

These three attributes, which would never appear on women under normal circumstances, are all available in Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with saying that her room should be a kennel.

But now, Yun Che has indeed changed somewhat.

He didn't know what kind of house Hiratsuka Shizuka lived in outside, but now this room is very tidy and clean.

The decoration is not fancy, unlike some girls, pink and red, all dolls.

On the contrary, the light gray background looks very monotonous, yet elegant, with an inexplicable taste of Yamato Nadeko.

"...Fuck you, you live in a kennel!"

Hearing Yun Che's words, Shizuka Hiratsuka frowned immediately.

Although there is nothing wrong with saying this, the house I live outside is indeed a bit...

Like a kennel.

But it can't be said directly, can it?

Although she is an older woman.

But it's also about saving face, hey!

"By the way, are we really going to sleep together tonight?"

Looking at Shizuka Hiratsuka's bed, it was indeed quite big, more than enough to sleep two people.


Is it suitable?

Yun Che definitely won't suffer, but he is not someone who likes to force others, especially women, and especially women who are not hostile to him.

"Otherwise, you sleep on the floor and I sleep on the bed?"

Well, Hiratsuka lay on the floor quietly, Yun Che slept on the bed, nothing wrong.

He really doesn't like to force others, but he also doesn't like to suffer.

"You are really not a gentleman..."

Speechlessly rolling his eyes, and complaining, Hiratsuka Shizuka said seriously:

"It's impossible to hit the floor, whether it's you or me!"

"Based on what I know about my mother, she will definitely squat outside the door to check the guards in the middle of the night, and even open the door to peek, so...(Hello Nuo Li)...we can only sleep together!"

It's not that Shizuka Hiratsuka didn't think about locking the door.

But it's useless!

My mother holds the master key of a house in her hand.

Even if the door is locked inside, she can open it outside, there is really no other way.

"Your mother... still has this habit?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Looking at the appearance and temperament of Shizuka Hiratsuka's mother, it doesn't look like someone with such a special hobby......


You can't see people according to their appearance!

"What are you thinking about!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka directly and fiercely rolled Yun Che's eyes:

"The reason why my mother gave me a master key is purely because I'm worried about losing the key of some house in the future. It's just troublesome!"

"Under normal circumstances, she still pays great attention to privacy and will not open the door of others without authorization, but is obviously not a normal situation."

That's right, look at Shizuka Hiratsuka's mother's attitude of rushing ducks to the shelves.

It is clear that I want to hold a grandson or granddaughter today next year.


I understand everything! .

Chapter 367

Yun Che took Jian Hui, Da Gu, and Sai Luo.

Through the Dimensional Wall, I returned to the Ultra World, or Tiga World, from the Super God World.

As for Jugula and Hongkai.

Dropped it halfway.

Hong Kai is a vagabond, wandering everywhere, wandering the world, this is his destination.

And Juggler...

The next time I see him, maybe he has become the captain of the Earth Guard in an Ultra world (funny)

"It seems that we left not long ago. When we left, the city was in ruins. When we came back, the city was still in ruins. It really hasn't changed at all."

Look at the city that has been devastated beyond recognition due to the previous battle with the Dark Ultra Killer.

Sai Luo thoughtfully.

"The world is different, and the time flow between each other is naturally different."

Yun Che shrugged, then turned his head to look at Da Gu and Ju Jian Hui beside him:

"Go back quickly. Although I don't know how long the timeline of this world has passed, it should be a while."

Dagu and Jujianhui are not as idle as Yun Che and Sai Luo, they belong to free people.

They belonged to the Victory Team and had jobs and responsibilities.

Especially Ju Jianhui, who is still the captain of the victory team, disappearing for too long is always bad.

"Well, then let's go first."

Nodding their heads, Dagu and Jujianhui went straight away.

"Then what about you? The Dark Ultra Killer has been wiped out. Are you going back to your Sero Guard to fight for justice in the universe?"

Yun Che still has a good impression of Sai Luo.

Different from those old antiques in Kingdom of Light, Cyro is very...


Anyway, it's just very bohemian. This kind of person is basically not annoying.

"Although I know that being a chivalrous man is a compliment, but when you say it out of your mouth, I feel inexplicably that you are scolding me..."

Touching his nose, Sai Luo thought about it carefully.

His original purpose of coming to Tiga World was to eliminate the Dark Ultra Killer.

And now the Dark Ultra Killer is wiped out.

The purpose is gone.

Normally, he should have left.


Is Sai Luo a person who can play cards according to the normal routine?

Obviously not!

"I'd better stay in this world for a while longer."

Shiro made a decision.

Mainly, he felt that following the great god Yun Che, he would definitely experience many interesting things and fight against many powerful enemies.

This is for the fighting fanatics who like to fight.

Undoubtedly a great temptation.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Shrugging his shoulders, Yun Che did not intend to interfere with Sai Luo's decision.

After all, this is a guy who can't be controlled at all. Unless he made a mistake or matured, even if Seven came, Sai Luo would not dump him.

May I ask, why did Sero stay on planet K76 and accept the trial of Brother Leo?

Is it because King Ultra forced him there?

you could put it that way.

But more, it was because Sai Luo knew that he made a big mistake in wanting to capture the plasma spark.

That's why I voluntarily stayed there.

As for Sai Luo's various resistances and attempts to escape on planet K76, it was purely because of arrogance.

If you really let him go.

He might still accept the trial obediently and obediently!

"I just came back now, and I don't think any monsters will appear. I want to go back to the pastoral world to rest, how about you?"

Raising his hand to open the passage to the pastoral world, Yun Che asked Sai Luo.

"It must be with you!"

"Besides following you, I have no other place in this world to go."

Sai Luo didn't look for a human body, but reduced his 50-meter-high body size to be about the same as a human being.

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