Sai Luo Wenyan was immediately excited.

The ultimate monster, the ruler of darkness, the evil god Gatanjar!

The reason why he and Dagu had such a hard time fighting monsters during this time is all thanks to Gatange!

With Sai Luo's character, if he doesn't get his place back, he won't be able to eat well and sleep, and he won't be able to urinate if he doesn't drink enough!



From the pastoral world to the present.

Yun Che and Sai Luo faced each other, and they saw Di Jia who was beaten violently by Gatangie on the Pacific Ocean, and had no room for a backhand.

"Fuck! So miserable?"

"No, I have to hurry down and help him!"

With a mutter, Sai Luo immediately became huge and fell down.

Sai Luofei kicked, and it hit Gatanjiehe's conch shell hard.


The body is too big, the defense is too thick, and the blood volume is too much.

To put it bluntly, I can't move!

It doesn't matter if he can't kick, but this jio almost kicked Sai Luo's foot!

"Hiss~ This bastard, the shell is really hard!"

Withdrew to Dijia, Sai Luo took a breath and rubbed his ankle in pain.

Fortunately, I didn't use all my strength with that foot just now, otherwise, before the enemy made a move, I would have kicked my foot first, which would be embarrassing.

"Siro, be careful, this guy is strong!"

Dijia said with a vigilant expression, clutching his butt that was whipped by Gatanjee just now.

"It's the ultimate monster in your world, can it be strong?"

Sai Luo shrugged, looking frivolous on the surface, but he became serious in his heart.

After all, the monsters that appeared earlier became so difficult just because they were strengthened by a little power from Gatanjae.

Now, Gatange himself must be even more difficult to deal with.

"To deal with this guy, we must not underestimate the enemy! Dijia, let's go together!"

"it is good!"

Glancing at each other, Sai Luo and Dijia exploded, riding the waves, and rushed towards Gatange.

In mid-air, the two simultaneously sent out a beam of hand-cutting light, cutting off Gatanjeh's tentacles.

Then at the same time, he landed on the top of his knees, turned around 360 degrees, raised his leg high, and kicked Jiatanjiehe's conch shell hard.

It was so powerful that it knocked it back a few steps!

"This is the momentum, continue!"


I have to say that after this period of high-intensity cooperation to fight monsters.

The tacit understanding between Di Jia and Sai Luo in the battle has reached a very exaggerated level.

The two of them almost have a look, a gesture, and a micromanagement.

You can understand what the other party's next move is.

You know, in battle, this is not just as simple as 1 1 = 2, but a substantial improvement!

Even, if it is 2v2.

Even if the Leo brothers come, they may not be able to take advantage of the current cooperation between Sai Luo and Ti Jia! .

Chapter 373

The advantage Tiga and Sailo gained in the battle against Gatanjah brought a glimmer of hope to the people who were shrouded in despair.

It is not difficult for them to imagine what kind of darkness Gatanjar will bring to the world.


What if you win?

"Dagu, come on~ come on..."

Due to the destruction of the TPC headquarters, everyone in the Victory Team had to huddle in the Art-Diss.

At this moment, Lina, who has already learned that Da Gu is Di Jia, looks nervous at the battle scene on the big screen.

Without fighting it head-on, although she couldn't empathize with the horror of Gatanjae.

But this does not prevent her from understanding the strength of the other party.

Win, everyone is happy.

Lose, the world is destroyed.

"After this battle, everything should be over..."

Compared with Lina, Ju Jianhui is not nervous at all.

Because he knew that if it came to the last moment and nothing could be done, and Dijia and Sai Luo were not Gatanjiehe's opponents, Yun Che would definitely make a move.

And as long as Yun Che makes a move...

No suspense.

directly gg.

The reason why Ju Jianhui has such confidence in Yun Che.

Not only because he is his man, but also because of Yun Che's strength itself!

"Although I have been stepping up training during this period of time, Dagu is still not good..."

Above the Pacific Ocean, Yun Che couldn't help shaking his head while watching the battle between Sai Luo and Di Jia.

Although at this moment, on the surface, they seem to have an advantage.

Gatange was defeated steadily.

But Yun Che could tell at a glance that Gatangie was not serious at all!

It seemed to be worried about something, maybe it was worried about Yun Che who didn't show up, and worried that he would attack secretly.

And, aside from Gatanjehe, there is no serious talk.

The problems of Sai Luo and Dijia themselves are also very big!

The tacit understanding between the two of them is indeed very good, but as the battle gradually deepens and the rhythm gradually strengthens, Dijia's reactions in various aspects are obviously not keeping up with Sai Luo!

"The deity Dijia left a big account for Dagu, but Dagu didn't know how to play at all."

"It literally turned a mage into a warrior."

To be reasonable, if you don't talk about Dijia, just talk about Dagu. His problem is very big.

You know, in terms of setting, Dyna, the second younger brother of Heisei, is slightly stronger than Di Jia.

But this does not mean that Dyna must be better than Dijia.

After all, there is another setting, which shows that Dagu only exerted half of the strength of Dijia himself!

Furthermore, Dyna had been to the Kingdom of Light, and in the monster cemetery, he had a stalemate with Beria for a long time, and in the end, he resisted the fighting instrument twice and nothing happened.

As for the damage caused by the fighting instrument, he must be aware of it.

Otto's father was hit with a stick, but he was kicked away without any favor.

Use this for comparison.

Dyna's strength is definitely at the top of the first echelon in the Kingdom of Light.

In this way, follow the second setting above.

Dyna is slightly stronger than Dagu Dijia, and his strength is in the upper reaches of the first echelon of the Kingdom of Light. So how strong should the strength of the doubled Dijia himself be?

Absolutely far surpassing the first echelon of Kingdom of Light!

"Dijia himself is a lot stronger, and he left a big one for Dagu, but Dagu didn't know how to play at all. He used a mage as a warrior, and when he encountered monsters, he stood up with a strong type."

"It's no wonder that the powerful type is dubbed the Dagu happy type."

Shaking his head, the gap between Dagu's Dijia and Dijia's actual strength is too great.

Otherwise, a mere Gatange should be nothing to worry about.

Yun Che felt that if it hadn't been for Dagu himself being a human being, having a bond with human beings, and breaking through into a shining form at the last moment.

If you want to win, it is estimated that you are hanging.

"If Dijia himself knew that Dagu used the tuba he left behind to play like this, it is estimated that even if he died, he would be brought back to life, right?"

The battlefield below.

Sai Luo and Dijia maintained their momentum, pressing Gatanjaer all the way to fight.

But everything can't be so smooth.

No, because Dijia didn't react, a movement that didn't keep up with Sai Luo, Gatanjae seized the opportunity and directly fell to the ground violently.

"Hiss~ This one, it really hurts!"

Lying flat on the sea, Di Jia gasped.

"Are you all right?"

Seeing that Dijia was repelled, and he couldn't deal with Gatanjeh alone, Sai Luo also withdrew decisively.

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