However, he is not the only one looking for opportunities.


To match the timing of Seong Jin-Woo's jump, Vulcan pulled his upper body far back.


Next to it is a wooden stick flying along the trajectory.

'...going to hit. '

It would be nice if there is a place where the hands and feet can touch.

There is nowhere to hide in the air.

Even if he could resist it, he didn't know where he would fly to this shock.


During the slow time, Cheng Jin-Woo watched the wooden stick gradually approaching and let out a murmur.

'A way, is there no way?'

As long as you can move your body, you can avoid this attack.

'Move your body?'

Thinking of this, an idea flashed in my mind.

There is no time to calculate.While thinking, Cheng Jin-Woo used the Hand of the Dominator to push towards Vulcan.


Of course, for someone as bulky as Vulcan, the power of the skill 'Hand of the Dominator' is far from enough.

But it can use the reaction force to push itself away.


The end of the wooden stick narrowly missed the tip of Cheng Jin-Woo's nose.


Cheng Jin-Woo, who fell down, rolled a few times on the ground, but compared to the situation of being hit by a wooden stick, he landed smoothly.

"Hoo one!"

Seong Jin-Woo who managed to find his balance was relieved.


On the contrary, Vulcan's face became more ferocious.

The knowing blow didn't work, making it furious.

"Ugh, ugh!"

Looking at the flaming face, Cheng Jin-Woo scratched his head.

'What should I do now?'

Jumping up front, it is not difficult to avoid its attack.

In this case, it cannot attack the head but attack other parts, but its whole body is full of flesh, so it is difficult to cause fatal injuries to it.

'Can only create a scene that makes it inescapable?'

Suddenly, a good idea appeared, and the corners of Cheng Jin-Woo's mouth raised.

Cheng Jin-Woo turned around and started to run, and Vulcan, who mistakenly thought he was going to run away, hurriedly chased after him.

Duda da da-!

Seong Jin-Woo adjusted his speed to the point where Vulcan could catch up and found a suitable building, making his eyes light up.

' is there. '

on the other hand.


Seeing that the distance between himself and Jin-Woo was shrinking, Vulcan swung the wooden stick to his back.

This little bug!

Finally came the chance to smash this noisy little bug to death.

A nasty grin appeared on Vulcan's face.

It wanted so badly to knock the stick down.

But the little bug suddenly accelerated and stepped on the outer wall of the building.


Although it feels wrong, it has been unable to slow down.

"Uh huh, uh huh?"

In an instant, the little bug climbed to the height of his eyes and kicked violently towards the wall.


From the wall that split like a spider's web, something shot out at a speed never seen before.

It's that little bug.


Vulcan's eyes widened.

Facing those eyes, Cheng Jin-Woo showed a smile on his face.

Seong Jin-Woo cut off the protruding artery in Vulcan's neck with Baruka's dagger held in his right hand.


Blood gushed out like a fountain from a blood vessel as big as his torso.

Shua la la!

"Eh? Eh!"

Vulcan dropped the stick in a hurry and covered the wound with his hand.


But still can't stop the flow of blood.

In an instant, Vulcan's pupils shook.

"Uh, uh?"

At some point, Cheng Jin-Woo rode on Vulcan's back, and the two daggers held in each hand were deeply pierced into its neck.

'Is one time not enough?'

Cheng Jin-Woo tilted his head, pulled out his dagger and plunged in again.

'Hits the nail on the head!'

The two short swords were once again pierced into Vulcan's neck.



Then came the voice he had been waiting for.


[The lower ruler, the greedy Vulcan, has been wiped out. 】

【Acquire 150,000 experience points】

[Vulcan spit out all the remaining demon souls in his stomach. 】

[Get 72 Demon Soul. 】

【Level up!】

【Level up!】

Chapter 73 The Boy Who Disappeared


Vulcan fell.

Cheng Jin-Woo leisurely walked out from the surrounding dust.

He looked around.

I originally planned to help the shadow soldiers, but found that it was almost over there.




The number of Vulcan minions under the knife of the shadow soldiers is rapidly decreasing.

'Status window. '

Cheng Jin-Woo looked at the status window he called up.

Since he just upgraded, his physical strength and mana are in a very full state.

'With so much mana, there's no need to help them. '

When mana is full, the shadow soldier is almost immortal.

This is the power of the undead army.

After the remaining remnants were handed over to the soldiers, Cheng Jin-Woo turned around to collect the spoils.

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