
Maybe he also understood that this was his father's last words, Mado Akira nodded obediently.

Then he hugged Mado Wuxu tightly, enjoying the last warmth from his father.

"This gentleman, before I die, I have one last request, I implore you to agree..."

Gently stroking Mado Akatsuki's head, Mado Wu Xuqiang supported his body that had almost lost its vitality, and looked at Yun Che.

"You say it."

As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are also good.

At this last moment when his life was gone, as long as it wasn't too much, Yun Che didn't mind doing Mado Wu Xu a favor.

"I hope that after my death, you don't make things difficult for Xiao and let her leave safely."

Because he was about to die, Mado Wu Xu's face was ugly, but his smile was extraordinarily warm.

Perhaps, this is the last thing he can do for his children as a father.

"Okay, I promise you."

Yun Che nodded seriously.

"If that's the case, I'm relieved."

Mado Wu Xu smiled reassuringly, and then looked at Mado Akatsuki beside him:

"Xiao, my daughter, if you want, quit CCG afterwards and enjoy life as an ordinary person."

"I don't want your future to die in battle like your mother did, nor do I want to fall into a chain of hatred and die tragically like me."

"Hatred and hatred, fighting and killing shouldn't continue on you. When you come to me, it should be over. Let me take everything away..."

As a father, after telling his daughter his last words.

Mado Wu Xu's body lightened, his hands fell to the ground weakly, and he completely lost his breath.


He hugged the dead body of Mado Wuxu tightly.

Mado Akira did not cry loudly, but wept softly.

She's sad now, she's sad, she's alone, she's scared...

But unfortunately, I didn't feel the remorse and anger that I should feel the most.

Because the father said that to his daughter at the end, and he didn't look at the enemy again until he died. Does this mean that he may have let go of his hatred?

He took hatred and hatred, fighting and killing, everything, away.

All that is left to my daughter is the desire to enjoy life as an ordinary person......

Chapter 342


Picking up Mado Wuxu's rickety corpse, Mado Akatsuki was at a loss.

As a child, she wanted to take away her father's body and bury it properly, but she didn't know what position she was in now.

I don't know if Yun Che and others will agree to let her take away the body of Mado Wu Xu.

"Let's go, this is what I promised your father."

Yun Che waved his hand, implying that he could take away the corpse.


Nodding silently, Mado Akatsuki hugged Mado Wuxu's body, turned and left.

As for the damaged Quinkers scattered on the ground, she did not recover them.

It's not that it can't be repaired, but that she no longer needs this kind of thing.


Looking at the back of Mado Akatsuki leaving alone, Yun Che remained silent.

Although Mado Wu Xu didn't kill him, he didn't even move his hands, he didn't even touch him.

However, it was Uchiha Sarana who beat Mado Wuxu to half.

It was Takatsuki Izumi who finally killed him with a fatal blow.

And both of them are Yun Che's people.

Therefore, in a sense, Mado Wu Xu died indirectly because of Yun Che.

Therefore, because of his own selfish desires, Yun Che could not and would not be able to do such a thing as forcefully keeping a girl who had just lost her father and died indirectly by his own hands.

Anyway, he will stay in the ghoul world for a long time.

The future will be long. For emotional matters, don't rush, just take your time.

"Three, thank you!"

Bringing Dikou Hinako to the front of Yun Che and the others, Dikou Ryoko bowed deeply at ninety degrees.

She knew very well that without the help of Yun Che and others this time.

Then my mother and daughter, let alone seeing their husband's body, are very likely to be shot in the head by Mado Wu Xu with a suitcase containing Quinke just like my husband.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a life-saving grace.

"Well, it's okay, go dig a hole and bury your husband's body in the ground."

Yun Che waved his hand indifferently.

As for why digging a pit for burial instead of sending it to be burned, and then put it in the cemetery to rest in peace...

The reason is actually very simple.

Not to mention the identity of the ghouls.

Mainly, what kind of thing is it to take a headless corpse with a tragic death on the street?

It doesn't matter if you scare passers-by, but if you are reported by a good-natured person and attract the attention of CCG white pigeons, then it will be troublesome.

Moreover, in the circle of ghouls, the law of the jungle is the iron rule.

They don't care at all what will happen to the body after they die.

The better ones will be exposed to the wilderness and return to nature, and the worse ones will be killed by the hungry ghouls passing by, and being dug up and buried in the ground is already considered a good treatment.

So, this is really a hateful and pathetic twisted world...

"By the way, you two are absent-minded, what are you thinking~?"

Looking at Uchiha Sarana and Fangmura Aite at the side, Yun Che asked curiously.

From before, the two of them have been in a daze, with a silly and cute look of wandering away.

"Teacher Yun Che, will I also fall into the chain of hatred one day in the future?"

Uchiha Sarana asked in a slightly absent-minded way.


Hearing this, Yun Che was stunned for a moment, then smiled and patted her head:

"Perhaps, after all, where there are people, there will be fights, and where there are fights, there will be killings. In the end, the chain of hatred will be born in the killings."

"Don't worry, though, I won't let you get caught up in it."

I thought I was thinking about something, but it turned out that I was very concerned about my previous feelings about the chain of hatred.

However, since she can think about this kind of problem, it means that Uchiha Sarana is gradually becoming sensible, right?


Feeling the warmth on her head, Uchiha Sarana nodded with a smile.

That's right, with Teacher Yun Che's company, how could it be possible for him to fall into the chain of hatred?


At the critical moment, I will hold hands tightly and give myself a hand!

"Then, what about me, who has already fallen into the chain of hatred?"

"Can you... pull me out?"

Looking at his hands, they were obviously clean, but in the eyes of Fangcun Aite at this moment, they were stained with the blood of countless people.

Before Yun Che, when Uchiha Sarana was about to kill Wu Xu Mado, he stopped her in time.

Keep it from falling into the chain of hatred.

So, can he pull himself out of the chain of hatred?

In the past, Fangcun Aite might, no, it should be absolutely, and would not care about these things, what kind of hatred chain or not, just come and kill one by one.

However, when she knew that Yun Che was going to redeem this distorted world, she suddenly changed her mind...

She wants to live a good life and witness a whole new world with her own eyes.

I don't want to be like Mado Wu Xu, who fell into the chain of hatred and couldn't get out, and ended up in a tragic end.

"You have killed too many people, and you have already been deeply involved in the chain of hatred, and you cannot pull it out."

Yun Che shook his head, he really couldn't pull Fangcun Ai out of the chain of hatred.

"As expected..."

When Fangcun Aite heard this, he immediately lowered his head in disappointment.

Yes, how could a cruel butcher like himself be pulled out of the chain of hatred?

It's just...unrealistic...

However, at this moment, Yun Che suddenly changed the topic:

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