"Well, it means, are you willing to forgive the one-eyed owl who killed Mahuwei back then?"

Yun Che explained.

To be honest, he feels very difficult to do now.

If you want Mado to know, Mado Wu Xu can't die, but Mado Wu Xu can't die, and it's hard to explain to Dikou Hinami, it's really a dilemma for beautiful women.

As for the resurrection of Ryoko Diguchi's husband and Wei Mahu, let the two of them shake hands and make peace?

I'm sorry, Yun Che didn't even think about this thought.

Modifying something that happened in the future, but not yet, is okay.

But modifying what has already happened in the long river of fate, and resurrecting people who have already died, is not enough.

It's not that it can't be done, but because of this, it will cause the rejection of the world consciousness.

Although with Yun Che's power, it is enough to blow up the world, and there is no need to care whether the world consciousness is willing or not, but the rules are the rules, even if it is a dragon, it is not easy to break it directly...

Otherwise, if it attracts the attention of other world consciousness, it will become a wanted person in the heavens and worlds.

Then, no matter which world you go to in the future, it will be quite troublesome.

"Impossible! No matter what, I can't forgive the one-eyed owl!"

After hearing Yun Che's words, Mado Wu Xu said viciously without hesitation.

"Oh, that's what I guessed, it's such a hassle..."

Yun Che held his forehead helplessly and sighed.

What should he do? Do he have to choose between Fueguchi Hinami and Mado Akatsuki?

How can you choose, as a man, but also as a time traveler, of course you have to have all of them!

Although Yun Che is not very interested in the current Hinami Fueguchi, just like he is in the current Kirishima Touka, but he can't bear the fact that the two of them will be very sweet when they grow up.

Get to his cute point completely.

"Ah, I don't need human forgiveness."

At this time, from the beginning to the end, Fangcun Aite, who had been paddling in the water, was fishing.

After hearing Yun Che and Mado Wu Xu mention his code name, he couldn't help but stand up.


Regarding this, the corners of Yun Che's mouth twitched slightly, and he was a little speechless.

Auntie, I haven't settled the matter of Dikou and Mado's family, what do you mean by coming in again?

You are afraid that you are embarrassing me, Fat Tiger!

"I hear what you mean...you are a one-eyed owl?!"

Hearing Fangcun Aite's words, Mado Wu Xu was taken aback, and then his face became extremely distorted.

Finally, finally...

He finally saw the enemy he thought about day by day, dreamed about at night, even if it was death, he wanted to kill.

"It's me, why, do you have an opinion?"

"Oh, I see. Seeing the hatred on your face, it should be someone important who was eaten by me, right? But, who is it? In my eyes, it's all rations, so I can't think of it at all." Woolen cloth!"

Fangcun Aite rested his index finger on his chin, with an innocent face, and said extremely humiliating words.

What she meant was obvious:

"I, the one-eyed owl, ate your important people, but the important people to you are just rations with me."

"It's even so insignificant that even the name is not worthy of being remembered by me!"

It has to be said that Fangcun Aite's remarks are, in a sense, extremely vicious.

Especially for Mado Wu Xu! .

Chapter 341

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Hearing that Fangcun Aite didn't even remember his wife's name, and even didn't remember that he had eaten such a person.

Mado Wu Xu suddenly had red eyes and lost his mind.

His left arm was cut off, so he used his remaining right hand to hold the damaged Quinke tightly.

His left leg was broken and bent, so he limped towards Fangcun Ait with one right leg.

Even though he was broken, the hatred deep in his heart supported Mado Wuxu to continue fighting.

"A mere high-ranking investigator, even with all his strength, is no match for me, let alone the current half-dead state."

With a sneer of disdain, Fangcun Aite raised his hand and burst out a Jiahe several meters long.

With a random flick, he directly and accurately hit Mado Wu Xu, who was handicapped at the moment, and sent him flying upside down, and fell hard to the ground.


Mado Wu Xu clutched his chest in pain, a mouthful of old blood spewed out.


Mado Akira panicked and ran to his father, shaking him up.

"Dad, are you okay, don't scare me!" 14

Seeing that Mado Wu Xu's face was extremely pale, looking like he might die at any moment, Mado Akatsuki suddenly panicked.

The fear I felt when my mother passed away came back to my heart again.

"Ahem...Xiao, I'm really useless."

"The enemy who killed your mother is right in front of you, but I can't do anything..."

The corner of Mado Wu Xu's mouth was bleeding, and he smiled wryly.

For a long time, he had longed to find the one-eyed owl, and then use inhumane means to kill him with his own hands to avenge his dead wife Mado.

But now, I found it.

But with just one blow, he couldn't take care of himself...

This deep sense of despair made Mado Wu Xu instantly lose hope of living.

He really wanted to just close his eyes and go to the other side of the world to reunite with his wife.

"Dad, let's not take revenge, let's go home, okay?"

Akatsuki Mado had tears in her eyes, she had already lost her mother, no matter what, she did not want to lose her father again.

Even if this revenge is not avenged, it's fine.

"Hey, this is the fate of falling into the chain of hatred..."

"Whether it's human or ghoul, once you fall into it, you will never be able to get out, and in the end, you will only end up with a tragic death..."

Seeing the Madoka father and daughter parting from life and death with deep affection, Yun Che shook his head helplessly.

In fact, according to common sense, as an old fox, he is even more experienced investigator.

When Mado Wu Xu knew that Fangcun Aite was a one-eyed owl, he shouldn't have been reckless.

After all, although the top investigators are quite powerful, it is impossible to deal with the top SSS-level ghouls.

Not to mention, he was seriously injured, and Uchiha Sarana, who ran away before, used Susan Gundam to beat him to a semi-disabled state.

In this case, even a rookie-level white pigeon who is new to CCG knows how to retreat rationally.

But Wu Xu, the real householder, didn't understand and played cards out of common sense.


Just because he fell into the chain of hatred, his eyes were blinded by hatred, and he lost his mind!

Therefore, none of the people caught in the chain of hatred can die well.

In the vast heavens and worlds, many people died from the chain of hatred. Mado Wu Xu was not the first, and he will definitely not be the last!


Hearing Yun Che's exclamation, everyone present was stunned.

Uchiha Sarana wondered, if Yun Che hadn't stopped him just now, would she have also fallen into the chain of hatred?

Fangcun Aite looked at his hands, he seemed to be...

Have you already fallen into the chain of hatred?

Hinami Diguchi and Ryoko Diguchi, who are kind enough to be called the Holy Mother, are also thinking. The mother and daughter are wondering whether they should forgive Mado Wuxu in order not to fall into the chain of hatred.

After all, isn't the reason why he hates ghouls so much because he has been deeply hurt by ghouls?

"Xiao, you have grown up, you have to learn to face everything alone in the future."

"Dad, I really want to see your mother now..."

It seemed that they had listened to Yun Che's emotion about the chain of hatred.

Mado Wuxu raised his only remaining right hand, touched Mado Akira's head, and showed a gentle smile that was no longer ferocious, full of fatherly love.

His meaning is already obvious:

"Father, I can't do it anymore. I want to see your mother. Daughter, you have to live well!"

This is indeed the case.

He had already been beaten half to death by Uchiha Sarana, and then in the front, he savagely ate a fierce blow from Fangcun Aite.

Plus having given up hope of living...

The body is failing, and the spirit is also giving up.

Death, naturally, became Mado Wuxu's predetermined ending.

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