
It is learning Yun Che's fighting style and style!

And use this as data to improve yourself, thereby gradually turning disadvantages into advantages!

"Is it Zijla's own talent, or...Gatanjaer's idea?"

Of the two guesses, Yun Che is more inclined to the latter.

After all, Qijella is just a flower and a plant in the final analysis, even if it is an ultra-ancient plant 3000 million years ago, there is no difference.

So, self-learning, self-improvement?

Let's talk nonsense here!

There is a high probability that Gatanjiehe is controlling Qijiela, using it as a pawn in the battle to collect information and data on Yun Che and others' battles.

Good for his own resurrection at that time.

Be prepared!

"Want to find out about me?"

After thinking it through, Yun Che narrowed his eyes.

There are many people who want to find out about him, but so far, except for the six creation gods of the Marvel universe and the court of life, no one is qualified.

Forced out his full strength!

Now, since Gatanjeh is so curious.

Then, Yun Che doesn't mind, just show it off.

As for what will happen after showing these two hands, that's none of his business!

"Six Hara Indra's Arrow!"

Withdrawing the 40-meter-long samurai sword, Yun Che grasped it in the air.

Arc flickers.

A lightning spear wrapped with the energy of six infinite gemstones appeared in his hand.

"Come and see, how many seconds can you survive under my spear!"

Gripping the six-color lightning-type spear tightly, the corners of Yun Che's mouth raised, sending out a simple and brutal burst of madness at Qijiela.

Liuyuan·Indra's Arrow.

In addition to the power of Indra's Arrow itself, it also accumulates the energy of six infinite gems.

It is no exaggeration to say that the power contained in it can easily penetrate the planet with one blow and destroy it to a wisp of dust in the universe!

Of course, Yun Che had no intention of piercing the planet.

So he just used Liuyuan Indra's arrow as a melee weapon, and fought Qijiela face to face.



Unlike the 40-meter-long samurai sword, it takes a lot of effort to cut vines and whips.

Liuyuan · Indra's arrow is the sharpest, just a few strokes can generate extreme electric current, and cut through the air, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

It is easy to cut off Zigera's vine whip.

"Sure enough, Yun Che is just too strong..."

Sai Luo, who had been watching the battle from behind since Yun Che joined the battlefield, couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

He teamed up with Tiga, but was arranged by Qijiela's vine whip, various tentacles play and electrotherapy spa.

I really have no temper at all.

But look at Yun Che.

One person can almost cut Qijiela's vine whip, and even if he is more serious, he can directly stab Qijiela's torso with a single shot!


The gap between giants and giants.

Why is tm so big?

"Don't think too much, we are not on the same level as Yun Che at all!"

Seeing Sai Luo's suspicious expression on his face, Di Jia patted him on the shoulder and smiled.

"Indeed, if we are on the first floor, then Yun Che is also on the fifth floor. The gap is really too big..."

Sai Luo sighed.


Old mille-feuille.

"Hey, hey, don't you, give up now?"

On the battlefield, Yun Che couldn't help frowning when he saw Qijiela whose aura gradually weakened and the black mist on his body gradually dissipated after the vine whip was chopped off by him.

What the hell.

This Gatange is too dreamless!

Realizing that Yun Che has the power to crush Qi Jiela, he decisively discarded this pawn, so get more money!

"It's an evil god! I think it's better to change the name to the God of Coward Gatanjae!"

He curled his lips in disdain, without Gatanjiehe, Yun Che was too lazy to continue entangled with Qi Jiela.

Holding the arrow of Liuyuan·Indra in his hand, aimed at its torso, and poked it hard.

The sharp spearhead penetrated instantly.

Destructive power overflows.

There was no deafening roar and explosion, and no gorgeous flames soaring into the sky.

Silently and silently, Qijiela turned into fly ash, disappeared into the sky as if his fingers had been snapped...


The computer was scrapped, and the unscrupulous merchants delayed it for more than ten days, and it was just repaired today.

Alas, it's been a while, it's uncomfortable......

Chapter 371

After finishing Qijiela, Yun Che and the three looked at each other.

At the same time remove the giant state.

Slowly fell to the ground.

"Huh~ I'm so exhausted, I almost feel like I'm going to be cold!"

Sitting down on the ground, Dagu panted with exhaustion.

Although in the battle just now, he didn't do anything substantial, but before Yun Che and Sai Luo arrived, he had already been beaten to the red light by Qi Jiela.

It can be used at red lights and insufficient energy.

Hold on till the end of the fight.

I have to say, it has been very well done.

"What the hell is that cloud of black mist just now, it can make that guy so strong!"

Shiro was a little annoyed.

Originally, he had already defeated Qijiela in the beyond-limit form.

As a result, the cloud of black mist appeared, and after it was strengthened, it was directly beaten up in reverse.

This really made Sai Luo very unacceptable, feeling that he had been ruthlessly humiliated!

"That cloud of black mist is the power of Gatanjah."

Yun Che shrugged and explained.


When Sai Luo heard this, he couldn't help frowning, feeling as if he had heard this name somewhere before.

"The ruler of darkness, the evil god Gatanjae, is very powerful and can be regarded as the ultimate monster in this world."

Why do you say yes?

Because in the real sense, after Gatanjae, there is also the love-hate warrior Camila who fuses the dark power in Luluye to form a dark super beast, Dimojae.

It's just the theatrical version.

In terms of the official plot, Gatanjae is the final boss.

"The final monster...is it active on the surface of the sea, its body is a huge spiral shell, there are dense black holes on the surface, and its head is upside down?"

"And from the mouth of the shell, there are a lot of tentacles and huge pincers'~?"

As if thinking of something, Dagu frowned and asked Yun Che.

"Oh? You know what?"

Yun Che raised his eyebrows.

Dagu’s image description is indeed Gatanjeh.

However, he hasn't been resurrected yet, how does he know?

"I've been having a dream lately, a horrible nightmare..."

"In the dream, the monster I just described floated up from the deep sea of ​​the South Pacific Ocean, controlling a large number of Zorgas, and plunged the world into endless darkness and fear!"

Saying that, Dagudu couldn't help trembling.

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