"Dad, are you okay?"

Since the death of her mother Wei Mado, her father Wu Xu Mado is her only relative now.

If something unexpected happened, Mado Akira really didn't know what to do.

"Ahem... this guy is not a ghoul, but a monster!"

Holding his aching chest, Mado Wu Xu said with a serious face.

As an experienced high-ranking investigator, Mado Wu Xu is confident that even in the face of S-level or even SS-level ghouls, he has the power to fight.

Although it may not be possible to win, it is still no problem to play a few rounds.

But now, facing Susano, who was different from ghouls and had never been seen before, he was completely stunned.

Yasaka's Gouyu was directly and seriously injured.

If he hadn't avoided the frontal damage, he might have been smashed to death in an instant.

"Father, what shall we do next?"

Madoka asked with a worried face.

The half-length giant in front of her is too powerful and obviously does not belong to the category of ghouls. To be honest, she wants to be more conservative and retreat strategically.

"What else can we do? The other party made it clear that they don't want to let us go."

"Besides, the damned ghouls are right in front of us, how can we not kill them!"

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Mado Wuxu smiled viciously.

Then press the button on the suitcase to switch it to Quinker form.

"Different from ghouls, the unprecedented power should be a superpower, right?"

"If you can use the corpse of a superpower to create Quinque, then it should be very powerful!"

With a morbid sneer, Mado Wu Xu ignored his injuries and the huge gap in strength between the two sides.

Like a crazy wild dog, he swung Quinque and killed Uchiha Sarana who was wrapped by Susano.

"I can only... get on it!"

Seeing that his father was on the bed, Mado Akatsuki took a deep breath.

Press the button, also switch the suitcase to Quinker form, and rushed up.

"You are courting death!"

Looking at Mado Wu Xu and Mado Akatsuki who were attacking him from two ends in a double-teaming situation.

Uchiha Sarana controlled Susano, condensed a spear, and launched an offensive.

However, no matter how Yun Che looked at this scene, he still found it very funny.

Take Quinker and attack Susano...

What is there to say?

When you feel stupid, please look at Shimura Danzo, he tried to use Kunai to pierce the armor of Susanoo, who is known as absolute defense.

The current Mado Wu Xu and Mado Akatsuki have this feeling for no reason.

Well, with toys, hit Gundam.

"Hey, it's really not worrying to go berserk."

"However, it should be said that it is worthy of the Uchiha clan. Sensibility is nature. After witnessing the tragedy of Fueguchi's mother and daughter, it directly exploded its potential and leapfrogged to open the first form of Susano."

After taking a closer look at Susano Uchiha Sarana's first form, Yun Che couldn't help squinting his eyes.

There is nothing to say about appearance, except for being feminine, Susano is basically the same.

In terms of color, under Uchiha Itachi's crimson red, Uchiha Sasuke's deep purple is precipitated.

It is very bright visually, but in terms of tone, it is a dark color system with a fusion of pink and purple.

"However, in this way, the follow-up will be a little troublesome..."

In the case of non-eternal kaleidoscope, it not only opens Susano, but also directly crosses the basic initial form and leapfrogs to the first form.

This is undoubtedly a huge consumption of Uchiha Sarana's pupil power.

If there is no accident, she will not be blind, but her eyesight will probably degrade by half.

"Hey, Yun Che, she won't...is she also a god?"

Looking at Uchiha Sarana, who controlled Susano, pushed Mado Wuxu and Mado Akatsuki to the ground and exploded the hammer.

Fangcun Aite swallowed, and asked in astonishment.

A little girl with a height of less than 1.5 meters controls a giant with a height of 30 meters...

The contrast between before and after is really too great.

Moreover, judging from the current appearance, this TM is only a half body. If it is a full body, how awesome would it be?

"Zorana is not a god, but Susano is indeed known as the power of God."

Yun Che shrugged, then rolled his eyes:

"By the way, you are surprised by the hammer. Susano in the first form, you can beat it in the Hezhe form."

Although there is indeed a big gap between the combat power systems of Naruto World and Ghoul World.

But it's not that the top powerhouse in the ghoul world, even Susano in the first form, can't win.

"Why can't I be surprised? You also said that this is the first form. If that's the case, there must be a stronger form later."

"As for my Hezhe form, there are only three, and my strength has not improved much. I'm surprised, isn't it normal?"

Fangcun Aite pouted.


The picture shows Zorana's Susan.

Concept map, but basically the same. .

Chapter 339

On the field, although Touka Kirishima is using Susano for the first time, she is not very proficient.

But it was still the dog's head of Mado Wu Xu and Mado Akatsuki who were pressed to the ground with crazy explosive hammers.

After all, unskilled is unskilled.

But the gap in strength like the gutter is there, and it can't be bridged by mere proficiency.

"Damn! This guy is really a monster!"

At this time, Mado Wu Xu was very embarrassed, unprecedentedly embarrassed.

The left arm was severed from the elbow joint by Susanoo's spear, the left leg was bent and fractured, and a fist-sized hole was pierced in the right lower abdomen, and the internal organs were directly ruptured.

With the only remaining right arm, he held the broken Quink tightly.

Mado Wu Xu, who has always been known for being crazy and not afraid of death, felt his scalp go numb at this moment, and he had the idea of ​​retreating.

"Dad, you...-"

Seeing his father's miserable appearance, Mado Akatsuki's tears accumulated, and his heart ached.

Maybe it's because she didn't insult the Fueguchi family before, so Uchiha Sarana basically ignored her.

All the attacks were thrown at Mado Wu Xu.

Although Mado Akira was somewhat injured, it was only a skin trauma that was affected.

"Xiao, run away quickly, I will come to the queen."

Looking at his daughter gently with those ferocious eyes, Mado Wu Xu said softly:

"You are still young, you are only 21 years old, and you are already a second-class investigator."

"With your talent, in two or three years, you will definitely be able to surpass me and be promoted to a quasi-special class, or even a special investigator."

The meaning of Mado Wuxu is already obvious.

He left the chance of life to Akira Mado, and prepared himself to die alone.

"No! I'm not leaving!"

Hearing his father's words like last words, Mado Akira seemed to see his long-dead mother, tears came out of his eyes, and he shook his head vigorously to refuse, department/group: 9.8/0'2,? 0"5:8'5,6 absolutely.

Her mother, Mado Wei, also retreated to cover the white pigeons of other CCGs.

So he stayed alone and resisted the one-eyed owl, but he was not only defeated and killed, but even bitten beyond recognition...

No matter what, Akatsuki Mado didn't want his father to go down the same path as his mother.


Mado Wu Xu scolded:

"You go, my queen, you may still be alive, but if you don't go, both of us will die!"

"If your mother saw it in the sky, she would definitely support my choice. She saved a colleague at the beginning, but I saved my daughter!"

Mado Wuxu's words made Mado Akatsuki gnash his teeth, hesitating in his heart.

Emotionally, she is unwilling to run away, because if she runs away, her only family member will also leave her.

Rationally, if she runs away, there is a high probability that she will survive. After all, Uchiha Sarana's hatred value has always been on Mado Wuxu, so she may not pay attention to her.

"Well, the boring tear-jerking scene is almost over."

Just when Mado Akira was in a dilemma, Yun Che, who had been watching the battle from behind, spoke out.

Strolling leisurely to the arena, looking at Mado Wu Xu who looked miserable, he raised his eyebrows:

"Tsk, you old man, you already looked creepy, but now it's even more irritating to your eyes."

What is there to say?

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