Seeing Fangcun Aite's eyes full of remembrance, Yun Che couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Good guy, why didn't I find out when I was chasing fans, she also has a hidden poisonous tongue attribute?

Could it be that the brilliance I like is too dazzling, so I subconsciously hide this shortcoming?

"Although I do like you quite a lot, but what you really annoying!"

Squinting his eyes, Yun Che's aura instantly spread.

In an instant, an invisible force burst out, sweeping the entire coffee shop.

Tables, chairs, benches, cups and tableware, all collapsed.

The guests and even the waiters, everyone, only felt a scream in the brain, and then lost consciousness and passed out.


Fangcun Aite, who felt Yun Che's aura up close, was even more shocked.

The hairs all over his body suddenly stood up, the cells in his body surged, and the flowing blood boiled...

At this moment, she suddenly had an urge to slap herself.

Obviously, Yun Che had already released a powerful aura during the autograph session before, but just now, he actually regarded him as a fool just because he said that I am a god?

I'm afraid I'm the fool!

Too careless!

My memory is so bad!

"The eyes are very good. Why, do you want to fight with me?"

Seeing Fangcun Aite holding on to the oppression of his momentum, he opened his single Heyan, revealing a dignified face, ready to do his best at any time.

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, and smiled with great interest.

"If you don't fight, can you let me go?"

Fangcun Aite frowned. To be honest, she didn't really want to fight Yun Che.

Because regardless of other things for the time being, this aura alone was already overwhelming her.

So, if you fight, you will probably die, right?

"Well, don't make it sound like I'm some kind of villain."

"I have a good impression of you. How could I kill you just because you said something to me?"

Grinning, just when Fangcun Aite breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Yun Che was going to let him go, he suddenly arched his fingers, and knocked on the table twice crisply like knocking on a door.


In an instant, there was a sound of something cracking.


Start vibrating! .

Chapter 329

With Yun Che at the center, the ground gradually began to crack.

The ceiling is scattered with gray dust, the suspended table lamp shakes violently, crumbling...

"Well, it's almost enough."

After the tremor lasted for about tens of seconds, Yun Che tapped the table again and withdrew his strength.

He still has some sense of proportion.

You know, this place was originally an island, and if the shaking lasted for too long, Yun Che couldn't guarantee that it would suddenly shatter into pieces and sink into the sea.

"What did you... just do?"

Resisting the dizziness and nausea caused by the shaking of the ground, Fangcun Aite asked in horror.

"Look~ Don't you know it from outside?"

Yun Che glanced outwards and said - meaning.


Fangcun Aite heard the words, stepped over the floor-to-ceiling windows whose glass had been shattered, walked to the block, and...

She was completely dumbfounded.

I saw that at a glance, the originally bustling streets and tall buildings were all covered with shocking cracks.

Big enough to hold several people.

Even the smallest one is like a slap.

It is no exaggeration to say that most of the buildings and streets have been scrapped and are in a dangerous stage. If they continue to be put into use, they may collapse directly!

It's hard to say what kind of terrible loss will be caused at that time!

Although the current loss is not small, it is not an exaggeration to say that the economic development of the entire society has regressed for several years.


Subconsciously swallowed, Fangcun Aite felt like living in a dream.

Knock your fingers and cause an earthquake?

And the magnitude of the earthquake is still so big?

Is this something that humans can do?

Even if it is an SSS-level ghoul, it is impossible, right?

At this moment, Fangcun Aite suddenly believed that Yun Che had declared himself a god.

After all, apart from God, she really couldn't think of anyone else who could have produced the tragic scene in front of her.

"Are you... are you protesting against me?"

Back in the coffee shop, Fangcun Aite asked with a serious face.

"That's understandable."

Yun Che shrugged and smiled.

Fangcun Aite is special to him.

Therefore, in order to get her, Yun Che didn't mind using some special means.

As for what kind of losses this special method will cause, and how many people will die because of it... Sorry, this is out of his consideration.

"Are you really here to redeem this twisted world..."

Fangcun Aite smiled weakly when he heard this.

She now believed that Yun Che was a god, but she didn't believe that Yun Che was here to save this world.

After all, a person who caused a major earthquake, destroyed countless properties, and caused countless losses just for the sake of demonstration, counted on him to save the world?

I'm afraid it's almost the end of the world!

"It is an established fact that I will redeem the world, but how to redeem it is my business."

"Anyway, this world will eventually become what I want it to be."

Salvation belongs to the salvation of the world, but it does not have to be by orthodox means of salvation.

The extinction of the world in the process is not unacceptable.

As long as the last, final chapter is the world being redeemed, that's fine.

As for how many humans and ghouls will die in the process, it doesn't matter at all.

They are of no use to Yun Che's ideal world. The truth is often in the hands of a few people, and so is the qualification for life.

Therefore, Yun Che only needs to integrate those more important figures in the ghoul world line.

"What is your ideal? Do you want to be dictatorial?"

Fangcun Aite frowned.

"Dictatorship? You think too much, I'm not interested in rights."

"Also, after the world is redeemed, we will leave. What's the point of dictatorship?"

Yun Che shook his head and smiled.

Dictatorship, power, domination, these are things that only human beings are interested in.

At Yun Che's level, do you want anything?

You don't even need to do it yourself, simply open your mouth, and everything will come.

"So... what exactly do you want?"

To be honest, until now, Fangcun Aite feels a little confused.

Everything happened so fast that she didn't even know it.

At the very beginning, at the autograph session, I got her attention, then I went to the coffee shop, showed my strength, and made an earthquake demonstration, and finally said something like saving the world...

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

From the beginning to the end, it seems to be very themed, and it has been developing.

But in fact, there is no substance!

At the very least, Fangcun Aite still doesn't understand why Yun Che came to him.

"In the long run, I want my two little apprentices to gain strength through experience."

"But now, I"

Yun Che grinned.

"Me?" Fangcun Aite couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

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