Not wanting Touka Kirishima and Aite Fangcun to quarrel, Ryoko Diguchi shook her head and smiled.

It should be said that she is a kind lady.

Even if Fangcun Aite slapped him severely, he didn't care about him.

Of course, even if she wanted to care about it, she couldn't care about it. After all, daring to care about an SSS-level one-eyed owl is no different from courting death.

"By the way, Ryoko Dikou, is your husband dead?"

After Dikou's mother and daughter finished eating, Yun Che smiled with great interest.


Hearing Yun Che's question, Liangzi Dikou was immediately stunned.

Dikou Hinako also shrank behind her mother, with a timid expression on her face.

Perhaps, the mother and daughter never imagined that someone would ask such a sensitive and sharp question when they met for the first time.

"Really, Yun Che, why are you so outrageous!"

Touka Kirishima puffed up her face, looking unhappy.

Fangcun Aite was like that just now, and Yun Che is now too. Could it be that the strong speak so inappropriately?

"Well, I'm just asking casually, it's fine if you don't want to answer."

Yun Che waved his hand nonchalantly.

The plot of Dikou's family is linked to Mahu Wu Xuxiang, so, if possible, Yun Che would like to get involved.

After all, even though that old fellow Mado Wu Xu was creepy both in terms of character and appearance.

But his daughter Mado knows...

Tsk tsk, appearance is not important, European style is not important, the main thing is those long legs, it makes people linger...

But having said that, the father is so shabby, but the daughter is so nice.

So, most of Mado's knowledge should be inherited from his mother Madowei, right?

Although she didn't show her face in the original drama, only a back view was shown, but she is probably a great beauty, otherwise it would not be able to cover up the ugly genes of Mado Wu Xu.

"It's not impossible to answer, it's just..."

"I'm not too sure, what's going on with my husband now..."

Touching the head of Diguchi Hinami behind her, Ryoko Diguchi said sadly.

"That's right, don't you plan to go and have a look?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, although in his opinion, Dikou Liangzi's husband is probably dead now.

However, it is better not to say this kind of thing directly.

Not to mention being mistaken for a curse, the key is that the naive little girl Fueguchi Hinami would cry out when she heard her father died.

"My strength is too weak, and Hina is still young. Going there will only increase the burden on my husband."

Dikou Ryoko shook his head.

"That's right."

Yun Che nodded thoughtfully.

As a B-level ghoul, Dikou Ryoko couldn't even do the most basic self-predation, and his strength was simply limitless.

And Dikou Hinami is only worthy of D-level, and even Kazuko can't use it.

With their fighting power, if they really went to visit their husbands, and then they were unlucky enough to run into Mado Wu Xu.

Presumably, the head will be cut off in an instant.

However, there is one thing to say, Dikou Hinako's talent is still very good, after all, he inherited two kinds of Hezi from both parents at the same time, and he was born with Linhe and Jiahe.

On this basis, if she is willing to be cruel.

Acquired together, it is absolutely easy to become an SS-level, or even an SSS-level Hezhe.

Unfortunately, the character is too kind...

"Well, I don't have anything to do anyway, I'm idle and boring."

"Let's go, take a stroll with you mother and daughter to see if your husband is still alive."

Stretching comfortably, Yun Che got up and said.

"Eh?" Hearing this, Ryoko Dikou was stunned:

"But you are..."

Ryoko Dikou really wanted to say, you are human, and you don't look like a white pigeon specially bred by CCG. With thin arms and legs, you are clearly incapable of fighting.

Aren't you afraid of death if you participate in ghoul incidents?

"Miss Liangzi, don't underestimate Lord Yun Che, he is very powerful."

Seemingly seeing what Dikou Ryoko was thinking, Fangcun Gongshan said with a smile.

"Eh? Really?!"

Although rationally speaking, I still don't quite believe it.

But even a top ghoul like Fangcun Kozen said so, and even called him an adult, Ryoko Diguchi felt that it should be... no problem, right?

"Are you going?"

Ignoring whether Ryoko Dikou believed it or not, Yun Che turned his head and asked Shendai Lishi and the others.

"I'm not going anymore, I hate going out on rainy days..."

The swirl sunflower lay on the table, pouted.

Just like her name, Asahi's Sunflower, likes the sun and doesn't like rain.

"I'm not going either, I want to stay and play with Dong Xiangjiang~"

God on behalf of the world laughed.

"It's fun, just don't instill some strange ideas in her..."

Yun Che gave Kamdai Toshiyo a blank look, then looked at Uchiha Sarana and Yoshimura Aite:

"How about you two?"

"Teacher Yun Che, I'm going!"

Uchiha Sarana nodded.

As a Uchiha clan, her innate fighting instinct told her that going out this time is definitely not just a simple stroll, there will probably be a fight.

So, she doesn't want to miss it.

"You can go anywhere as long as you don't stay in this nasty place."

Fangcun Aite said lazily.

Ever since she entered the antique coffee shop, she has been depressed and not in high spirits.

The uncharacteristically intimidating Kirishima Touka and the poisonous tongue Ryoko before was also because he was in the same roof as Yoshimura Kozen, a bastard old man, and he was very unhappy.

But with Yun Che around, he couldn't do anything.

That's why Fangcun Aite vented his grievances in that way.


The spiritual rations were exhausted, and I was too lazy to go out to buy them on the way to code, so this chapter can be said to be anxiously held back.

It may be a bit messy, so please brothers, don’t blame me! .

Chapter 337

Leaving the antique coffee shop, under the rain.

Ryoko Diguchi led Yun Che and the three of them to the clinic where her husband worked.

"It looks like we're late."

Push open the door of the clinic and enter it.

I saw that all kinds of medical equipment inside collapsed chaotically, and there was still a lot of fresh blood left on the ground.

Obviously, there was a battle here not long ago, and these blood volumes, which are fatal to humans, were presumably belonged to Ryoko Dikou and her husband.

After all, although his strength level was not mentioned in the original play.

But there are only two people who are known to have had contact with him.

One is the superficially S-rank ghoul, which is actually close to the SS-rank, the Omori Yakumo codenamed Gecko.

The second is seasoned experience, Mado Wu Xu, who is a senior investigator in the CCG White Pigeon rank.

And these two people, no matter who they are, Dikou Ryoko's husband, most likely they are not rivals.

So, if the blood on the ground is not his, who else could it be?

"how come......"

Dikou Ryoko covered her mouth in disbelief.

Although she was very reluctant to believe it, she knew that her husband was probably dead.

"Dad, where are you? Dad, come out quickly!"

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Dikou Hinami rummaged around in the chaotic clinic in a panic, trying to find her father, even if...

It was a cold corpse.

"Fluteguchi Hina..."

Seeing the heart-wrenching appearance of this girl who was about the same age as her, Uchiha Sarana couldn't bear it.

She stretched out her hand and opened her mouth slightly, wanting to comfort her, but she didn't know how to comfort her.

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