Cheng Jin-Woo helped her up.

"Why do you force yourself like this? Even if you want to join the guild, you don't have to go to this level." Cheng Jin-Woo asked puzzled.


Just a test.

And it was just a membership test in name, the original purpose was to make her give up.

But she was so obsessed with winning that she even used such a dangerous skill in the duel.

This cannot be described by the desire to win.

So... that's the only possibility.

"Could it be..."

In order not to hurt her mood, Cheng Jin-Woo asked cautiously.

"Are you interested in me?"


Cheng Jin-Woo was immediately puzzled by Cha Hae-In's shocked expression.

'Isn't this one too?'

However, after being frightened, Cha Hae-In seemed to think carefully for a while before she spoke again.

"...Yes, it seems so."


Headquarters of the M Country Hunter Administration.

After receiving the news of the failure of the people who brought in Hunter Jin-Woo, the head of the Hunter Management Bureau felt a little unhappy.

He called the deputy director into the office before reading the report.

The deputy director came in with Mrs. Sino.

"What exactly is going on."

It was the first time in the history of the Hunter Administration that the headhunting with Mrs. Sino would fail.

The deputy chief lowered his head sullenly.

"I have no face to see you."

"I didn't call you here for a sermon."

The director pressed the button on the table, and then the partition that descended from the wall completely isolated the room from the outside world.

The room is completely soundproofed.

In order to prevent the leakage of information, all matters related to Mrs. Sino are forbidden to be communicated by phone or email.

So the director still doesn't know what happened in country H.

"Quickly tell me what's going on."

The deputy director looked at Madam Sino's color.

She nodded slightly.

Then the deputy chief spoke.

"Madam Seno observed Hunter Seong Jin-Woo."

"So what happened?"

The director is very aware of her ability, so the so-called observation is related to the success or failure of the headhunter.

"Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo..."

The deputy chief licked his lips, dry from nervousness.

"One of the kings."


The chief suddenly stood up.

As far as he knows, there are only three hunters called "King" by Mrs. Sino.

And without exception, they are all people who can influence the world.

It is the pinnacle of the hunter!

And now there is another Cheng Jin-Woo among them.

"So it means that Cheng Jin-Woo also has the same strength as a national-level hunter?" The director asked Mrs. Sino.

But she shook her head.


The chief frowned.

The deputy director fully understands the director's current mood.

After all, I reacted the same way after hearing the same answer.

Madam Sino sighed.

"Looks like...needs an explanation."

She paused for a moment.

"I think both of you should be very aware of my ability."

The director and the deputy director nodded in unison.

The chief spoke first.

"You said that the awakened ones are all connected to the power over there, right?"

By looking into the eyes of the hunters, Mrs. Sino could feel the path connecting with the awakened ones.

And occasionally there will be awakened ones who shine brightly because the power over there is too strong.

These people are what she calls 'kings'.

"So what's different about Seong Jin-Woo?"

Recalling the memories of that time, Madam Sino trembled again.

"When I looked into his eyes, the darkness inside him looked at me. Oh, no. He is the darkness itself"

"But he has helped countless people. I don't think he is such an evil person..." the deputy director retorted impatiently.

If Hunter Seong Jin-Woo was very evil, then he would have killed those two subordinates who drew their guns on the spot.

But Hunter Seong Jin-Woo let them go without hesitation.

Madam Sino shook her head.

"I'm not saying that Hunter Cheng Jin-Woo is very evil, Deputy Director."

Madam Sino's eyes were very determined.

"I'm talking about the source of his power."

The director rested his hand on his chin and listened very carefully.

"But he is a powerful hunter, there should be no doubt about it?" He asked Madam Sino.

Madam Sino nodded.

"Hunter Seong Jin-Woo's power is not borrowed from somewhere. The power is not transmitted from that channel, and the power he uses himself is not restricted by the channel. That is to say..."

"There are no boundaries..."

The deputy director who was talking to himself suddenly trembled.

It is simply unimaginable how powerful the power without boundaries will be.

Listening to the words of the two men, the director fell into deep thought.After a while, he nodded as if he had decided on something.

"Mrs. Sino, you have worked hard."

After seeing Mrs. Sino off, the director and the deputy director came to the underground of the Hunter Management Bureau together.

"Boss, where is this going?"

"Nine floors underground."

"Isn't there a record keeping office?"

"Besides the files, there are some other things in there."

Looking at the gradually declining numbers in the elevator, the director continued.

"Even if you can't rely on Mrs. Sino's power, you have to use other powers to bring him back."



If Cheng Xiaoyu really possesses great power as Mrs. Sino said...then it doesn't matter whether the power belongs to light or darkness.

Even the knife raised to protect oneself is nothing but a murder weapon in the eyes of others.

Now, the director really wants to get this knife named Cheng Jin-Woo.

After the chief reached the ninth floor, he turned the doorknob and walked inside.

Several staff members on the road saluted him, but he ignored them and walked straight past.

"Remember the original S-class portal?"

"Of course I remember." The deputy director was a little puzzled by the superior's question.

How could it be possible to forget the out-of-control dungeon that almost turned the entire western part of country M into ruins?

In order to gather the strongest hunters in the world for rescue, Country M managed to capture the BOSS-level beast that escaped from the S-level portal after paying a huge price.

But only five survived.

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