Now, it was hard for someone to eat in front of him.

Wouldn't it be a big loss if you don't ask about it.

" should I say it?"

"It's sweet, soft, waxy, and fragrant. It's infinitely more delicious than the best human meat I've ever eaten!"

After a general aftertaste, Shendai Lishi simply described.


Hearing this, Kirishima Touka swallowed subconsciously again.

At the same time, the desire in my heart couldn't stop growing, and I couldn't help but want to reach out and take a piece of cake to taste.

But in the end, reason prevailed.

It's okay for God Dai Lishi to eat it, but if I eat it, I guess tonight, I won't be able to sleep well, and I will wake up in so much pain!

"Master Yun Che, this should be your handwriting, right?"

Yoshimura Kozen asked curiously.

Apart from Yun Che in front of him, he really couldn't think of anyone else who could have such an ability.

Ghouls that can eat humans can eat human food normally.

"That's right, I modified Li Shi's physiological structure. Although she is still a ghoul, she can eat human food normally."

Yun Che nodded, straight-forward, without any concealment.

The main thing is that the people present are all our own people, and there is no need to cover up.

"Modify the physiological structure? Even this kind of thing can be done..."

With Yun Che's confirmation, Fangcun Gongshan couldn't help being a little surprised.

Although the Hexiu clan has been secretly cultivating one-eyed humans who can eat human food and possess the power of ghouls, they are researching it fundamentally with scientific means.

And the probability of birth is frighteningly low.

There is a world of difference from Yun Che's direct modification.

"Speaking of your daughter, can you eat human food?"

As if he suddenly remembered something, Yun Che asked curiously.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

"My daughter?"

When Fangcun Gongshan heard the words, his pupils shrank involuntarily.

"Why, you don't want to admit that she is your daughter? Fangcun Aite, a beautiful name, isn't it?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, and smiled with great interest.

Fangcun Aite, Tong Ai Zhi, means many, many loves to support this child.

"I really can't hide anything from you, Mr. Yun Che..."

Seeing that Yun Che had said it so clearly, Fangcun Gongshan couldn't help but smiled wryly and said:

"Aichina children can eat human food under normal circumstances, but if they want to become stronger, they need to eat human flesh."

Hungry and eat human food.

Want to become stronger and eat humans.

"Is that so..."

Yun Che squinted his eyes, and stroked his chin thoughtfully.


To be honest, he still feels very confused about certain settings of the ghoul world.

Some one-eyed can eat human food, such as mirin wits.

Some ghouls cannot eat human food, such as Kanekiken.

It is said that this situation is determined by the Rc value in the body. If the value is high, it is the same as Kanekiken and cannot be eaten.

But then again, they are all one-eyed, but half-ghouls and half-humans are not the same species at all.

In the original play, Touka Kirishima had to eat human food in order to give birth to Kaneki Ken's child, weakening her own strength and supplementing her nutrition.

This means that Jinmu Yihua can eat human food.

But Yoshimura Kozen's wife, as a human being, had to eat human flesh to supplement nutrition when Takatsuki Izumi was born.

What the hell is this?

Isn't this inconsistent?

Both are to have children, one has to eat human food, one has to eat human flesh...

Yun Che really felt very confused.

In terms of setting, Takatsuki Izumi is an innate half-ghoul, and Kaneki Kazuka is also an innate half-ghoul.

But the law of birth is that you have to eat human flesh, and you have to eat human food...


To be honest, although there are detailed records on the Internet about the setting of half-ghouls, the author is really confused because it is really messy.

For half-humans, it is easy to understand.

Take Kisho Arima as an example. He has a short lifespan and no Kazuko, but his body functions are beyond ordinary people.

So compared to half-humans, the explanation about half-ghouls makes the author feel a lot more headache... [-].

Chapter 325

Just when Yun Che was frowning, pondering over half a ghoul's complicated setting, he couldn't figure it out.

Kirishima Touka suddenly salivated at the corners of his mouth, staring at him pitifully with big cute eyes.

"What... what's wrong?"

Sensing Kirishima Touka's Chiguoguo gaze, Yun Che came back to his senses, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

The persona is broken!

You are so arrogant, showing such a cute and pitiful expression, are you making trouble?

"That...Master Yun Che, can you...let me experience the taste of cake..."

Kirishima Touka was a little shy, blushing slightly, and said shyly.

The implication is to let Yun Che modify her physiological organs just like he modified God Dai Lishi, so that she can eat human food normally.


When Yun Che heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the corners of his eyes also began to twitch.

This girl's design collapsed even more completely!

The arrogant Kirishima Touka would be honest and coyly address her as your lord!

But after thinking about it carefully, Yun Che felt relieved.

after all......

Touka Kirishima really wants to taste the cake...

"Well, it's not a big deal."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yun Che waved his hand casually, and the Reality Gem was activated.

With a flash of scarlet light, Touka Kirishima's physiological organs were modified.

With the lessons learned by God on behalf of the world, the efficiency of this modification is very fast, no contact is required, and it does not take a few minutes, and the work is done in the blink of an eye.

"That's... alright?"

Hearing this, Kirishima Touka was stunned, and looked at Yun Che suspiciously.

Although the flashing red light effect is quite dazzling.

But apart from feeling a little warm in the body, there is no significant change?

Touka Kirishima seriously suspects that Yun Che deceived himself by treating himself as a three-year-old child...

"It's ready!"

Looking at Touka Kirishima's suspicious gaze, before Yun Che could explain, Kamdai Toshiyo laughed first.

Although I don't know why this time, Yun Che didn't touch Touka Kirishima like he touched himself this morning, and the speed was so fast.

But that flashing red light is absolutely unmistakable.

Shendai Lishi remembered very clearly that this morning, it was because of that red light that he was able to eat human food.

"There's no cake here, let's go, let's go to the back kitchen and try to make a new cake!"

Saying that, Kamdai Toshiyo took the hand of the bewildered Kirishima Touka, and dragged him into the back kitchen of the antique coffee shop.

Yun Che and the others couldn't help being a little stunned by his initiative.

These two girls, didn't they always look at each other disliked, tit for tat?

Why did Shendai Lishi suddenly become so active and enthusiastic at this moment?

"It's not right, there is definitely a conspiracy in it!"

Yun Che squinted his eyes, but didn't think much about it.

After all, they are all their own people, even if there is a conspiracy, where can it go?

Presumably, it's Kamdai Toshiyo, if you have anything to say, you want to talk to Touka Kirishima alone, and just ask on the way back when the time comes, it's no big deal.

"It's really a godlike method, Mr. Yun Che."

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