More than a dozen top hunters were lost for this one Warcraft.

Without their sacrifice at that time, it is unknown whether country M can still exist now.

Therefore, country M gave these five hunters who saved themselves the same status as the country, and this is the origin of national hunters.

"Dragon Kamish..."

What the director said was the name of the monster that caused the greatest tragedy in history.

I vaguely remember what the magic hunters said 'Kamish is the spark that never goes out?

After entering the last room, the director opened the vault, and a rune stone under strict surveillance appeared in front of the two of them.

The deputy director was taken aback.

"Is this...?"

"Is that the one?"

The chief put his hand on the glass case covered with runes.

"This is the rune stone found in that Kamish's body." He said with a smile.

After successfully hunting Kamish, two state-level hunters have settled in country M.

In other words, those two hunters were a gift from Kamish to country M.

After that, in order to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, Country M established the Hunter Administration to strengthen the strength of the hunters.

Eight years have passed since then.

Among the five hunters who survived at the beginning, there was no magic hunter, so the rune stone of Kamish has been sleeping in the underground of the Hunter Management Bureau of Country M, waiting for the arrival of its owner.

Looking at the rune stone in the glass box, the chief smiled meaningfully.

"Kamish will once again bring a precious gift to this country."

Chapter 130 Six Min Shijun's Warning

"Brother, it is said that the dungeon that appeared is difficult for us to obtain permission."

After listening to his subordinates, Zhao Zhengshu, the president of the Knights Guild, lowered his face.


The elder brother's displeasure made Vice President Zheng Luntai hastily add an explanation.

"I heard that the measurement value of the dungeon measured by the association is a bit high."

"Is it an S-level dungeon?"

"No, it seems to have reached the maximum measurement value of A-level."

"Looks tricky."

If it is an S-level dungeon, they can simply give up.

Because there is no Knights of S-level hunters, it is impossible to successfully attack the S-level dungeon.

If you want to attack an S-level dungeon, you may have to summon all S-level hunters from all over the country just like the Qizhou Island incident.

However, if the dungeon's magic power measurement result is A-level, the situation is quite different.

As one of the five major guilds in country H, if even the A-level dungeon cannot be successfully captured, people's public opinion will become ugly.

Their position is tough enough, and if they don't get the dungeon's permission this time, it will be even more difficult for them.

"Brother, what should we do?"


"If we give up, this A-level dungeon will definitely be taken over by the Famous City Guild."

The famous city guild in the south of the lake.

Hearing the word 'famous city', Zhao Zhengshu said angrily.

"You mean to give up the dungeon that appeared in front of our guild to Ma Dongxu?"

"That's all I'm saying, brother."

"Even if my eyes got in the dirt, I would never allow that to happen."

"Brother, do you mean that we are going to raid this dungeon?"

Although furious, Zhao Zhengshu still kept his mouth shut.

This is also impossible.

Because his words will affect the lives of guild members.

No matter how angry he was, he couldn't just agree.

The A-level hunters of our guild are absolutely no worse than the A-level hunters of other large guilds.

Not only that, the A-level hunters of their guild, both in quantity and quality, are comparable to the number one hunter guild in H country.

It's a pity that the knights don't have S-rank hunters.

Just because there are no S-level hunters, their guild will soon face the situation of being expelled from the five major guilds.

If it is an ordinary A-level dungeon, the elite members of the trade union can completely attack it successfully.

However, if there is no S-level hunter in the highest-level A-level dungeon, he will not be able to guarantee the lives of the guild members.

Even if it is classified as an A-level dungeon, the difficulty of customs clearance is infinitely close to that of an S-level dungeon.

The Hunter Association is also hesitant to apply for them because of this consideration.


Seeing Zhao Zhengshu's hesitation, Zheng Luntai spoke again cautiously.

"Brother, if this dungeon turns into a red dungeon, then we will be dead."


The highest-level A-level dungeon is already strenuous enough, but what if it becomes a red dungeon?

Just imagining that situation is horrifying.

Even if we don't mention whether it will get out of control and turn into a red dungeon, the possibility of successfully attacking the highest-level A-level dungeon this time is only [-]% for the Knights.

That's still with luck.

If you are unlucky, all members, including yourself, may die.

'If they judge rationally, they must abandon this dungeon. '

But if the news of their guild abandoning the A-level dungeon spreads, the career of the knight order guild will come to an end.

Who would choose to join a guild that doesn't have S-level members and can't even raid A-level dungeons?

"Brother, why don't we enter in partnership with other guilds."

Zhao Zhengshu shook his head.

"The other party can definitely guess that we chose to cooperate with the other party because we couldn't attack and plunder. In this case, no guild will choose to cooperate with us."

Other guilds will definitely choose to attack the dungeon by themselves, because all the resources obtained in the dungeon belong to one guild, and there is no need to divide the resources into two.

Moreover, even if the other party agrees to cooperate, the problem still exists.

'This also proves that the opponent's guild, like us, cannot independently attack this A-level dungeon. '

Both of them had sad looks on their faces.

At this moment, a woman's voice came from the side.

"What if you don't choose a guild but choose to cooperate with an individual?"

The two turned their heads slightly in surprise.

The person who spoke was Zheng Yilin, the A-level therapist of the attacking team.

The voice of the therapist is very high.

If she is a therapist who can be responsible for the safety of teammates while also possessing other skills, then her value will be even higher.

However, this matter is ultimately related to the future fate of the guild, and Zhao Zhengshu cannot easily draw a conclusion.

"This time is the highest-level dungeon of A-level, what can a person's ability have..."

Immediately, Zhao Zhengshu stopped talking.


Suddenly he thought of someone.

A man who swept away S-rank monsters alone.

Zhao Zhengshu stood up excitedly.

'If it's Seong Jin-Woo!'

Seong Jin-Woo easily defeated the monster that all S-rank hunters were helpless.

If he is willing to join this raid, the chance of success will be [-]%.

Not only that, choosing to cooperate with Cheng Jin-Woo will not cause the stigma that the Knights need the assistance of other groups to pass the dungeon.

'The reputation of the guild will rise instead. '

The news of cooperating with the most powerful hunter is definitely beneficial to their guild.

The lives of the guild members and the guild's reputation.

This is an excellent way to kill two birds with one stone.

"What has Hunter Seong Jin-Woo been doing lately?" Jo Jung-seo asked excitedly.

Zheng Yilin and Zheng Luntai shook their heads at the same time.

"It is said that a dungeon that appeared on the road was solved some time ago, and there is no news after that."

Thinking of the latest news, Zheng Luntai took out his mobile phone.

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