Yun Che shrugged, smiled without saying a word.

"Actually, I've always felt that Mr. Izumi Takatsuki is too wasteful to be a human being."

"A person as excellent as her, as a ghoul, will definitely be even better!"

Well, although he can already live like a normal human being, God Dai Lishi's thinking has not yet been reversed.

Now she still believes that ghouls are the creatures standing at the highest point of the food chain, and human beings are just rations.

Of course, that's not to say there haven't been any changes at all.

At least, for the current God Dai Lishi, the strongest in her eyes is not the ghouls, but Yun Che.

After all, no matter how strong a ghoul is, it is only at the SSS level. How could it be so strong?

"Teacher Yun Che, that not quite right!"

At this time, as the queue moved forward, everyone naturally got closer to Fangcun Aite.

And Uchiha Sarana suddenly frowned, and the scarlet Sharingan subconsciously opened, spinning three pitch-black Gouyu.

"Oh? Noticed it?"

Seeing this, Yun Che couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Before Kamdai Toshiyo and Uzumaki Sunflower reacted, Uchiha Sarana was the first to notice something was wrong with Fangmura Aite.

Is it from the powerful fighting instinct of the Uchiha clan?

Or the keen senses brought by the Kaleidoscope Sharingan?

Well, no matter what, now Uchiha Sarana has begun to show a trace of the elements of a strong person.

"... Sister Sarana, what's the matter with you?"

Looking at the Sharingan in Uchiha Sarana's pupils, Uzumaki Sunflower asked curiously.

"That woman gives me a very dangerous feeling!"

Uchiha Sarana narrowed her eyes and said.

At the same time, the pitch-black three-gauge jade spun rapidly, and soon switched to a hexagonal diamond-shaped kaleidoscope.

"Dangerous? No way, Mr. Takatsuki Izumi is obviously an ordinary human being."

"Also, what's the matter with your eyes, why do they look so similar to the eyes of the ghouls?"

Hearing the words, Shendai Lishi frowned for some unknown reason, and then asked suspiciously.

"This is the boundary of my family's blood inheritance, called Sharingan, not the He (Nuo Haohao) eye of the ghoul."

Uchiha Sarana explained blankly.

It's not that she has any dissatisfaction with God Dai Lishi.

It's just that all her attention is now focused on Fangcun Aite, who is smiling and signing autographs for book fans.

"What is the boundary of Xueji? What is Sharingan?"

"Also, what did you mean when you said Mrs. Takatsuki Izumi was dangerous?"

Shendai Lishi now has a black question mark on his face, full of doubts, and he can't vomit.

"It's done for the benefit of the world, don't ask, it's your turn to sign soon."

"If there is any problem, we will know everything after the autograph session is over."

Before Uchiha Sarana could reply, Yun Che waved his hand directly, interrupting the machine-gun questioning of Kamdai Rishi.

At the same time, he looked at Fangcun Aite who was only a few meters away from him.

In Yun Che's eyes, a scarlet light flashed by...

Chapter 328

After queuing for a long time, it was finally the turn of Shendai Lishi.

When Fangcun Aite finished signing and the staff on the side were about to call for the next one, Yun Che suddenly opened the scarlet kaleidoscope Sharingan.

An ominous and gloomy atmosphere pervaded in an instant.

The chill that took in people's hearts made everyone present tremble uncontrollably.

"We'll be waiting for you at the coffee shop across the street after the autograph session."

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and after finishing speaking, Yun Che closed the kaleidoscope.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he took Shendai Lishi and his two little apprentices and left straight away.

Only the ordinary people who had been frightened and dumbfounded in place, and Fangcun Aite with a dull face were left.

"That guy..."

After recovering, Fangcun Aite squinted his eyes, his face was a little gloomy.

Is this a provocation, or a slap in the face?

Fangcun Aite is not sure, but it must be that the visitor is not kind!

Moreover, the aura emanating from Yun Che's scarlet eyes, which were different from those of the ghouls, made her feel even more stressed.

Although the appearance is very similar, there seems to be an extremely terrifying power in it...

As for the white pigeon of CCG, Fangcun Aite didn't even think about it.

After all, there is not even a standard suitcase, and what a fart to talk about.

"Huh~ the coffee shop across the street..."

The autograph session ended hastily and absent-mindedly.

Fangcun Aite took a deep breath, and came to the coffee shop with a solemn expression.

As soon as he entered the store, he looked around and saw Yun Che and others sitting by the window, drinking coffee leisurely.

"Who the hell are you guys?"

With a blank face, he pulled out a chair from the bottom of the table and sat down, Fangcun Aite asked lightly.

"Don't be so indifferent, come, have a cup of coffee."

Yun Che laughed, and then pushed a cup of coffee in front of Fangcun Aite.

Knowing that the other party would definitely come, he ordered an extra cup of coffee when he ordered.

"It's a bit cold."

Holding up the coffee and taking a sip, Fangcun Aite said flatly.

"Well, after all, your autograph session has been going on for a while."

"And the taste is very ordinary, far worse than that of antique coffee shops."

Yun Che shrugged and smiled.


Hearing Yun Che's words, Fangcun Aite's hand holding the coffee cup paused, his pupils shrinking slightly.

He is in...

Hint yourself?

Although he is very reluctant to admit Fangcun Gongshan's father, Fangcun Aite still knows that the other party opened a coffee shop named Antique as a stable area for some ghouls.

So, what is Yun Che's intention when he mentions the antique coffee shop at this time?


No, it should be an indication.

Let me tell you clearly, I know your identity!

"Who the hell are you?"

Squinting his eyes, Fangcun Aite asked in a dangerous tone.

She originally thought that Yun Che only knew that he was a ghoul, that's why he found her, but now it seems that the other party knows everything about her.

For example, Izumi Takatsuki is only a pseudonym, but his real name is Aite Fangcun.

Another example is that she is an SSS-level ghoul, one-eyed owl, and the leader of the Bronze Tree.

For another example, she has a father, code-named Unkillable Owl, who is the manager of an antique coffee shop!

This feeling as if all the secrets had been exposed made Fangcun Aite very upset and insecure.

she even...

Already have murderous intentions!

"Well, although I really don't want to say that, you can understand that I am the one who knows everything."

"At the same time, it is also the God who is about to redeem this twisted world."

To be honest, Yun Che is already a little tired of calling himself a god, and even feels disgusted.

After all, these words are really stupid.

But what about the idiots, what should be said should be said, otherwise how can the aborigines of these ghouls be restrained?


Hearing Yun Che's words, Fangcun Aite was immediately stunned.

At the same time, the trace of murderous intent that had arisen suddenly dissipated.

"Oh, what a poor child, she is so stupid at such a young age..."

Shaking his head, Fangcun Aite sighed.

Although she still felt a little uneasy because she knew too much about Yun Che, she felt that it would be too boring to argue with a fool.


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