"However, from the moment you followed me, your fate has changed."

"Maybe you deserve to die, but no matter what, I won't let you die, I won't let you fall into the chain of hatred, and you will die tragically!"

There is nothing wrong with Yun Che's words.

Fangcun Aite died in the original drama, so the hit be damned.

But now with Yun Che's existence, it is impossible for her to die, so her fate has changed.

".~Oh? Is it..."

"Then you have to protect me well in the future. If I die, no ghost will let you go!"

Fangcun Aite flicked the messy curly hair covering his ears and smiled slightly.

With the afterglow of the setting sun behind her, her face flushed a little.

Although I don't know if it's my own blush or if it's blushed by the warm sun, but it's different from the previous villain and lazy smile.

At this time, Fangcun Aite's smile...is very warm.


Seeing the picturesque scene in front of him, Yun Che was slightly dazed.

To be honest, he himself was surprised by the current situation.

It was obviously just a feeling before, and I just casually sighed about the horror of the hatred chain.

Unexpectedly, with just a few words, not only Mado Wu Xu let go of his hatred, but also gave Uchiha Sarana and Yoshimura Ait a new understanding.

Sure enough, no matter which world you are in, chicken soup is so solo (scary)!

However, at the same time, Yun Che felt a little rejoiced.

Thanks to myself, I only said half of what I said before, and I didn't finish the sentence...

Yes, regarding the hate chain, Yun Che still has the second half:

"Chou (Nuoma's) hate chain is terrifying, but as long as you are strong enough, you can kill all the people who have a relationship with you, whether they are relatives or friends."

"In this way, this chain of hatred will be broken."


Combined with the status quo, if I said this afterword before, then...

Now, that should be another story, right?


To be honest, the author has thought about the ending of Mado Wu Xu for a long time, and his brain is about to explode. In the end, he made a decision like this.

Let's live, Fueguchi Hinami and Fangcun Aite will not be able to explain the follow-up to their nephews.

It's dead, Mado Akatsuki's follow-up is not easy to explain, it's really a dilemma, it's a lot of trouble.

Although I chose to write him dead in the end, at least I died without regrets, right?

Moreover, this can be regarded as paving the way, the three women will not be offended anywhere.

This is already the best TheEnd that the author can think of, at least not ending with BadEnd.

For these two chapters, the brain cells are almost dead, and the hair that is not thick is almost bald~~.

Chapter 343

The incident between the Fueguchi family and the Mado family has come to an end.

After returning to the antique coffee shop to pick up the swirling sunflower, Yun Che and the others went straight home.

However, compared to yesterday, there is one more person in today's team...

That's right, it is Fangcun Aite.

"Hey, do you really want to go back with us? Say it first, once you step into the house, you will really belong to me from now on, the kind who can't escape even if you want to!"

Looking at Fangcun Aite at the side, Yun Che reminded.

"It's as if if I want to run now, I can run away."

Fangcun Aite rolled his eyes speechlessly when he heard the words:

"Have you forgotten what you said this morning? Wherever you go, I must be there."

"Besides, you just said that you will be my knight and protect me well. If we separate, what should I do if I am assassinated?"

Fangcun Aite's words were smooth.

It was so smooth that it made sense, making it completely impossible for Yun Che to refute.

But after thinking about it, it's not right:

"I did say that wherever I go, you have to be there, and I also said that no matter what, I won't let you die."

"But when the knight who protects you..."

Yun Che didn't remember that he had ever said such dreamy words.

Dreaming sounds good, but to put it bluntly, it is childish.

After all, protecting your knight or something...

Huh~ It's too greasy!

Moreover, according to this meaning, Fangcun Aite actually regarded himself as a princess?

"Well, there is no difference, they all mean the same thing."

Fangcun Ait smiled nonchalantly.

"Okay." The corners of Yun Che's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't continue to struggle.

Perhaps, this is her quite literary rhetoric as an excellent writer.


After returning to the villa and arranging an empty room for Fangcun Aite, all the girls went back to their rooms, took a shower, took a rest, although the two did not conflict.

As for the whirlpool sunflower, it was left behind by Yun Che.

"Sunflower, remember what I said this morning?"

Yun Che looked at the swirling sunflower and asked.

"Addressing my hidden violent tendencies."

Swirl Sunflower nodded.

"That's right, so next, I will let you fall asleep and face the other self in your heart, and what you need to do is to accept her."

"Maybe her personality is completely different from yours, but you must remember that she is you and you are her."

Yun Che said seriously.

Violent tendencies, from a certain point of view, can also be regarded as violent personality.

That's right, personality, another consciousness that is different from the main consciousness.

In academic terms, it is called split personality.

However, in Yun Che's view, split personality is not just a disease.

In other words, everyone is born with a split personality. The difference is that with a normal split personality, there is only one sub-personality besides the main consciousness.

The split personality, which can be called a disease, is dozens of different personalities gathered in one body.

To give the simplest example, a normal person, no matter how kind and harmless he is on weekdays.

But deep in his heart, there is always a dark shadow, and this shadow is his other personality, and vice versa.

This is the so-called dark side.

Everyone has a dark side, and everyone has a split personality.

It's just that some people will show it, and some people won't for a lifetime.

As for the split personality that can be called a disease...

To put it bluntly, it is just one person with N different consciousnesses. These consciousnesses have different personalities, different names, and completely different things they do.

This is a disease-level split personality.

"Yes, Teacher Yun Che, I understand."

The whirlpool sunflower nodded, remembering Yun Che's advice.

"In that case, let's begin."

Yun Che raised his hand, using the power of the Soul Gem, flicked it with his fingers.

A beam of yellow energy at the speed of light instantly entered the mind of the vortex sunflower.

The next moment, she only felt her eyes dazzled, her head was groggy, and then she fell on the sofa and fell into a deep sleep.

"I hope it can be successful..."

Yun Che frowned, and murmured worriedly.

The reason why he told the whirlpool sunflower just now, remember that she is you, and you are her, don't reject it, but accept this sentence, is mainly because he is afraid of such a thing as consciousness seizure.

You know, that sub-personality is violent.

Compared with the soft and waxy main consciousness of the whirlpool sunflower, the other party is more aggressive.

Therefore, if the main consciousness becomes hostile to the sub-personality, the sub-personality will feel resentful and want to stand up and become the master.

Then, the main consciousness of the vortex sunflower will be suppressed.

The body will be fully controlled by the secondary personality.

This is the so-called seizure of consciousness.

However, this kind of situation mostly occurs in the case of a disease-level split personality. After all, with more personalities, there will be more conflicts.

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