If you take to the streets like this, you will appear in the eyes of the public.

It is estimated that it will cause quite a bit of confusion.

Therefore, besides following Yun Che, he had no other choice.

"Let's go then."

Shrugging his shoulders, Yun Che led Sai Luo into the pastoral world.

After letting him do his own thing, Yun Che went back to the room and lay down. Looking at the empty ceiling, he couldn't help but smack his mouth.

it is good......


Before, there were Guang Xiahai and Otsutsuki Kaguya to accompany him.

But now, in the entire pastoral world, there is only that guy Sai Luo.

You can't ask him to accompany you, can you?

Two big men...

Tsk, just thinking about it makes Yun Che feel terrified.

The contrast between the front and back is too great, and for a while, I really can't get used to it.

Although the current Dimensional Wall has reached the level of crossing the world, it is possible to directly bring the girls in the super god world to the pastoral world.

But that would look very home-loving.

Not suitable.


Just as Yun Che was wandering into the sky, there was suddenly a tremor-like roar from outside.

Frowning, he came outside the house.

Looking at Sai Luo who was entangled with the two Jakuma brothers, Yun Che asked angrily:

"What are you doing? Did they provoke you?"

Yun Che is still very satisfied with the two pet monsters of the Jakuma Brothers.

At least they are obedient and honest.

He has always been lying on the mountains of the pastoral world, gnawing on stones silently, without doing anything wrong.

"That's not true, it's just a little boring, so I asked them two to practice."

Sai Luo, who had grown into a size of 50 meters, patted the shivering Jakuma on the head and smiled.

Said to practice hands.

In fact, it is bullying little monsters.

You know, with Sailuo's current strength, it is not too easy to deal with the two stupid and cute Gakuma brothers, you can handle it easily.

"That's enough for you. They are my pets after all. It's up to the owner to beat the dog, right?"

The corners of Yun Che's speechless mouth twitched slightly.

Sure enough, Sai Luo is a problem child with hyperactivity.

The kind that can't even be idle for a moment!

"Oh, it's okay~ Anyway, I won't be serious, just play casually, just to relieve boredom!"

Sai Luo waved his hand and chuckled nonchalantly.


Just when Yun Che was about to say something, Ju Jianhui's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Yun Che, where are you and Sai Luo? There are monsters appearing, and Da Gu can't stand it anymore!"

These are the communication methods that Yun Che taught Ju Jianhui before.

Similar to Thousand Miles Transsion.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is the transmission of ideas.

"Let Dagu hold on, we're coming."

After replying to Ju Jianhui, Yun Che turned his head to look at Sai Luo who was stroking Brother Jakuma's dog's head with a smile, and rolled his eyes speechlessly:

"Siro, aren't you bored?"

"No, there's something to do!"


It suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't finished writing the Ultra volume last time.

It just so happened that the Zongman volume was too messy to write on. In this case, I will connect the Otto volume and fill in the pit~.

Chapter 368

Take Sai Luo from the pastoral world to the present world.

Just when Yun Che was about to go to the place mentioned by Ju Jianhui, he suddenly discovered...


It seems a little yellow?

"What the hell? The cesspit exploded?"

Frowning, Yun Che raised the tip of his nose, but he didn't smell the stench.

Instead, the air is filled with a faint...


"Yun Che, be careful, this yellow air... has a problem!"

Sai Luo said with a look of vigilance.

"how do you know?"

Yun Che asked curiously.

Ultraman...doesn't seem to have a nose?

At least on the surface, there is no nose, except for the immovable mouth, only a pair of shining Kazilan big-eyes.

"You don't care how I know, anyway, it's right if there is a problem!"

As if guessing what Yun Che was thinking, Sai Luo rolled his eyes angrily.

"I'll ask Ju Jianhui what's going on."

Shrugging his shoulders, Yun Che communicated with his mind and contacted Ju Jianhui.

"Jujianhui, what kind of monster appeared this time? The air in this world is yellow, is it related to the monster?"

"Yes! It's because of that monster that the air is yellow!"

Because of the monster, the air is yellow.

In other words, is the monster turning the air yellow?

But what kind of monster is it that turns the air yellow?

Yun Che raised his eyebrows:

"What does the monster look like?"

"A huge flower! The air turns yellow because of the pollen it emits! Except for me and Dagu, everyone else is affected by the pollen and becomes mentally abnormal, as if... sucked That kind of thing!"

Monsters are giant flowers?

Is the air turning yellow because of pollen?

People affected by pollen will become abnormal mentally, as if they have inhaled that kind of thing?

"I see."

Nodding thoughtfully, Yun Che ended the communication.

Through the above conditions, he already knew who the monster that appeared this time was.

3000 million years ago, one of the culprits that led to the destruction of super ancient civilizations.

Known as the flower that predicted the extinction of mankind...

Ultra ancient plants...


"Before you know it, the story of Dijia is coming to an end..."

The master of Zijra is the ruler of darkness, the evil god Gatanjee.

Its appearance heralds the final boost of Tiga's plot, and Gatanjae is about to recover.

"Let's go, Sai Luo, the next days will not be boring."

Grinning, Yun Che took Sai Luo and flew towards where Qijiela was.

In the sky, looking down at the chaotic crowd below.

All human beings have lost the spirit of the past, like walking corpses aimlessly, powerless and wandering everywhere.

"Tsk, it seems that the monster caused a big problem this time."

Shiro couldn't help shaking his head.

Under normal circumstances, when monsters appear, humans will only feel fear.

And now, they're all like puppets of stripped souls.

It seemed inexplicably frightening.

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