Oh, blind my 24K pure carbon alloy dog ​​eyes.

"You are not allowed to insult my father!"

Hearing Yun Che's words, Mado Akira immediately reprimanded him angrily.

"Didn't your father insult Chushi's father before? Why, you are only allowed to insult others, and others are not allowed to insult you?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and sneered.

"He is a ghoul, he deserves death, so what if he is insulted!"

Mado Akira retorted righteously.

After the death of his wife, Mado Wu Xu, he hated and hated ghouls extremely, thinking that all ghouls should die.

And as his daughter, Mado Akira was naturally affected to some extent and established this distorted value.

"Oh, it's really a double standard."

"So what about ghouls, what about human beings, after all, they are the fathers of children."

Yun Che couldn't help shaking his head, the chain of hatred is too deep...

Fangcun Aite killed Mado Wuxu's wife, so Mado Wuxu was pulled into the chain of hatred and killed ghouls.

Mado Wuxu now killed Fueguchi Hinami's father, Uchiha Sarana was emotionally drawn into the chain of hatred, and wanted to kill Mado Wuxu......

The hate chain is like a Mobius ring.

One chain after another, infinite, endless, unlimited reincarnation, unlimited hatred and killing.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Be it ghouls or humans, once caught in the chain of hatred, they will never be able to escape.

You kill my people, I revenge, kill you.

In order to avenge you, your people killed me backhanded.

Then my people, in order to avenge me, killed you...

Repeatedly, without end.


It seemed that he felt that Yun Che's words made sense, and he didn't know how to refute, Mado Akatsuki could only clenched his fists unwillingly.

"Teacher Yun Che, it's useless to reason with this kind of person, let me kill him!"

Controlling Susanoo, waving the spear in her hand, Uchiha Sarana said through gritted teeth.

"Well, it's almost enough, let's get rid of Susano quickly."

......... 0

Yun Che waved his hand and said.


Uchiha Sarana was a little unwilling to hear this.

"Do you still want your eyes? Turning on Susanohu consumes a lot of eye power, not to mention that you have leapfrogged to the first form now!"

"Why, do you want to go blind?"

Seeing that Uchiha Sarana was disobedient, Yun Che immediately frowned.

"All right......"

Seeing that Yun Che seemed a little unhappy, Uchiha Sarana pursed her lips in grievance, and released Susano.

"Oh, you kid, it's really worrying. It's okay to stand up for others, but you have to do what you can."

"I brought you out. In case something goes wrong, how will I explain to your father when I go back?"

Seeing Uchiha Sarana shrugging her head like a child being criticized and educated by her parents, with an expression of grievance, Yun Che helplessly patted her head.


Knowing that Yun Che was doing it for her own good, the grievance in Uchiha Sarana's heart dissipated a little.

However, her obedient and friendly appearance, like a good baby, made the mouth corners of Masato and his daughter twitch wildly.

Especially Mado Wu Xu, who is missing an arm and a broken leg, if it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would definitely complain:

"Why are you so wronged! I'm the one who was hacked half to death!"

"You are still a villain and you should file a complaint first. Believe it or not, I will cry for you!" Four.

Chapter 340

"Phew, this gentleman, a life pays for a life."

"I'll stay, don't hurt my daughter, how about that?"

Taking a deep breath, Mado Wu Xu lowered his dignity and said seriously.

Having experienced the battle just now, he has now thoroughly recognized the situation. The combat power of the enemy and us is like a gutter, and they are not at the same level at all.

If you continue to kowtow, the other party may be fine, but on your side, you must be dead.

So, in order to keep Akira Mado alive.

As the father, Wu Xu Mado planned to use his own life to mortgage the life of Ryoko Dikou's husband.

"Oh? Are you discussing this?"

When Yun Che heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Yes." Mado Wu Xu nodded.

"Tsk, but as far as I know, you don't seem like someone who would discuss with the enemy."

Yun Che smiled in surprise.

In the original drama Ninety-Fourty, Mado Wu Xu is an extremely crazy person who is not afraid of death, as if the meaning of his life is to kill.

Even if he has suffered fatal injuries.

But as long as he has breath, he will continue to slaughter ghouls.

This is Mado Wu Xu, a man like a mad dog.

"Just kidding, if you are ghouls, don't talk about negotiating, even if you die, I will bite off a piece of meat desperately, and hurt you for ten days and a half months."

The corners of Mado Wuxu's mouth rose, revealing a ferocious smile:

"But, obviously, you're not."

What he hated were ghouls, and only ghouls.

Even though they don't know who Yun Che and the others are, and why they are able to exert the unprecedented magical power that can be called a superpower, it doesn't matter.

As long as it's not a ghoul, everything is fine.

"You guy..."

Hearing Mado Wuxu's speech against ghouls, Uchiha Sarana gritted her teeth in anger.

Although she also hates those ghouls that eat people.

But among the ghouls, there are also good people, such as the people in the antique coffee shop.

Therefore, Uchiha Sarana expressed her displeasure with Mado Wuxu's statement that he killed everyone with one shot.

"Well, Zuo Liangna, stop talking, every family has their own scriptures that are difficult to recite..."

After stroking Uchiha Sarana, who had blown her hair, Yun Che said helplessly.

Perhaps before time travel, Mado Wu Xu was a hateful person from the audience's point of view.

But in a broad sense, he is actually a very infatuated man, or in other words, a ruthless man.

Because the one I love was killed by ghouls, I am determined to slaughter all ghouls in the world.

Isn't this similar to Obito Uchiha in Naruto World?

They are all determined to overturn the world for the people they love.

However, what the former chose was to slaughter all the same kind that killed his lover, while the latter chose to create a world with lovers.

Black is black, after all, he has indeed done disgusting things.

But one thing to say, they all have points that can be cleaned up.

"So, sir, what do you think?"

Mado Wu Xu asked seriously again.

From Uchiha Sarana's previous obedient posture and their positions, Mado Wuxu, who is an old fox, can easily judge it.

Yun Che was the center of the group.

Wanting to survive is very simple, he can do it with one word.

It was easy to be killed, he could just say a word.

To put it bluntly, the lives of their father and daughter no longer belong to them.

Instead, it was held in Yun Che's hands, life or death was just a matter of the words.

"How do I think..."

"Before that, I should first say, are you willing to jump out of the chain of hatred?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows thoughtfully and asked.

"Eh? What do you mean?"

When Mado Wu Xu heard the words, he was a little confused.

What do you mean, jump out of the chain of hatred?

This kind of thing, how to jump, how could it be possible to jump out?

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