As a guardian, that scene was undoubtedly an unacceptable doomsday for him!

"Is that so..."

Yun Che nodded thoughtfully.

What Dagu dreamed should not be what will happen now or in the future, but the scene recorded in the past, 3000 million years ago, when the ultra-ancient civilization was destroyed by Gatanjae.

As Tiga's human body, it is not surprising that he can see these through dreams.

"Whatever it is, Gatanjae or Zorga, I'm afraid of a hammer!"

"Let's go together, let's smash our heads to pieces. I want the world to be plunged into endless darkness and fear. I'm afraid I'm scratching Meng's feet!"

Sai Luo wiped his nose and said arrogantly.

"Forget about it, you can't even beat Qijiela who has been strengthened by Gatanjeh, so you still want to kill Gatanjeh?"

Yun Che rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Sai Luo's strength and talent are actually not bad.

But that's the character...

It's really hard to describe!

"Hey, it's you!"

Sai Luo was proud, but he still recognized Yun Che's strength.

In his opinion, even the old man, King of Ultra, is no match for Yun Che.

Although that is the case.

"It's none of my business, I may not make a move then."

Yun Che shrugged.

He is neither a tool man nor a wage earner, and it is impossible for him to help Sai Luo and Dijia deal with any enemies.

Furthermore, these two guys were considered one of the few friends he recognized.

The strength of Jiatanjiehe can not only allow Sai Luo to temper, but also allow Dagu to find an opportunity to break through the Shining Tiga form.

This kind of opportunity.

It would be a pity not to let them catch it.

"Ah? If you don't make a move, what shall we do? Isn't the world hopeless?"

Recalling the fighting power shown by Gatanjiehe in the dream, Dagu had no idea at all.

He didn't think he joined forces with Sai Luo.

Can beat that big snail.

The odds of winning, even if conservatively estimated, are only ninety-one.

"Well, I'm just a traveler, no matter what, I will leave sooner or later."

".~In the final analysis, this is your own world. You can't always rely on me, but you have to improve your own strength to protect your own world."

Here are some other worlds.

Facing some other people who don't care.

Yun Che was too lazy to say such nonsense.

But who made Tiga World his childhood memory, Sai Luo and Dagu, and his rare friends?

For the sake of these things, it was rare for Yun Che to be willing to give a few words of enlightenment.

"Improve your own strength and protect the world by yourself..."

Upon hearing this, Dagu and Sai Luo lowered their heads thoughtfully and clenched their fists.

What Dagu wants to protect is his own world.

And what Sai Luo wants to protect is the Kingdom of Light, and by the way, the earth in each universe.

The direction of the two is different, but the concept is the same, both are guardians.

"Then... if we are not the opponents of Gatanjiehe (Nuo Li Zhao), Yun Che, would you make a move?"

Although already moved, Dagu is still a little timid.

It wasn't that he was afraid of death, but that he and Sai Luo wouldn't be able to defeat Gatanjiehe, and Yun Che wouldn't make a move, which would cause the world to fall into endless darkness and despair like in a dream.

"Don't worry, you just want to fight, don't have any worries."

"I will not let you die, and I will not let this world be shrouded in darkness."

Yun Che shrugged and smiled.

Maybe he doesn't care too much about other Ultraman worlds, but the world of Tiga has a special place in his heart.

Furthermore, there is still Hui Jian in this world.

If Yun Che let go of this and let the world be ruled by Gatanjiehe, then Ju Jianhui would return to the super god world and sue Kesha, the eldest sister of the Crystal Palace.

It is estimated that it will take a long time to chatter. .

Chapter 372

the next period of time.

The last few monsters in the story of Tiga, Dalabang, Metamorga, Mejulang, Yanagaki and Charika, as well as Zoga, appeared one after another.

And they all showed strength several times stronger than in the original play.

Yun Che didn't make a move once, and completely left it to Dagu and Sai Luo to solve it.

After all, these are just appetizers. If they don't let them grind their teeth well, what if they can't eat the main course when the time comes?

"This world is poisonous, absolutely poisonous!"

"I think at the beginning, my uncle punched a little monster in the monster cemetery, so majestic, but in this world, he's been beaten all the time, damn it!"

In the idyllic world, Sai Luo's face was obviously thinner, his face was as black as coal.

He felt that he was really suffering in this world.

Back then when I was training on Planet K76 and Leo Brothers, it wasn't so miserable.

"Where is this, you can't hold it anymore, the young man has no endurance."

Yun Che raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"It's not that I can't, it's these monsters, really, really, really, so perverted!"

Sai Luo was wronged and complained.

Regarding this, Yun Che did not deny it, on the contrary, he very much agreed with it.

It's grandma's, and I don't know what Gatanjae eats, and the strength seems to be inexhaustible at all.

The last few monsters that appeared in the original play were very ordinary, but in the end, the whole TM was strengthened by it, I don't know how many times!

Guessing, throw one at random to another world.

Guaranteed, you can also be a small boss in the early and mid-term!

It's only natural that Zero would suffer terribly from continuous fierce battles with powerful monsters of this level.

That is the honest man Dagu.

I was knocked down again and again, and got up again and again.

Only to enhance their strength, so as to face the last ruler of darkness, the evil god Gatanjae.

"Yun Che, tell me honestly, what is going on in this world?"

Sai Luo has already noticed that something is wrong.

He has traveled to many worlds of the new generation of Ultraman.

But there has never been a world that would bring him such a tense and oppressive feeling.

"emmm... You can probably understand that this world is the beginning of the universe and history of your generation of Ultraman."

Tiga is the first Ultraman of Heisei.

And Sero and those new generations also belong to the Ultraman of the Heisei series.

Therefore, in a sense, the Tiga world has a special meaning for them.

Although the new generation of Ultraman in the back are all intimidating, showing strong combat effectiveness, their status and seniority are here after all.

Big brother Heisei find out.

"The beginning of the universe and history of our generation of Ultraman? I see."

When Sai Luo heard this, he was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then nodded stiffly.

Well, I don't know how to pretend to understand.

He is good at fighting and fighting, but if you want him to understand some strange things, forget it.

"Speaking of which, Zoga has already appeared, and it's time for Gatanjah to recover..."

As soon as Yun Che muttered, Ju Jianhui's voice sounded in his mind:

"It has appeared! Yun Che, Gatanjee has appeared! Dagu is fighting it, but it is obviously not the opponent!"

Yo, I was talking about Cao Cao just now.

As a result, Liu Bei arrived in the next second.

"Okay, let him hold on, Sai Luo and I will come here."

After replying, Yun Che stood up and patted Sai Luo on the shoulder.

"Let's go, the final monster has appeared, and Dagu is already fighting it, just waiting for you."

"Oh? That uncle can't keep Dagu waiting for too long!"

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