Although I haven't confirmed with my own eyes, whether Touka Kirishima can really eat human food.

But Fangcun Gongshan chose to trust Yun Che.

"Well, god-like means or something, it's too exaggerated, it's just basic."

Yun Che waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

However, despite the facts, what he said sounded inexplicably pretentious.

Perhaps, this is the highest level of pretense in the legend, subconscious pretense?

"Master Yun Che, you are too modest."

"Not to mention anything else, just the fact that you can modify the physiological structure of ghouls so that they can eat human food is enough to change this twisted world!"

Yoshimura Kozen said seriously.

Why is this world twisted?

Because there are two seemingly different races, ghouls and humans.

Why do ghouls and humans hate each other?

A small part of the reason is that ghouls are more powerful than humans.

Mostly because ghouls feed on humans!

And Yun Che's operation of modifying his physical structure at will can completely reverse the world by 80.00%!

As for the remaining 20.00%.

It is the sense of imbalance between ghouls and humans, the power is not equal...  

But compared to the former cannibalism, the latter power is much easier to solve!

"Well, changing the physiological structure of ghouls so that they can eat human food is just one part of it."

"According to my thinking, if you want to completely save this world, then, whether it's humans or ghouls, all organizations must be cleaned up!"

In Yun Che's view, ordinary ghouls and ordinary humans don't matter.

They are not the key to redemption in this twisted world.

There is a saying that power is often in the hands of a few people.

So, want to turn the world around, all organizations.

Such as Bronze Tree, CCG, Hexiu Clan, V Organization, Clown Group...

All of these must be cleaned up!

Without power, there is no power, and without power, there is no contention.

If you want ghouls and humans to truly coexist, it is very simple, and it is OK to achieve absolute equality between the two!

"But Master Yun Che, with so many organizations, won't the workload be too much to clean up?"

Yoshimura Kozen frowned.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Yun Che's power, but whether it's the CCG or the ghoul organization, the scale is not as large as usual, and it would be too much trouble to clean it up.

"What if I could level one with one foot?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, and smiled with great interest.

"Uh...then it should be fine."

Fangcun Gongshan was stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled wryly.

He felt that Yun Che's speaking style was really rough...

If it is possible to level an organization with one foot, let alone a heavy workload, I am afraid it will only take one day.

All the forces in this world have been cleaned up.

"That...Master Yun Che, do you have to clean up all the organizations?"

At this time, when I saw Jiaye and Yuaner Gu Jian, who had never spoken before, had been serving as the background board, I couldn't help but speak.

Although he has withdrawn from the former organization, he has become a good person among the ghouls.

However, both of them have a good relationship with members of the original organization and keep in touch.

If all organizations are regarded by Yun Che as targets for cleanup, then those ghouls are probably no exception. …

Chapter 326

Seeing the unnatural expressions of Imi Jiaye and Gujian Yuaner.

Yun Che, who is familiar with the original drama, naturally knows what the two of them are talking about:

"Well, to clean up the organization is not to kill them all, but to disband them."

"So, if the two of you don't want your former friends to die tragically, it's best to convince them to disband the organization obediently."

Imimi Jiaye was once the leader of the ghoul group Black Doberman.

Gujian Yuaner was once the leader of the ghoul group Demon Ape.

Although Fangcun Gongshan has been drawn into the right path, it is undeniable that both of them have SS-level strength.

However, at the end of the original drama, they both got their lunch boxes...

"Okay, I will definitely convince them!"

"Me too!"

Seeing Jiaye and Gujian Yuan'er nodded one after another, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Yun Che didn't plan to start killing without rules, otherwise, the two of them really didn't know what to do...

It is certainly impossible to stop.

After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is too great, and the opponent may slap him, and his own people will be gone.

Therefore, being able to persuade the initiative to disband the organization is the best outcome. If someone does not stop, then there is no other way. After all, who is determined to die, who can stop this?

"That...Master Yun Che, love her..." 14

Seeing that both Jiaye and Gujian Yuan'er had a perfect answer, Fangcun Gongshan hesitated to speak.

He is very clear that his daughter has also established a large ghoul organization called the Bronze Tree.

Therefore, Fangcun Gongshan was very worried, whether Yun Che would slap her to death when the time came.

After all, Fangcun Aite's character, as a father, he still knows a little bit.

Want her to be obedient and disband the organization?

It's pure TN nonsense!

"Fangcun Aite, don't worry, maybe everyone in the bronze tree will die, but she will definitely not!"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and smiled when he heard that.

There are many beauties in the ghoul world, but very few are interested in Yun Che.

And Fangcun Aite is one of them, even Yun Che's favorite person!

The liking mentioned here does not simply refer to liking appearance.

After all, in terms of appearance, Mado Akatsuki's appearance may be higher than that of Fangcun Aite.

Yun Che, purely from the heart, likes Fangcun Aite!

Although I only watched it through the screen before traveling, I have to admit that Fangcun Aite's experience and character really attracted Yun Che deeply.

That is the sympathy and love from the depths of the soul.

There may be a little bit of beauty, but it's definitely not that vulgar!

"Yeah, that's good..."

After receiving Yun Che's guarantee, Fangcun Gongshan immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Fangcun Aite, as a daughter, is unwilling to recognize him as a father.

But as a father, he loves his daughter deeply, and she is his only concern now, and also his only relative.

"Brother Yun Che, I'm sleepy..."

At this moment, Whirlpool Sunflower tugged at the corner of Yun Che's clothes sleepily, and said softly.

"Be patient a little longer. When Li Shi comes back, we'll go home and sleep."

Upon hearing this, Yun Che touched the whirlpool sunflower's head and comforted him.

Sure enough, as expected of a child, he sleeps very well. Although his energy is abundant, it is limited after all.


The Whirlpool Sunflower nodded, but still couldn't help but rest her head on Yun Che's shoulder, her eyes slightly closed, and knocked.

"Speaking of which, Master Yun Che, who are these two?"

Yoshimura Kozen asked curiously.

At first, he thought that Uzumaki Sunflower and Uchiha Sarana were Yun Che's daughters.

After all, the age gap between the two does seem to be quite large.

But one of them called brother and the other called teacher. In this way, the possibility of daughter can basically be ruled out.

"They are my disciples, and this time I came out to take them through training."

Yun Che stroked the sleepy head of the whirlpool sunflower, and said with a smile.

"I see......"

Fangcun Gongshan nodded after hearing the words.

The swirl sunflower is okay, soft and cute.

But seeing Uchiha Sarana, Yoshimura Kozen couldn't help but recall Yoshimura Art when he was young.

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