Shizuka Hiratsuka's mother laughed, then got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Uncle, you... are you cooking by yourself?"

Yun Che was a little surprised by this.

It stands to reason that they all live in mansions, so shouldn't they have a dedicated chef for meals?

Cooking by myself, inexplicably feeling...

Some drop?

"No, there are usually chefs, but today you and Xiaojing are back, so Madam is happy, so she cooks for herself."

Shizuka Hiratsuka's father shook his head and smiled.

It was embarrassing to have nothing to talk about before.

Now that the topic came up, Hiratsuka Shizuka's father suddenly found out.

Although Yun Che possesses powerful power, he is not that kind of unkind existence.

Give his daughter to him...

Maybe it's a good choice?


I feel like I can't write this story.

Messy, I don't even know what the hell I'm writing.

I plan to cut this volume and re-open the plot of other worlds, what do you think? .

Chapter 366

The four of them gathered at the dining table, enjoying the dinner prepared by Shizuka Hiratsuka's mother.

After dinner, we chatted for a while.

I drank tea for a while.

After a while.

Yun Che and Hiratsuka stood up quietly, ready to leave.

"Uncle, Auntie, it's getting late, you guys should go to bed early, Xiaojing and I will take our leave first."

It wasn't that Yun Che was in such a hurry to escape.

Mainly Shizuka Hiratsuka was in a hurry.

She knew her parents very well. Through these few hours of communication, she could clearly feel that her old mother seemed to be very satisfied with Yun Che!

Especially my own mother.

It's really like the mother-in-law looks at the son-in-law, the more she looks at it, the more satisfied she is!

This was originally a fake object, used to deal with blind dates.

If it's really fucking done, wouldn't the cart be turned upside down?


Yun Che is very handsome and strong, if we can really talk about marriage with him...

Seems good too?

Thinking of this, Shizuka Hiratsuka subconsciously glanced at him, her face flushed slightly.

"Oh, you said yourself that it's getting late and it's not convenient to go back. You might as well stay and rest tonight."

Hiratsuka Shizuka's mother got up and grabbed Yun Che's arm, and asked to stay.

At the same time, she kept winking at her husband.

"Oh, that's right! Anyway, Xiaojing's bed is quite big, more than enough to sleep two people!"

Sensing his wife's wink, Shizuka Hiratsuka's father immediately agreed.

It was said that Yun Che was fine and didn't react much.

But Shizuka Hiratsuka was a little stunned.

What the hell?

The bed is quite big?

meaning is......

It's fine if you stay overnight, but you still want to sleep together?

"Dad, Mom, please stop making trouble. It's been a long time since I came back to sleep. The room must be full of dust. How can people live in it?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka waved her hands in panic.

It's not that he doesn't like Yun Che, but if he has to say it, he actually has a good opinion of him.

It's just that it was the first time she had close contact with a man, she didn't want to do it so casually.

Otherwise, wouldn't it appear that you are not reserved?

Although older leftover women really don't have much reserve at all...

"Don't worry, your dad and I clean every day, there can be no dust!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka's mother seemed to have expected her daughter to say that, and immediately smiled decisively.

"The guest room....` ~."

Shizuka Hiratsuka was not reconciled and wanted to struggle.

However, as a mother, how could she fail to guess what her daughter was thinking?

Anyway, it's the meat that fell from my body, right?

"We have never cleaned the guest room, because no one comes to visit, so it is full of dust, and we can't live in it at all!"

Good guy, in a word, it directly blocked Shizuka Hiratsuka to death.

My daughter's room is cleaned every day.

Several rooms are full of dust.

Such a TM double standard?

The point is that he also said "because no one came to visit", such a legitimate reason, what else can Shizuka Hiratsuka do?

Of course it is silently accepted!

As a result, Shizuka Hiratsuka had nothing to say.

What else could Yun Che say?

Anyway, he definitely won't suffer.

"It's getting late, you go up to rest early, we are going back to our room to sleep."

Shizuka Hiratsuka's mother's tone was full of impatience, she didn't give Shizuka Hiratsuka a chance to resist, and turned off the light in the living room.

Then he took his husband back to the room on his own.

Looking at the posture of trying to drive ducks to the shelves, she guessed that she wanted to make her daughter a real woman tonight.

Next year, it is good to hold a grandson or granddaughter.


Standing in the dark hall, Yun Che and Hirazuka looked at each other silently.

Then Hiratsuka Jing led the way in a very tacit understanding, and Yun Che followed her back to the room.

There is no way, although you can just ignore Hiratsuka Shizuka's parents, turn around and run away.

But Yun Che is completely OJBK, no problem.

But Shizuka Hiratsuka can't do it!

If she dares to run this time, she can guarantee that her parents will definitely skin her and cramp her next time she comes home, then sprinkle salt on the wound, and finally hang it on the gate outside the villa to air dry!


Although exaggerated.

But just by imagining it, Shizuka Hiratsuka felt chills in the younger generation!

She usually disobeyed many of her parents' arrangements, but they all saw that she was the only child of the baby, so they didn't care about it.

But this time, if you dare to disobey again.

That's not a question of negligence.

But whether they can survive, and if they survive, will it be their daughter's problem!

to be honest.

The situation is serious!

"This is your room? It doesn't look like..."

After coming to Hiratsuka Jing's room and looking around, Yun Che couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"What do you mean it doesn't look like it? Then what do you think, it looks like my room?"

Hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka rolled her eyes angrily.

She always felt that what Yun Che said was insulting herself.

Although in fact it is true.


In fact, it's not surprising that Yun Che thinks so, it's really Hiratsuka Shizuka's character design... It's hard to describe!

old smoker.

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