Grinning excitedly, Sai Luo continued to launch combos without hesitation:

"Siro kicks!"

With a kick in the air, facing Qijiela who fell to the ground, Sai Luo performed no less than a hundred high-explosive and infinite chain kicks at super high speed within a few seconds.

There is a posture of kicking Beihai Kindergarten.

Behavior is extremely brutal!

It's chilling!

"Use this trick... to finish it off!"

After the kick was almost over, Sai Luo opened the distance and spread his hands.

Eight purple light spheres condensed and formed a circle around him in a ring shape.

"The Eightfold Destruction Light!"

Eight beams of colored light burst out, one thousand percent hit Qijiela.


In an instant, the roar was deafening and the flames shot into the sky.

Adhering to the attitude of a real man who never looks back at the explosion, Sai Luo turned around confidently.

He was [-]% sure that no monster could survive being hit by the eight-fold destructive light after being hit by the overrun kick and the zero-crack kick.

Not just Cyro.

Even Ti Jia and Yun Che who were watching the battle from behind and in the air.

They also feel that Qijiela has gg.

"Phew~ I finally eliminated it, wouldn't it be nice to change into this form..."

With a sigh of relief, Di Jia silently complained, and then prepared to undo the giantization.

He has held on for far too long.

The energy indicator light on the chest was almost blinking.

If you don't cancel the giantization, and rest at the end, I'm afraid everyone will be cold.

"Zijela is still a little too tender. Sure enough, it will be fun to wait for Gatanjehe to recover."

While chattering in boredom, Yun Che also turned around, ready to leave.

However, at this moment...

An ominous black mist fills the sky.

The evening sun was dyed into a dark night.

Like the eye of a storm, the black mist is centered on Qijiela in the fire, presenting a swirl shape, quickly condensing...


Tens of seconds later, the flames receded and the black mist dissipated.

With a roar, Qijiela, who was supposed to be blown to pieces under the eight-level destructive light, appeared in front of everyone again!

However, unlike before.

The current Qijiela is filled with wisps of ominous black mist.

The torso of the plant family has become stronger.....

Also more...


A powerful dark breath, a berserk force.

Obviously, the current Qijiela is undoubtedly countless times stronger than before!

"This guy......"

Seeing this scene, Sai Luo clenched his fists in disbelief.

He suffered from his own overrun kick, zero-crack kick, and eight-fold destruction light, even if he didn't die, he became even more vigorous?

what the hell!

Animals, I'm afraid!

"Wan Duzi, even if he was not beaten to death today, he would probably be exhausted to death..."

Di Jia sighed in despair.

He really wanted to de-giantize and take a good rest.

However, the situation does not allow it!

Although in my current state of lack of energy, even if I continue to fight, it won't be of much help...

At most help resist damage.

That is the so-called beating.

"Hey, good guy, Gatanjeh actually made a move..."

Sai Luo and Di Jia didn't know what was going on, but Yun Che knew it very well.

That ominous black mist...

It was definitely Gatanjeh who made the move!

However, the current one should still be sleeping in the ultra-ancient ruins, Luluye, and has not fully awakened, otherwise, it would have done it by itself, instead of strengthening Qijiela with black mist.

"Because of the appearance of me and Sai Luo, it feels threatened..."

"After all, in the original Tiga world, there was only one giant of light in Tiga. Now there are two more, and it is normal to want to get rid of them in advance."

Touching his chin thoughtfully, Yun Che was not surprised by this.

Anyway, the plot of Tiga World has long been spoiled and turned into a mess.

Don't say that Gatange made a move.

Even if it revived earlier, Yun Che would not feel strange.


There is nothing wrong with saying that there is only Tiga, a giant of light, in the Tiga world.

You know, although there are many super ancient civilizations 3000 million years ago, the number is not even lower than that of the Kingdom of Light, but that was 3000 million years ago, and they all died long ago.

In modern times, only Tiga is a giant of light.

From the beginning to the end of the plot, he was the only one.

Masaki Keigo's Xiedi, and Lulu Yeri's dark trio don't count. .

Chapter 370

Sai Luo and Di Jia were strengthened by Gatanjeh's Qijiela, and they were pressed on the ground with crazy explosive hammers.

Various tentacles play, electrotherapy spa.

Simply appalling.

Yun Che, who was leisurely watching the battle in mid-air, felt a little tingling in his scalp.

"Forget it, let's go down and help them. If they are really beaten to death, it will be a big deal."

Sighing, the pitch-black eyes switched to scarlet eternal kaleidoscopes.

Yun Che opened his entire body in seconds, drew out a 40-meter-long samurai sword, and fell from the sky.

With a knife in his hand, he cut off the vine whip that bound Tiga with one blow.

"Phew~ you guy, you finally made a move."

Seeing this, Shi Luo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

His haughty character does not allow him to ask for help from others, but if he does not ask for help, he will not be able to beat himself, and it is completely an endless loop with no solution.

Fortunately, Yun Che finally made a move.

Since he was saved, he could still save face.

"I don't want to make a move, but I can't watch the two of you being beaten to death, can I?"

Yun Che shrugged helplessly.

It doesn't matter that Sai Luo and Dijia were beaten, Quan 14 should exercise.

But being beaten to death is not enough.

In front of Yun Che, he beat Di Jia and Sai Luo, who were considered friends, to death. Didn't it make it clear that he jumped up and slapped him hard on the face?

Can Yun Che bear this?

Certainly not!

"Let me see how strong Qijiela, who has been strengthened by Gatanjaer, can be."

Grinning with great interest, Yun Che completely controlled his body, wielding a 40-meter-long samurai sword, and showed no hesitation in front of the hard steel Qijiela.

It was pretty easy at first.

Qijiela was cumbersome and immobile, and was hacked by Yun Che for a while, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Can hit and hit...

Yun Che realized that something was wrong, and began to frown.

"This guy......"

Yun Che could clearly feel that Qijiela was constantly evolving in the battle with him!

No, to be precise, it should be...

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