
Should it be said that there is a feeling of opening a present? Looking at the corpse of Vulcan, he couldn't help laughing.

'What good will there be?'

Several rays of light emanated from the corpse.

Seong Jin-Woo stretched out his hand into the light as usual.At this time, the notification of getting the item came.


[Hint: You found the item: the earring of the Demon King, do you want to pick it up?]

【Hint: You found the item: Orb of Greed, do you want to pick it up?】

[Hint: You found 2 items: Vulcan Horn', do you want to pick it up?]

[Hint: You found the material item: World Tree Fragment', do you want to pick it up?]

No wonder he was in a good mood before fighting Vulcan.

So many rewards, as expected.

Seong Jin-Woo who confirmed the award showed joy.

'The Vulcan corner can tell it's rubbish at a glance. '

Judging from the name and number of rewards, 'Vulcan horns are just like the devil horns obtained after killing those demons', they are garbage used to exchange for gold coins.

Then the remaining three are real rewards...

Among them is a particularly compelling reward.

You found the material item: World Tree Fragment', do you want to pick it up?

"What are material items?"

Can something be made with this?

What about task materials?

The type of props he saw for the first time aroused Cheng Jin-Woo's curiosity.

To know the description of the props, you first need to materialize the props.So Seong Jin-Woo first accepted all the prompt messages asking whether to receive the props.

"Receive all."

At the same time as Cheng Jin-Woo said to take it, the lights shining everywhere on Vulcan's corpse turned into props and appeared in front of him.

Two earrings, and a red bead, and a large piece of wood about the height of a grown woman.

Which is the world tree fragment' is simply clear at a glance.

Seong Jin-Woo stared at this piece of wood.

Then information about it surfaced.

[Material Item: World Tree Fragment]

Difficulty of getting started: ??


The remaining wood after planing off the polluted part of the "Vulcan body" made of world tree branches.The wood of the world tree has powerful magic power and is the material for making top-level magic props.

'Materials for top-level magic items?'

Although I am curious about what I can make, it is not enough to pursue.

But what is clear is that this is no ordinary material.

As long as you get close, you can immediately feel a strong breath.

'I don't know if this tree will come in handy. '

Seong Jin-Woo did not throw the World Tree fragments into the store, but put them in the warehouse.

Then proceed to confirm other items.

[Item: Earrings of the Devil King]

Difficulty of getting started: S

Type: Ornament

Strength +20, Stamina +20

When worn together with the Devil King's Necklace and Devil King's Ring, the set effect will be activated.

Set effect 1. (not triggered)

Set effect 2. (not triggered)

'Does this still have a set effect?'

The effect of removing the option is similar to the A-level guard's necklace', but the devil's monarch's earring' has an unspecified set effect.

Works well even without the suit.

Strength and stamina each plus [-].

'That is to say, every level up can increase the ability value by five points. '

If only the ability value is calculated, this is a point that can only be obtained by upgrading to eight levels.

【Whether to use the item: Earrings of the Devil King?】

'use.He put it on happily.

Earrings are also hidden like other items.

Looking at the items he put on, Cheng Jin-Woo smiled contentedly.

Is it the decoration series of the demon monarch?

'Other decorations should be available here too, right?'

Judging from the word "devil" in its name, it is easy to speculate that these are items from Castlevania.

What will be the effect?

Now I just got one and I'm already looking forward to it.

However, Seong Jin-Woo's smile didn't last long.

'This is......?'

[Item: Orb of Greed]

Access Difficulty: A

Type: magic props

A bead condensed with the blood of the high-ranking demon Vulcan.It can enhance the magic effect and cause more damage.

Effect "Desire to Destroy": Increase magic damage by 2 times.

Red beads the size of billiard balls.

Seong Jin-Woo picked up the 'Greedy Pearl'.

The ability value has not increased.

Although I checked the status window of the special skill library for magic professions, the number of shadows that can be extracted and the number of shadows that can be stored have not changed.

'Isn't that an item I can use?'

Cheng Jin-Woo tilted his head.

Can double the magical attack power.

The performance is truly amazing.

The props that can enhance magic are very expensive, and only a few magic hunters can use them.

But even among such high-priced props, I have never heard of an item with an increase of twice as high.

If there was such a thing, there would have been a lot of uproar because of the special report.

It is impossible not to know until now.

But this "bead of greed" item can actually increase magic damage by twice.

'What can that be used for? It's not of any use to me. '

Cheng Jin-Woo smacked his lips.

If it can only increase magic damage, it is useless to oneself.Because it has nothing to do with the amount of shadow extraction and storage.

Other skills are not magic at all.

It's better to give a prop to improve intelligence.

'tsk. '

Cheng Jin-Woo looked at the 'Greedy Pearl' with regretful eyes and lightly tossed it.At this time, the shadow soldiers who finished sorting came over one by one.

The fastest guy is Yegrit.

He held three in his left hand, three in his right hand, a total of six demon heads and placed them in front of Cheng Jin-Woo.


Cheng Jin-Woo looked at Yegrit who was kneeling on the ground, and scratched his head.

"Can you stop doing this?"

Of course, Yegrid, who bowed his head solemnly, did not make any answer.

"Once you do this..."

He turned his gaze to Ain.

Ai En didn't know when he cut off the head of Vulcan and dragged it over, and also knelt down.

"...it will follow you."

It wasn't even what it killed.

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