You know, there is no such thing as empathy in the world.

What's more, her parents are still alive today, and they have never experienced this kind of sadness at all.

"Don't say, don't do, just watch quietly."

As if seeing what his disciple was thinking, Yun Che patted her on the head.

Uchiha Sarana is eleven or twelve years old, and Fueguchi Hinami is 14 years old.

The two are indeed about the same age, only a mere two to three years apart, but their mentality is completely different. After all, children in the world of Naruto are generally precocious.

If Uchiha Zuarana's mentality is that of a child.

Then the mentality of Dikou Hinami, I am afraid it is a baby.

It's not pure nonsense for a little child to comfort a sad baby.

So, it's not indifference, but in this case, don't say anything, don't do anything, that's the best choice.

"It's really sad...`~."

Fangcun Aite sighed softly.

Unlike Uchiha Sarana, she can somewhat feel the pain of Fueguchi Hinami.

After all, although he didn't lose his father when he was young, he hasn't been accompanied by his father or even his mother since he can remember.

"Yun Che, can you really redeem this twisted world?"

As the leader of the Bronze Tree, and even as the top SSS-level ghoul, the one-eyed owl.

Fangcun Aite stands taller than others, so naturally, he can see more clearly the hatefulness and sadness of this world than others.

This kind of world...

Is there really a chance to be redeemed?

"Under the premise of immortality, if I say it can be redeemed, it will definitely be redeemed."

Yun Che said indifferently, but his tone was full of unquestionable meaning.

As long as there is no stunned young man who hurt the people around him recklessly, he will definitely save the world, and vice versa.

"That's right...then I'm really looking forward to it."

Fangcun Aite smiled slightly, his expression was extremely flat, making it impossible to see through his thoughts.

I don't know if she believed it or not.

"Da da---"


At this time, two sounds suddenly came from outside the clinic.

The first one is the normal sound of walking, but hearing the footsteps, it should be two people.

The second sound is a bit strange, it is not a sound that can be heard often under normal circumstances.

How should I put it, if I have to describe it...

Walking with a dead body?

"Hehe, sure enough, it's right to stay in ambush nearby for a while."

"So soon, there are prey who have thrown themselves into the net."

With an old and piercing voice, the door of the clinic was pushed open.

The ones who came in were carrying suitcases, two people, a man and a woman.

"Oh? This is really..."

Seeing this, Yun Che couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

This is really...


The man is Mado Wu Xu, so it goes without saying.

But his partner is not the 24K carbon alloy pure steel straight man Amon Kotaro in the original play, but his long-legged daughter, Madokichi!

"There is a deviation in the plot..."

Yun Che stroked his chin thoughtfully: "Well, it's nothing serious."

It is harmless indeed.

After all, if you really want to talk about deviation, it has already been deviation.

For example, Kamdai Toshishi's personality has changed drastically, and the original protagonist Ken Kaneki has not played a role until now.

"One, two...two damn ghouls..."

"However, the three of you are humans, why do you stay with ghouls?"

Mado Wuxu frowned.

As an experienced high-ranking investigator, under certain circumstances, he can tell whether the opponent is a human or a ghoul with just his naked eyes.

But obviously, he didn't see that Fangcun Aite was a ghoul.

In fact, it’s normal to think about it. After all, it’s one-eyed, and you can freely control the Rc value.

Even professional machines can't detect it, let alone the naked eye.

".~ Accompanying a poor mother and daughter, just looking for the pillars of the family."

Yun Che spread his hands and smiled lightly.

"Oh? It should be him?"

Hearing this, Mado Wu Xu showed a cruel smile, and then lifted the horrific corpse in his hand:

"This ghoul is very disobedient and always wants to resist."

"So I had no choice but to use the suitcase containing Quinker and crush his head."

Mado Gore's smile was very vile and disgusting.

Moreover, saying so, but Yun Che is very clear that this is not a matter of being forced to do anything.

It was Mado Wuxu, who wanted to smash the head of Ryoko Dikou's husband with a suitcase.

"(Nuomo's) Dad... Dad?!"

The moment she saw the corpse, Hinami Fueguchi froze in place, her eyes lost their luster.

Although she lost her head, she could still tell at a glance that it was her father.

The feeling of blood dissolving in water is unmistakable.


Ryoko Dikou was in great pain, and she really wanted to get back her husband's body.

But with her weak strength, even as a ghoul, she couldn't even do the most basic self-predation, let alone fight the white pigeons of CCG.

Therefore, I could only hug my daughter sadly, cover my face and cry.

"Unforgivable...unforgivable, nephew!"

Looking at Dikou's mother and daughter who were so sad that they couldn't help themselves, and Mado Wuxu with a perverted smile.

Uchiha Sarana trembled, clenched her teeth tightly, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

An ominous and gloomy atmosphere filled the air.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan...

On! .

Chapter 338

"Not only killed other people's fathers, but even humiliated them face to face..."

Shouting tremblingly, the hexagonal diamond-shaped kaleidoscope in Uchiha Sarana's pupils spun at high speed.

A frightening aura permeated the air...

Strong murderous intent, without any concealment!

"People like you really deserve death!"

Roaring with anger, behind Uchiha Sarana, a huge humanoid body loomed.

As the anger and hatred in the heart gradually breed.

The fuzzy giant human-shaped body slowly solidified, and finally, breaking through the eaves of the clinic, completely formed a female armored giant with only half the body, but as high as 30 meters!

And Uchiha Sarana was wrapped in it!

"go to hell!"

With a roar, Uchiha Sarana controlled Susano.

He directly raised his hand, and slammed the huge Yasaka Gouyu hard at Mado Wuxu.

"Get out of the way!"

Pupils shrank, Mado Wu Xu exclaimed.

Pushing Mado Akatsuki away forcefully, and then quickly backed away, narrowly avoiding the impact of Yasaka's Goutama.


With a loud roar, dust flew up and the ground cracked.

Although Yasaka's Gouyu didn't hit Mado Wuxu directly, the subsequent strong impact still affected him, causing him to fly upside down several meters and cough up a mouthful of blood.


Seeing that his father was injured, Akatsuki Mado ran to his side anxiously:

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