Yun Che's strength is there, no matter when the time comes, whether he becomes a real boyfriend or a fake boyfriend, Hiratsuka Shizu's parents will absolutely not object, and they will not dare to investigate.

After all, capitalism is powerful.

But in the face of real power...

Sorry~ farts are not! .

Chapter 365

Standing on the periphery of a luxurious villa.

The corners of Yun Che's mouth twitched slightly, with an unnatural expression on his face.

"Are you sure you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend and fool your parents?"

That's right, Yun Che had no choice but to agree to Hiratsuka Shizuka's "various requests".

It's just that even though it's a fake, it can be seen that the parents or something...

It's still too weird!

You know, although Yun Che has a lot of women, he has basically never gone through the process of meeting his parents, because... none of them seem to have parents.

In other words, most of the parents are dead.

This is the first time, inexplicably feeling weird...

"It's all at the door, you don't want to regret it now, do you?"

Hiratsuka Jing stared at Yun Che with a dangerous face.

This is all in front of the gate outside the villa, and there are surveillance cameras on the gate!

Her parents must have seen them.

If Yun Che leaves at this time, where will she put her face in the future?

I'm afraid it will all be thrown away!

"It's not that I regret it, it just feels a little strange."

14 Yun Che shook his head, he had already agreed to Hiratsuka Jing, and it was impossible to go back on his word. He is not the kind of person who likes to miss appointments.

"What's so strange."

"Also, this isn't called cheating, it's called coping, it's a white lie!"

After making an excuse, Hiratsuka took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality.

Taking Yun Che, the fake boyfriend, into the villa area where his parents lived.

Walk straight through the luxurious and vast manor lawn.

Just when Shizuka Hiratsuka was mentally preparing to ring the doorbell.

The door of the villa opened from the inside.

Sticking their heads out, there are two middle-aged women. Obviously, they are the target of this trip, that is, Shizuka Hiratsuka's parents.


Just when Yun Che was about to say something.

Hiratsuka Shizuka's father was the first to speak:

"Hi, I'm Xiaojing's father, and this is her mother. It's the first time we meet, and we don't have time to prepare anything. Please forgive me if there is any dissatisfaction!"

After finishing speaking, Shizuka Hiratsuka's father bowed deeply like a big gift.

Yun Che was stunned by this, and stood there in a daze, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly, not knowing what to say.

what's the situation?

You are the woman's father!

Facing yourself, the pig who stole your cabbage, shouldn't you put on a serious face, don't show good looks, and then make things difficult for you?

How could this be...


No, to be precise, it should be respectful!

"Could it be that I'm old, I'm getting older, and I can't keep up with the times?"

Yun Che couldn't help but secretly complain.

Could this be some new mainstream routine?

Instead of the previous heaviness, use a relaxed atmosphere to deal with the "son-in-law"?


Not only Yun Che, but Hiratsuka Shizuka beside him was also a little confused.

Although she knew that the real power is firmly under the pressure of capitalism, that's why she let Yun Che pretend to be her boyfriend, in a sense, as a "threat".

But this is too much pressure, right?

Even before Yun Che said anything, his father was so respectful!

What about your heroic demeanor that you used to dominate the world in the business world?

All eaten by Dog?

"Ahem, Dad, Mom, don't stand around here anymore, let's go in and sit and talk."

Although he complained crazily in his heart, he was still his own father.

Shizuka Hiratsuka gave a step down and pushed everyone into the villa.


The four of them sat around on the luxurious leather sofa in the hall.

The eight eyes looked at each other, but no one spoke first, which made the atmosphere seem particularly strange.

Yun Che was somewhat confused by the respectful attitude of Hiratsuka Jing's parents just now.

Now I am still caught in self-doubt, wondering whether I am old and unable to keep up with the mainstream routine of the times.

And Shizuka Hiratsuka's parents, although rich, are also very powerful.

But no matter how awesome your identity is, it's useless. No matter how awesome you are, you can't beat someone who has truly mastered the power, so...

dare not speak.

As for Shizuka Hiratsuka, she didn't know what to say at all.

Originally, she wanted Yun Che to help her "threat" her parents so that they would stop arranging blind dates for her.

But now, it seems that some "threats" are too much.

Her parents seem to be very afraid of Yun Che...

"Ahem, Dad, Mom, his name is Yun Che, and he is my boyfriend."

Finally, after holding back for a long time, unable to bear the weird atmosphere, Shizuka Hiratsuka spoke first.

At the same time, he kept giving Yun Che a look.

" are you guys?"

Sensing the signal from Hiratsuka Jing's eyes, Yun Che froze for a moment, and said in a slightly bewildered manner.

Although this is very silly, you can't blame him.

After all, he really didn't know what to say.

There are many women, but this is the first time seeing their parents, so they really have no experience at all.

"Yun Che, you and Xiao Jing have been long?"

Seemingly feeling awkward, Hiratsuka Shizuka's father tried to find a topic.

"Almost half a year."

Yun Che replied thoughtfully.

This is the answer that Shizuka Hiratsuka gave him before.

Besides, there were some other questions that might be asked, and she also told Yun Che in advance how to answer them.

"Oh, half a year, it's quite a long time."

"Then do you plan to go further?"

Go a step further?


Yun Che had a brain storm, thinking about the corresponding answer that Shizuka Hiratsuka said earlier, but...

Well, can't remember.

"Dad, I just brought him back to meet you this time. If there are no problems, we will date for a while and we will consider getting married."

Seemingly seeing Yun Che's "embarrassed situation", Shizuka Hiratsuka immediately connected.

Still, that's the word.

How long is a period of time?

The hell knows.

So, this is the charm of language~

"Get married, hurry up and have a baby, let us take care of it, otherwise your mother and I will be bored every day."

Shizuka Hiratsuka's father nodded and smiled.

I didn't notice the language trap of my daughter "for a while".

"It's almost dinner time, you guys are chatting, I'm going to the kitchen to prepare dinner."

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