crazy?

"Calm down, Naruto, my Sarana persisted, and even successfully opened the kaleidoscope~."

Uchiha Sasuke patted his good friend on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Why, Er Zhuzi, do you think we are talking nonsense?"

He Xi raised his eyebrows, and looked at Sasuke Uchiha.

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